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Foreign media comment on Philippine fishing returns Scarborough: China, United States failure

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Foreign media comment on Philippine fishing returns Scarborough: China, United States failure(外媒评菲律宾渔船返回黄岩岛:中国成功,美国失败)

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Foreign media comment on Philippine fishing returns Scarborough: China United States fail | Scarborough | sea _ news

According to several media reports in the Philippines, recently, the Philippine fishing vessels to fishing on huangyan Island, was not affected by Chinese maritime police to stop. On October 31, the Chinese Foreign Ministry at a regular press conference, a reporter on this question, Hua Chunying, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman responded by saying that duteerte's visit to China, President of the Philippines, and overall improvement in relations between China and the Philippines, and China based on the friendship of China and the Philippines make the proper arrangements.

In this regard, CNN comment October 31 local time, President Philippines duteerte seems to have been China's huangyan Island concessions, which marks the United States foreign policy failures.

CNN said last week that all this happened, China abruptly eased for Scarborough 4 years of blockade and allow Filipino fishermen access to waters near huangyan island.

If the situation continues to develop, it will mark the duteerte Pro-dredging victory of American policy.

Through "flatter" (cozying up to) China, as well as insult to United States, duteerte from China, he in the United States could not get something, that is through the peaceful settlement of the huangyan island.

This is a great achievement.

Starting in 2012, by deploying additional Coast Guard, China (China Maritime Police Bureau), the expulsion of Philippine Navy occupied the huangyan island.

United States was involved in controversy with the Chinese on the unmanned reef. However, Washington has not indicated, and the Philippines sign Mutual Defense Treaty can lead to United States military operations.

So, China perceived United States lack ways to solve this problem.

So when United States coordination between China and the Philippines to withdraw all vessels, China is in breach of contract. China still maintained its blockade, its coast guard water cannon attack ships near the Philippines.

Over the next 4 years, Washington has failed to develop an effective defense strategy to expel Chinese vessels near the Ford.

  Washington's failed strategy

United States military threat on the huangyan Island, although there is the possibility exists, but this now looks implausible. Because the United States is facing a dilemma--Washington's inability to withdraw military bases set up by Beijing in the South China Sea.

In contrast, duteerte it seemed to alienate us-Philippine relations.

His example and United States "separate ways", and rebuilt the old China in good, as well as an "independent" foreign policy, such as the explosion of comments, completely in line with the Chinese Government wants to claim.

He quickly involved with China on bilateral talks on the issue of huangyan island waters, but also on the core requirements of the Philippines to China.

While the Chinese side will loosen the huangyan island sea blockade as duteerte continue to attack United States feedback.

At present, it is not clear how many duteerte have to do concessions, but for most Filipinos, this is a great piece of good news.

  China's major diplomatic success

Beijing has succeeded in implementing its foreign policy.

Won the favor of the Philippines, also by stopping its illegal activities, wedge in the US-Philippine relations.

More noteworthy is that while it did not make many concessions.

Beijing has given up ownership of the huangyan Island, Chinese fishermen have not been expelled from the huangyan island. China did not even withdraw its coast guard, although the coast guard no longer use force to expel Philippine ships, but they are still in the shallows near the patrol.

In fact, and fishermen share waters, China quietly bringing themselves into line with provisions of the arbitral tribunal on July 12 in the South China Sea issue, although it still does not recognize the results of its determination.

However, China is giving a certain aspects of the compromise.

Huangyan island waters reopened for Philippine fishing boats, which made Chinese excavator to reclaim the soil becomes very difficult.

If you really do, China will cut its own efforts to bring about political reconciliation and the Philippines.

Accordingly, the discussion on rumors Beijing was ready to be built military airstrips and equip large missile plan can cover the Philippines capital of Manila, were also stranded.

Meanwhile, Chinese coercion by force to the Philippines is being weakened accordingly.

Although China still can easily restore the blockade, but which will undoubtedly undermine its political aims.

Which proves that China is serious about real compromise, to promote relations between the Philippines and.

  What hurts the United States

This behavior of United States was mixed.

Fisheries agreement between China and the Philippines, does not damage United States that adhere to the bottom line for the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with international law.

Philippines President duteerte on Philippine sovereignty over huangyan island has made compromise-although under Philippine law is enough to impeach the President acts-but any relaxing blockade behavior in China, is a positive development.

Duteerte victory, in fact, is likely to resolve a United States problem is.

Over the last few months, huangyan island has continued to be China and United States policy implementation will of key tests. In this stage, the United States arranged a lot of military equipment in the Philippines to curb China's huangyan Island process of militarization.

Although United States sluggish performance and the rapid warming of relations between China and the Philippines, China is likely to once again in response to United States ' bluff. However, the United States is undoubtedly good news, because it will delay China's militarization.

United States President Barack Obama

  United States hesitate to China

Even so, the United States had suffered some losses in geopolitics.

The concession on China's huangyan Island, is likely to promote the warming of relations between China and the Philippines.

Although, in one survey, relative to China (54%) most of the Filipinos prefer United States (92%), but the data is likely to reverse because of China's compromise.

And this trend will reduce some of the general concerns arising from duteerte close in China.

But that does not mean he will be United States army expelled from the Philippines. If, however, and increasingly close cooperation between China, ties between the United States and the Philippines will become more vulnerable, and may in the United States the strategic value of an important ally in Southeast Asia.

Solved by duteerte Scarborough impasse lasted 4 years, marking the United States on the issue of the South China Sea policy failure: Washington is due to fear of military disputes of tough response, which leads to its partners in a beleaguered State and gradually bring it to China.

Even more dangerous is that other countries will follow in the Philippines: became detached from United States, agreements will be reached with China, thereby undermining order in this region. If this becomes a reality, then the United States will be the status of the real weakened.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Huangyan island in the South China Sea

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外媒评菲律宾渔船返回黄岩岛:中国成功 美国失败|黄岩岛|南海_新闻资讯

  据多家菲律宾媒体报道,近日,菲渔船去黄岩岛捕鱼时,已经不受中方海警拦截。在10月31日举行的中国外交部例行记者会上,有记者就这 一情况提问,中国外交部发言人华春莹回应称,因菲律宾总统杜特尔特访华,中国和菲律宾关系得到全面改善,中方基于中国和菲律宾友好情谊做出了妥善安排。




  通过“巴结”(cozying up to)中国以及侮辱美国,杜特尔特从中国获得了,他在美国无法获得的东西,那就是通过和平的方法解决黄岩岛问题。











































责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

黄岩岛 南海


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