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University response: eat standing students: 40,000 square meters will be built dashitang

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/27 6:11:50 Browse times: 112 Comment times: 0

University response: eat standing students: 40,000 square meters will be built dashitang(北大回应:学生站着吃饭:将建4万平米大食堂)

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University response: eat standing students: 40,000 square meters will be built dashitang

NET exposure North cafeteria crowded students to eat standing up, students said just to save time

The Beijing News (reporter Zeng Jinqiu Lu Tong) on October 24, a Netizen in the Twitter pictures saying, cafeteria dining crowd, students eat standing at Peking University and so on. Visits Beijing News reporter then found, North yan Nan dining during peak periods, this phenomenon does exist. In this regard, reply dining Center of Peking University, said plans to build nearly 40,000 square meters of dashitang, improving students ' dining.

According to released information shows that North dining time was so crowded that many students often eat standing. According to the picture show, dining room almost full House, standing in the corridors, staircases and halls were full of people carrying food, some are looking for seats, some small groups stood eating.

At noon on October 26, reporters saw yannan cafeteria in Beijing University, almost no vacant table on the second floor, many student's meal tray stands on the first floor. Dining outside the side of the road, with dishes and several foreign students sitting on the ground. In a corridor near the cafeteria, the students with dishes, each around.

One student said, chose to eat standing was because the table cannot be found, did not want to waste time on such positions. Another student said, more commonly eat standing in yannan canteen, library and a nearby classroom building, a school is crowded, "tastes of the cafeteria, so I usually avoid rush hour. "The student said, only two dining room opening to the North, namely the garden cafeteria and garden dining room, so there is no outside people dining.

Reporters found that lunch time traffic will be significantly higher in the canteen, the seats full.

For students crowding problems, Jiang Langlang, Minister of the propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Beijing University told the Beijing News reporter, school at Peking University has no forum reply on this issue. Yanyuan in ZZ from Forum Board, signed "dining Center of Peking University," post said, congestion occurred mainly in the "teaching area of Yan Nan cuisine, is located in the center of the cafeteria, class during peak periods there is a period of concentrated congestion." In order to resolve to improve the situation, "the school plans to build nearly 40,000 square meters dashitang, demolition has been completed so far, will start in the end of. ”

(Editors: xiaowugang UN845)
2016-10-27 05:25:14
The Beijing News




  新京报讯 (记者曾金秋 卢通)10月24日,有网友在微博发布图片称,北京大学食堂存在就餐拥挤、学生站着吃饭等现象。新京报记者随后实地探访发现,在北大燕南食堂就餐高峰期间,确实存在此现象。对此,北京大学餐饮中心回复称,正计划修建近4万平方米的大食堂,改善学生就餐环境。






(责任编辑:肖武岗 UN845)
2016-10-27 05:25:14

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