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Legislative caucus visited mausoleum, arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/11/1 8:20:52 Browse times: 79 Comment times: 0

Legislative caucus visited mausoleum, arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon(洪秀柱拜谒中山陵,昨天下午抵达北京)

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Hung Hsiu-visit the Sun Yat-Sen arrived in Beijing yesterday afternoon

Yesterday afternoon, the legislative caucus delegation arrived in Beijing. Talmadge

Beijing times yesterday afternoon, Chairman of the KMT legislative caucus delegation of the Chinese Kuomintang, starting from Nanjing, 4:36 P.M. arrived at the Beijing Capital International Airport, continuing China visit. That morning, and legislative caucus delegation visited Nanjing Zhongshan mausoleum.

Yesterday morning, Hung Hsiu-led KMT delegation arrived in Nanjing Zhongshan mausoleum visit, to pay tribute to Sun Yat-Sen. Legislative caucus fully affirmed the great achievements of Dr Sun Yat-Sen. She said that in Sun Yat-Sen under the spiritual inspiration, the two sides will go hand in hand, to national rejuvenation and the people's livelihood and prosperity, promoting peaceful development, create visions of the future. Legislative caucus in the mausoleum and the love square statement said, cross-strait peace development hand in hand, a common wish, will be completed.

That afternoon, the legislative caucus delegation arrived at the Beijing Capital International Airport, continue to visit. Legislative caucus said, Beijing's weather is a little cool, but heat as well. In accordance with established practice, KMT leaders will meet in Beijing. During the visit, the legislative caucus will also visit young entrepreneurial base, and with Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwan students in Beijing talks, then the 2nd, 3rd, "cross-strait peaceful development forum" section of topics to be discussed.

After the trip was Hung Hsiu-became Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, led a delegation to visit the Mainland for the first time. She will visit as a "journey of peace" and stressed that cross-strait civil exchanges cannot be interrupted. KMT spokesman also said Hung Hsiu-the City line, is to maintain official channels of communication between the two sides, ensure that the two sides can continue political peace and economic development, and this is the "cross-strait peaceful development forum" is the most important goal.

Earlier, the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman An Fengshan said at a regular press conference, in the current situation of cross-strait relations, KMT leaders continue to maintain high-level interactions from both parties, consolidate the political Foundation, to the maintenance of peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the Taiwan Strait peace and stability, safeguard the interests of compatriots on well-being is of great positive significance. Comprehensive CCTV Zhong Xin

(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-11-01 03:01:46
洪秀柱拜谒中山陵 昨天下午抵达北京


  京华时报讯 昨天下午,中国国民党主席洪秀柱率中国国民党大陆访问团,从南京出发,下午4点36分抵达北京首都机场,继续大陆参访行程。当天上午,洪秀柱率团拜谒了南京中山陵。




  此前,国台办发言人安峰山在例行记者会上表示,在当前两岸关系形势下,国共两党领导人会面,继续保持两党高层互动,巩固共同政治基础,对维护两岸关系和平发展与台海和平稳定、维护两岸同胞利益福祉具有重大积极意义。 综合央视钟欣

(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-11-01 03:01:46

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