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Netizens call for participation couplets expressing new year wishes

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/3 8:15:02 Browse times: 258 Comment times: 0

Netizens call for participation couplets expressing new year wishes(各地网友踊跃参与春联征集表达新春美好祝愿)

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Netizens call for participation couplets expressing new year good wishes | user | couplets | collection _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, January 31-other Spring Festival couplet, prosperous new year. Writing Spring Festival couplets, stickers of the Spring Festival couplets, Chinese traditions and customs, is also important to people to express new year's wishes. XI General Secretary recently in and party people total welcome spring Shi, will "horse expels Yang verve, cold MUI proud snow see spirit" and "stood Yang bristle, horse dance Dongfeng, pursuit dream; bucket cold proud snow, red MUI opened Earth, achieved revival" two Deputy couplet gave everyone, in social from all walks of caused has warm response, also inspired has general netizens wrote couplets, and pass beauty of enthusiasm.

In national Internet Information Office Guide Xia, Beijing, and Zhejiang, and Anhui, and Shandong, and Liaoning, and Xinjiang, and Hainan, and Hubei, to over website has launched horse couplets collection activities, netizens through sent SMS, and video and participation forum and micro-Bo interactive, way, submitted themselves of creation works, passed on national, and social, and family and family and friends of better blessing, expression built dream Chase dream dreams of vision look forward to, in online condensed up has warm of are energy.

"Horse" is the common theme of couplets this year. "Horseshoe spring Kyushu Tim smart, Wan Li, prosperity Gospel", "spring Mayaw horse race horse plus horsepower, driving vibration Dragon day dragon Dragon karate", "white silver makeup, snake and bid farewell to the outgoing year sky snow great aspiration and great, and wild horses wind hiss China." In Shandong, China network collection's Spring Festival couplets, many users with images of horses is entrusted with the cause of the party and the country's speed, accelerating growth aspirations.

China Fortune dreaming, well while Dongfeng horse whip. The arrival of the horse also lit the majority of Internet users to realize China's dream of a new look. "Horse Pentium Wanli jiangshan future stitch, languishing China millions of Chinese dream", "leading horses Fu Ma Yingchun, begins a new beginning dream China", "journey of horse, step by step solid dream-by-; snow plum, little smile sweet" ... ... Although everything short, accurate and authentic out of the common aspiration and firm belief in the majority of Internet users.

Zhong an online recruitment platform, netizens family harmony for prosperity and the well-being of the people of the motherland and all the good wishes written in couplets. Whether Netizen's couplet in Shanxi province "article is satisfied, hammer rush steeds" are friends of Anhui "Wanli Tsing Fung Shue pictures, like a steed fen's future" and Hunan netizens "prancing horse by spring they whipped dream, the chicken dance to bring top gun", all poured real feeling, reflects the strength of spirit, read was riding high.

Except for the majority of users soliciting outside the original new year's scrolls, some couplets and calligraphic art to combine, organize a variety of tournaments and masters of calligraphy appreciation activities. Angolan online with the Anhui provincial calligraphers ' Association jointly launched the "my writing Spring Festival couplets for the motherland" campaign invites the provincial masters of calligraphy writing Spring Festival couplets for the majority of netizens, send greeting. "Spring sun warm flowers, horse Pentium Fairview drive", "putting his finger in the Spring Festival, Fuk horse in my mind", "the Avenue they whipped the Gallop horse, high tiankuo exhibit great talent", these beautiful statements, nonverbal, thanks, added to traditional holiday full of cultural atmosphere.

Zhejiang Online's "couplets of--2014 province's couplets to send blessings" online interactive activity on January 27 in Hangzhou started, renowned calligrapher brush ink at the launching ceremony scene writing Spring Festival couplets, many at the scene of young students to copy works of calligraphy, thanks. Activities with greetings, holidays, clean fresh air of civilization as its theme, encouraging users to use "Twitter Sun couplets", "video chanting couplets" and "SMS transfer couplets", including works of writing and spreading couplets, active network culture in Spring Festival, and create a happy and peaceful festive atmosphere.

Earlier, the State Library, the society of Chinese couplet written on scrolls of cntv co-sponsored "2014 horse Spring Festival couplets solicitation" also got a big response on the Internet. Just 9 days enrolled a total of nearly 120,000 pairs of couplets, including the online original. Which, "day warm Kyushu spring Yamaha, tide flat on both sides of dream return hung", and "Kyushu Chase dream Chiaki Fu, million horse fen hoof way Spring", and "treatment haze treatment fog universe lang, Suh rot anti-corruption sajik Ann", and "bright sword except magic, are people are himself are energy; they whipped rode, good dream good spring good sign", a works stand out, was assessment "100 Deputy horse original excellent couplets". Meng Fanjin, President of society of Chinese couplet written on scrolls in an interview said that the couplets of solicitation is the biggest characteristic of "ground" and enlisted Association national events of social life, very modern style and lifestyle. 86-year-old master of contemporary Chinese art, calligraphy, we ouyangzhongshi specifically for competition wrote couplets "spring and Prime beauty today, Li shengping weather new."

A Vice is booming and ingenious couplets, filled with spring scent, filled with good wishes. Call for major website platforms, many netizens for excellent couplets of praise and spread through various social networking platforms to share. Some netizens said couplets such traditional expressions, in the new media age has found new vigor and vitality, promote an effective carrier for Chinese new year culture, dissemination of Internet culture, reflects the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

(Edit: SN091)

January 31, 2014 The website



  新华网北京1月31日电 欢欢喜喜贴春联,红红火火过大年。新春佳节写春联、贴春联,是中华民族的传统习俗,也是老百姓表达新年祝愿的重要方式。习近平总书记日前在与党外人士共迎新春时,将“骏马追风扬气魄,寒梅傲雪见精神”和“昂首扬鬃,骏马舞东风,追求梦想;斗寒傲雪,红梅开大地,实现复兴”两副对联送给大家,在社会各界引起了热烈反响,也激发了广大网友写春联、传佳句的热情。













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