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A Deputy Chief of the public prosecutor’s Office in Nanchang, Jiangxi has hundreds of homes, has been suspended under investigation

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/25 8:01:50 Browse times: 57 Comment times: 0

A Deputy Chief of the public prosecutor’s Office in Nanchang, Jiangxi has hundreds of homes, has been suspended under investigation(江西南昌一检察院副科长拥有上百套住房,已被停职接受调查)

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A Deputy Chief of the public prosecutor's Office in Nanchang, Jiangxi has hundreds of homes have been suspended under investigation | property | Nanchang _ news
Xu Linbao resumes

Xu Lin, part of the network properties, the initial check is true. Network screenshot

Recently, netizens posted fact, Nanchang city, Jiangxi province, high-tech crime section chief Xu Linbao District Prosecutor's Office and their family name on the property up to more than 380 sets, along with some real estate for more information.

24th South from Nanchang District Public Prosecutor's Office was informed by the political, the hospital has suspended the investigation. South reporter investigation and verification of which 83 are true, claims to be Xu Linbao nephew, Chen said more than more than 100 houses are there, are purchased before 20 13, depends on real estate loans, the purchase financed by Xu Linbao leave business with his wife that year Mao Faying business income for many years.


  Worth hundreds of millions owed money

September 30, entitled the Nanchang high-tech Attorney Xu Linbao reportedly has more than 380 suites worth hundreds of millions of posts of widely circulated on the Internet. Internet post says 2014 Xu Linbao Lung Yeuk Tau, and son-in-law to do business and the guise of joint development projects, said Xu Linbao is a procurator, and lots of real estate as collateral to guarantee repayment, with the Lung Yeuk Tau and Jiangxi lung Yiu decoration limited company as a borrowing, borrowing billions to several people, and borrowed money transfers to Yang Lin in Jiangxi province on account of the investment development limited.

Network post said, part borrowing people recovered funds hopeless Hou, someone on Xu Linbao, and Lung Yeuk Tau Wu II people for has track and survey, and found Xu Linbao as a Attorney of Deputy section cadres, he I and the only name property up more than 380 more sets, which has handle property of has more than 180 more sets, Xu himself live of is more than 200 more square meters of Mansion villa, name also has more car Howe car. Internet post "the insider," said Xu Linbao has had two marriages and has one daughter with his first wife, and his second wife (Mao Faying, did not get a marriage license) and has four children.

South reporter noted that the above real estate focus, honggutan, Nanchang City District, houses, villas, apartments, shops, sea incense Royale district 60, meeting Long Ming Seattle International City Hall community room 32, Windsor community room, 22.

  Work unit:

  Had investigated Xu Linbao suspended

Nandu calls Internet post-hi-tech development zone of Nanchang people's Procuratorate said Xu Linbao served in the unit, the male staff of the hospital's political Department who declined to be named confirmed to the South, Xu Linbao is the staff, which is now the suspension of its investigation, will depend on the investigation and decides whether to draw the superior prosecution or discipline inspection and supervision departments to intervene.

South reporter also on behalf of relatives of Xu Linbao, ask property owed fees on their behalf. Honggutan, Nanchang city new district sea incense Royale property management staff of the statistics shows that Xu Linbao and his wife and children in the community under a total of shops, houses, villas and other real estate 71, total 3402.27 square meters, and owes a total fee of 512541.5 Yuan.

Internet post showed that Xu Linbao and his wife, children's name at the Red Valley beach of Nanchang City area meeting Long Ming Seattle International Association community share 32. The community workers statistics show that from journalists to the South, as there are currently a total of 786. 26 square meters 12 homes owe property 7330.6. As for the remaining 20 homes, staff members said some had sold, and partly paid by the tenant on behalf of property costs.


  NET content not true

South had contacted the Xu Linbao-Yang Lin in Jiangxi province under the control of the company investment development limited (hereinafter referred to as Yang Lin company) Chen, said Xu Linbao nephew, as a Director of the company. Mr Chen said Internet post is not at all true, Xu Linbao and his family name in the property no more than 380 sets so much, but there is more than more than 100, and housing funds from his uncle and Xu Linbao leave without pay that year went into business and his aunt's hair is derived from British business for many years.

Chen confirmed that the network referred to in part the fact that, while the section be clarified. It said Internet post that Xu Linbao and his family name in the real estate and financial information are true, Lung Yeuk Tau, Wu was Xu Linbao's "son-in-law". Its said, Xu insurance Shang century 90 generation had leave without pay sea business, served as Jiangxi province Yingtan city, City Garden Development Corporation General Manager, on in then Xu Linbao dig have "first barrels gold"; its aunt Mao Faying years has been business, into 21st century yihou, see real estate investment profitable, couples both on in Nanchang focus development regional-red Valley Beach District input heavily fried room, fried room way is purchase part housing Hou for mortgage, from Bank loan out funds Hou again purchase other housing, To profit by buying low and high cash, the current name is more than more than 100 suites, but also a huge loan and monthly housing payments.

On the Internet post that Xu Linbao as civil servants, has controlled his wife Mao Mouying, behind the scenes "son-in-law" Lung Yeuk Tau billion on weapons to people raising fraud refused to return things, Chen dismissed. Its said, sea business number years Hou, its Uncle Xu Linbao again into attorney work, wife Mao Mouying, and "son-in-law" Lung Yeuk Tau Wu of business behavior and Xu and the Xu of power effect has nothing to do, Xu Linbao and family name housing more for 2013 zhiqian purchase, and Lung Yeuk Tau Wu to Jiangxi Dragon Yao decorative limited for shell, to cooperation business, and development project for by to others "borrowing" Shang billion yuan occurred in 2013 years zhihou, and these money does not into Yang Lin company account.

Chen said, Lung Yeuk Tau, Wu had been Cyber pursuit has been apprehended by the police, procuratorates, Public Security Bureau for Yang Lin and Xu Linbao company conducted a survey, survey results are the "borrowed" has nothing to do with Xu Linbao, nor to Yang Lin company accounts. However, prosecutors believe Xu Linbao have two children of hell fire, and condoned wife business is illegal. Chen said that Xu Linbao is ready to accept the Organization's preparation. Source: Southern Metropolis daily

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Real estate in Nanchang

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江西南昌一检察院副科长拥有上百套住房 已被停职接受调查|房产|南昌_新闻资讯



  24日,南都记者从南昌市高新区检察院政治处获悉,该院已对其停职调查。南都记者调查核实到其中83套属实,自称徐林保外甥的陈先生表示100多套房子是有的,皆为20 13年之前购买,实系贷款炒房,购房资金来源为徐林保当年停薪留职经商与其妻毛发英多年经商所得。










  网帖显示,徐林保及其妻子、儿女名下在南昌市红谷滩新区汇龙铭都西雅图国际会馆小区共有房产32套。该小区工作人员向南都记者发来的统计信息显示,截至目前有合计786 。26平方米的12套房屋欠物业费7330.6元。至于剩余20套房屋情况,工作人员称一部分已出售,一部分则由租客代为缴纳物业费。






  陈先生表示,龙跃武确曾被网上追逃,目前已被公安机关抓获,检察院、公安局对徐林保及林扬公司进行了调查,调查结果是上述“借款”与徐林保无关,也未进入林扬公司账户。不过,检察院认为徐林保生育子女二人系超生,且纵容妻子经商属违规。陈先生说,徐林保已做好接受组织处理的准备。 来源:南方都市报

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

房产 南昌


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