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Chinese crew members on hijacked by Somali pirates experience: eat rats to survive

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/25 8:01:52 Browse times: 153 Comment times: 0

Chinese crew members on hijacked by Somali pirates experience: eat rats to survive(中国船员谈遭索马里海盗劫持经历:靠吃老鼠活下来)

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Chinese crew members on hijacked by Somali pirates experience: eat rats to survive _ | | | crew hijacked by Somali pirates news
Rescue crews

The China daily, October 24 in March 2012, Oman National Taiwan fishing vessel "Naham 3" were hijacked by Somali pirates, with 29 crew on board. According to the United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on October 22, the 26 surviving crew member was released from prison after nearly 5 years. One survivor told the BBC, they survived partly by eating rats.

In 2012, "Naham 3" fishing vessels in the waters south of the Seychelles was hijacked by pirates, 10 of the 29 crew to mainland Chinese, 2 Taiwan compatriots, also from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Viet Nam, Cambodia, 17. Pirates held the crew and eventually bring them to Somalia. Meanwhile, includes 1 our compatriots on the Mainland, 1 Taiwan compatriots, 3 crew died.

Barbeiro Philippine crew members was one of the survivors. When asked how the pirates treated them, Barbeiro replied: "they just give us a little bit of water, we eat Rat meat. Yes, we cooked mouse in the forest. We eat ... ... No water, no food, no medicine. ”

He also spoke of being rescued and to adapt to life's. Marciano Silva barbeiro said: "I don't know what the outside world is like now, and begin again the life is very difficult. ”

In 2014, the pirates in the negotiations in order to prove the hostages still alive, videotaped survivor video clips.

Video shows a crew looking thin and Haggard, was surrounded by masked gunmen. A Chinese Taiwan crew members were Taiwan media identified, he was Chief Engineer of the hijacked fishing boat. The engineer said in a video: "pirates will not give you medicine, they say there is no money to buy medicine. This is the reason why 2 young people will die. ”

Source: China daily

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Somali pirates hijacked crew

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Sichuan online-huaxi City newspaper

  中国日报网10月24日电2012年3月,阿曼籍台湾渔船“Naham 3”遭索马里海盗劫持,当时船上有29名船员。据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,10月22日,26名幸存船员在被囚近5年后获释。一幸存者告诉BBC,他们能活下来部分是靠吃老鼠肉。

  2012 年,“Naham 3”渔船在塞舌尔以南海域遭海盗劫持,29名船员中有10名大陆同胞、2名台湾同胞,还有来自菲律宾、印度尼西亚、越南、柬埔寨的17人。海盗扣押了船 员,并最终把他们带到了索马里。其间,包括1名大陆同胞、1名台湾同胞在内的3名船员不幸身亡。







索马里海盗 船员 劫持


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