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Ten highlights of the plenary session Communique read last anti-corruption pressure

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Ten highlights of the plenary session Communique read last anti-corruption pressure(三中全会公报十大亮点解读 将延续反腐高压态势)

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Top ten highlights of plenary session Communique read to continue anti-corruption reform _ highhanded | | plenary Bulletin | News

China News Agency, Beijing, November 12 questions: reform opens new round of plenary session Communique through the top ten highlights

China News Agency reporters open Ouyang Yu ACI cjcc

Closure of the 12th CPC 18 plenary, consideration by the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision. Curtain opened a new round of reform in China. Meso-plenary session Communique novelty enough that reporters preliminary sorting out ten highlights.

  --"By 2020 in the decisive results on reform in important fields and crucial links"

It was pointed out that, by 2020, the decisive results on reform in important fields and crucial links, form a system is complete, run effective system of scientific norms, and makes the system more mature more stereotypes. Professor of national school of administration, Ma Qingyu believes that this means body of this round of reform will have a clear responsibility and timing, will play the role of urging party committees and the Government.

  --"Promote the modernization of national governance systems and capacity to govern"

According to the communique disclosed, all clear comprehensive deepening overall reform objectives, improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, promote the modernization of national governance system and its governance capacity. Many experts on China News Agency reporters pointed out that reform goals for showing the increase in overall space expansion, reform efforts and the expansion of the depth of reform.

  --"The establishment of the National Security Council"

New Central leading group on the national security strategy appears. Meeting the establishment of the National Security Council in favour of national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security.

  --"The Central set up comprehensive reform leading group"

Central to set up comprehensive reform leading group, is responsible for the overall design, integrated and coordinated, holistic reform to promote, supervise the implementation. Experts believe that the "Sham Shui Po" reforms moving forward need authoritative, global and strategic leadership, and so reform issues in the leading group on the overall setting and coordination arrangements, grasp the direction and intensity of the reforms on the top.

  --"Speeding up the construction of fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system"

Building the rule of law in China, must deepen judicial reform. The Central series of initiatives will undoubtedly give a booster to judicial reform. It was noted that the prosecutorial power to ensure independent and impartial judicial power should be exercised according to law, sound judicial power operating mechanism, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. This is particularly noticeable.

  --"The market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources"

The communiqué, "closely around the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, deepening economic system reform", from "basic" to "decisive", showing the term improving effects. Plenary session pointed out that adhering to and perfecting the basic economic system, accelerate improve the modern market system, the macro-control system, open economic system, accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern, Quicken the construction of innovation-oriented country.

  --"The fundamental strategy of power into the system a cage"

Plenary session suggested that the supervisory power of the people, and for power to run in the Sun, is fundamental to the system of putting power in the cages-decisions. Strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation of mechanism and system protection, sound and improved style of normalized system. Visible, Central will extend anti-corruption highhanded, and soil to eliminate corruption.

  --"Formed a new urban-rural relationship of workers and peasants"

On "three agricultural problems", the bulletin also inking a lot. In view of the dual structure of urban and rural areas are the major obstacles to the integration of urban and rural development, the meeting noted, must improve the institutional mechanisms, forming industry promotes agriculture, urban areas, industry and agriculture for mutual benefit, in urban and rural areas of new urban-rural relationship of workers and peasants, for equal participation of peasants modernization process, to share results of modernization. To speed up the construction of new agricultural management system, giving people more rights of property.

  --"Establishing authority to act and adapt expenditure responsibility system"

Finances are the foundations and pillars of governance. The plenary, we must improve legislation, a clear, transparent budget authority, reform the taxation system, a stable tax burden and improve efficiency, establish a modern financial system, both central and local initiative. To improve the budget management system, improve the tax system, establish responsibilities and expenses system suitable for the responsibility.

  --"Sound natural resources asset property right system and use control systems"

"The construction of ecological civilization, systems must be established a complete system of ecological civilization, using the system to protect the ecological environment. "The plenary, to sound natural resources asset property right system and use control systems, delineation of ecological protection of the red line, introduction of the resources paid use system and ecological compensation system, reform of the management system of eco-environmental protection. (End text)

(Original title: new round of reform bulletin highlights ten opens plenary)

(Edit: SN069)November 12, 2013 China News Network(三中全会公报十大亮点解读 将延续反腐高压态势|三中全会|公报|改革_新闻资讯

  中新社北京11月12日电 题:新一轮改革大幕开启 三中全会公报透十大亮点

  中新社记者 欧阳开宇 蒋涛






















(原标题:新一轮改革大幕开启 三中全会公报透十大亮点)


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