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The reality: what special forces could be built over more than 340 major defence projects

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/26 3:58:30 Browse times: 50 Comment times: 0

The reality: what special forces could be built over more than 340 major defence projects(揭秘:什么样的特种兵能建成340余项大型国防工程)

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The reality: what special forces could be built over more than 340 major defence projects

PLA daily, October 26, June 25, 2016, at 20 o'clock, a new generation of Chinese "long March seventh" rocket soaring, flying from Hainan Wenchang space launch site, coconut palms swaying to the vast space.

A group of soldiers dressed in camouflage uniforms especially exciting: after 8 years of struggle, China's new generation of space launch site in the sweat of their rise from blueprint to reality, withstood the actual test.

China's space industry hard and brilliant every time span, there is silence a solid back-a special project to construct Corps soldiers and officers.

This corps undertakes the construction of the satellites, spacecraft and other space vehicle launch position task. From China's first satellite "dongfanghong" shooting to manned spaceflight launch site, "Goddess" Lunar Orbiter launch Tower, they use hands to build a steel "ladder" hold up China flying path; from the first nuclear test explosion in China Tower to the top 2 meters of supersonic wind tunnel in the world, they have completed more than more than 340 large defence construction tasks.

That year in the Sichuan Liangshan, receiving Corps task construct a space launching port. Install team over more than 900 officers and soldiers dug shipped more than 270,000 cubic meters of earthwork, pouring more than 25,000 cubic metres of concrete, installing more than 5,000 tons of steel structures, drive vehicles travel more than 1.53 million square kilometers, finished ahead of this remarkable project.

July 16, 1990, at 9 o'clock, "long bundle of" rocket whistled launch towers stand. Shortly after the launch site the overall project by the national construction industry's highest honors "Luban Prize".

All kinds of rain, snow and lightning ... ... Stepping over the divine land map of officers and soldiers of the Corps was always proud to say: "to rocket whistled launch, we already used a special Corps of life! ”

"Habit" meaning what? Means that no matter when and where, they received the order to start Pack, and families often don't know where they are going; meaning regardless of the Gobi desert, Lin Hai Xue Yuan, also is the mountain swamp, is where they camped; meant to face the difficulty, in the face of limits, even when faced with death in the face, they all move forward, never back down!

Build a project calendar how many hardships. In ground temperature more than 60 more degrees Celsius of Gobi desert, construction soldiers heatstroke fainted in scaffolding Shang; in Gobi deep, wind masterpiece, dust, blocks, tent was blow go, color plate built of roof was Gale twist into "twist", soldiers are Pack finished construction site, continues to fighting; in Hainan launch site construction line, first batch to survey of engineers in jungle in the stuck into can moments swallowed life of quagmire swamp, mutual helped with break out continues to forward; in minus more than 40 more degrees Celsius of North border, snow seal road, Shipped materials Wo truck got stuck in the snow, soldiers jacked up trucks, several times, and through the snow line, bring much-needed materials to the construction site in time ... ...

The Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center: overlooking the manned space launch site martyrs. China Visual

People forget, martyrs at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, the first here martyrs is one of the Corps of engineers, no name on the tombstone. In 1958, he with troops first entered the Gobi to participate in construction, gave their precious lives, stay in the battlefield.

In an interview, reporters heard a lot of stories in his father's footsteps, their feelings of warmth and determination of home State, touched the hearts of journalists. They are as young as his father many years ago, in this age of diversified choice, individuality, but the youth are combined into building defence works in the service of the Republic of.

Engineer Zhang Zonglan, the 90 's of the last century graduated from Job Corps, participating in construction of the Gobi desert, Gobi desert at that time was known as the "three golden flowers". Her father, 60 of the last century was construction of a road in the desert wasteland. In 2009, when Zhang Zonglan to when the task again to the Gobi desert, the father told his daughter on the phone, there is the place where he once fought, let his daughter be sure to check out her own road are still in there ... ...

Hou Yongxiang was built nuclear blast Tower Premier Zhou Enlai personally granted one of the 33 workers, his son Hou Huaiyi to become an engineer in the army. In 1989, father and son participated in the Xichang satellite launch Center, construction of the second tower. In 2009, Hainan Wenchang space launch site construction, Hou Huaiyi went to Hainan in contention.

Cai Zhenxiang 60 involved in construction in Jiuquan launch sites of the last century, his two sons Cai Yibing, Cai Yinong also inherited his father's business. Also in Jiuquan, Cai Yinong participated in the construction of manned space launch sites, take the same mission with two generations of dreams with a strong army, and joined in the longitude coordinates of time and space.

As the Corps leader said: "the installed Warrior generation after generation, wave upon wave, uncomplaining, with a cavity blood to serve the motherland, in their youth, sweat and even cast an eternal monument to life! ”

(Editors: Dou Yuan UN833)
2016-10-26 18:06:02










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(责任编辑:窦远行 UN833)
2016-10-26 18:06:02

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