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China’s largest rocket “March 5th“ launched with what responsibility?

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/3 8:21:47 Browse times: 100 Comment times: 0

China’s largest rocket “March 5th“ launched with what responsibility?(中国最大火箭“长征5号”发射,带着什么重任?)

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China's largest rocket "March 5th" launched with what responsibility?

According to the CCTV news, November 3, China's new generation of large launch vehicles-the long fifth in Wenchang, Hainan spaceport from Assembly and test facility was successfully completed to the launching Tower vertical transshipment. Now, the "rocket" flight has entered the countdown stage, preparations were already in place.

Long fifth core-level, which is the main part of the Middle up to 5 meters in diameter, larger than your average rocket body diameter 50%, physically strong, nicknamed the "big five". The launch mission is to examine the "fat five" design the correctness and reliability of the flight, as well as matches between the rocket and the launch site. As the rocket's "top priority", the "fat five" what does that mean?

Launch pad "March 5th"

  Excellent launch success rate of long March family history about 97%

From 1970, long first launch date, implemented a total of 237 launches China's long March series of launch vehicles, launch success rate as high as 97%. From the international point of view, from 1957 to 2015, the worldwide launch, more than 5,400 times average emission rate of 91.5%.

If you compared the long March series of launch vehicles to a large family, members of his family now has 17, advances achieved from room temperature to the cryogenic propulsion, from in-line to the bundle, from one single arrow more stars, capacity covered by high, medium and low orbits, to meet emission requirements for different loads.

  As the "five" why it's better than "brothers" became available later?

However, as the rocket engine technology and human space exploration, the world's major space powers have launched a new generation of large launch vehicles, such as the European Ariane 5 and the United States of the Delta 4 and Atlas 5. China's existing long March family original members in the face of future manned space stations, Lunar and fire works and a series of major aerospace engineering tasks, the flesh is weak. Long March family urgently needs new one "big" members carry the burden.

Even if it is not the first 20-year development period, just after the creation of Li "arrow", the "fat five" spent more than 10 years. Supposed members of the new generation, the "big brother" and "fat five" were the first to start developing, than long sixth and the long seventh but these "brothers", later "married", signifying its difficulty, risk of high.

  The "fat five" what is innovation?

Along the way the road will not be smooth, tough and "fat five" is greater than current rockets carrying capacity increased by 2.5 times more than double, but also with other family members to share their research and innovation results in the process.

"A new generation of launch vehicles as a combination series, and modular design, from the highest levels of the State plans the overall development of China's launch vehicles, General technical requirements for using as much as possible, reducing development costs. "The Chief Designer of the long fifth, Li said.

Like, "fat five" with to of thrust big, and than spike of 120 tons liquid oxygen kerosene engine, had was foreign experts think "(China) can design out, also impossible manufacturing out", now has became China new rocket all different configuration rocket total with of based power plant, in zhiqian March sixth,, and March seventh, rocket flew task in the, are has had excellent performance. For example, the "fat five" Advanced "new" on test mode and also took the lead in three dimensional digital design has been successfully used on the long seventh.

Not only that, the long fifth also contributed to China's new generation of carrier rocket base and Wenchang in Hainan spaceport facilities construction, promote scientific and technological progress in China-related technology, has laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China's space launch vehicle technology.

"The development not only of the long fifth marks the upgrading of long March series of rockets, and led the entire development platform and industry updates on the construction of China's new generation of nontoxic, pollution-free carrier rockets of the spectrum play traction and radiation, of China's carrier rocket technology represents a major step forward as a whole. "Said Yang Baohua, Deputy General Manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

More valuable is that experience as a major project for next-generation launch vehicle, youngest of five development teams as representatives of a new generation of aerospace personnel also grew up. This is China's largest asset.

  The "fat five" is the basis and prerequisite for a large number of future space missions

Turn over a table of China's space industry is more than 10 years of planning, the rhythm more intense-

In 2017, "day boat first" cargo spacecraft launch;

Around 2017, the goddess of the Moon, fifth lunar return flight;

Expected in 2018, Chang fourth will achieve at the far side of the Moon fell month probe and, if successful, China will become the first country to reach the far side of the Moon;

Around 2018, the pilot the launch space station core module;

In 2020, the start the Mars exploration;

In 2020, China's first Mars probe and "Rover" Wenchang in Hainan by the long fifth launch vehicle after launch, to fire directly into the transfer orbit. Published Mars probe and "Rover" design configurations. Source: vision China.

By around 2020, China will build its own independent space station;

By 2020, built for new generation launch vehicle system, complete the development of the long eighth and achieved its first flight, breaking the key technology of heavy launch vehicle engineering;

And by 2020, compass global navigation satellite system will be built, providing global coverage of the high precision and reliable positioning, navigation and timing services;

2024 retired at the international space station, China could be the world's only country with space station;

Around 2025, becoming a space power, China;

Expected before and after 2027-2030, the rocket achieved its maiden flight ... ...

Some of these objectives by the "fat five" direct execution of missions, some of which are in the new generation of carrier rocket driven by all linked together. Enough to see, long fifth China spaceflight in the future a large number of major science and technology projects and tasks of the Foundation and premise.

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-11-03 16:30:47
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中国最大火箭“长征5号”发射 带着什么重任?







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(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-11-03 16:30:47

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