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Xining, a Museum for sanitation workers at half the noodles, Bowl

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/2 9:14:42 Browse times: 53 Comment times: 0

Xining, a Museum for sanitation workers at half the noodles, Bowl(西宁一面馆为环卫工提供半价拉面,已达万碗)

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Side Museum for sanitation workers at half the noodles, Xining has reached Bowl (PIC) | | | ramen noodles for half price _ sanitation workers news
Sanitation workers are eating noodles for the figure. Zhang Haiwen photography
Figure to the sanitation workers are ordering. Zhang Haiwen photography

CNS, Xining, November 1 (reporter Zhang Haiwen)-"such a cold day, eating a bowl of hot noodles, and stomach sick mind", 1st master Yan Shiwang sanitation workers finished the last piece in the bowl, speaking with reporters.

Located in sea Lake District, Xining, Po Fung next to the community of OASIS, a pickled vegetable beef noodle shop in front of striking says "free plus free three forts sanitation workers at half the words". 1st Beijing, journalists walked into the shop, had garbage inside dining.

Chef Yan Shiwang sanitation workers told reporters that he was responsible for the noodle shop next door to street cleaning, as far away from home, most would choose to dine here at noon. And he knows the Ramen here at half price and also for other sanitation workers told him. This "word of mouth", many sanitation workers would come here. Yan Shiwang said: "the family lives far away, not sanitation workers to go home at noon will come here for dinner. ”

Reporter chat with Yan Shiwang gap, many sanitation workers or go alone to the face shop meal and the waiter also ask this question "to a fine was the second of nine leaves? ”。 Yan Shiwang told reporters that on rainy days when sanitation workers come here more.

Figure for sanitation workers were eating together chatting. Zhang Haiwen photography

The face shop's manager Chen Baosheng, told reporters that noodle shop since its opening in March this year to provide sanitation workers at half the noodles, nearly fifty or sixty sanitation workers every day to eat here. Reporter rough estimate, according to the number of meals per day, this shop has been opened to provide sanitation workers at half the noodles.

Chen Baosheng said, "is that sanitation workers work hard, want them to eat hot food, but didn't think too much."

According to the reporter, which opened four stores had 3 years to provide sanitation workers at half the noodles. "Has stood up for three or four years, and will do in future. "The shop owner Wan Mingxing said. (End)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Sanitation workers at half the noodles

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China News Network
西宁一面馆为环卫工提供半价拉面 已达万碗(图)|环卫工人|半价|拉面_新闻资讯
图为正在吃面的环卫工人。 张海雯 摄
图为环卫工人正在点餐。 张海雯 摄

  中新网西宁11月1日电 (张海雯)“这么冷的天,能吃上一碗热乎乎的拉面,胃里舒服心里舒坦”,1日,环卫工师傅严世旺吃完碗中的最后一口面,跟记者说到。

  在位于西宁市海湖新区宝丰绿洲小区旁的一家酸菜牛肉面馆门前,醒目的写着“免费加面 免费三炮台 环卫工半价”的字样。中新网记者1日走进这家面店时,已经有环卫工在里面用餐。



图为环卫工人们在一起吃饭闲聊。 张海雯 摄




责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

环卫工人 半价 拉面


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