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Chengdu city, Sichuan province, more than more than 200 children in the ruins of school

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/24 8:17:08 Browse times: 104 Comment times: 0

Chengdu city, Sichuan province, more than more than 200 children in the ruins of school(四川省成都市200多名幼儿在废墟中上学)

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Chengdu city, Sichuan province, Chengdu, more than more than 200 school children in the ruins | | | kindergarten ruins _ news
NET, Jin Lei, wuhou district, Chengdu, Sichuan flute more than more than 200 children in kindergarten school in the ruins. Hubei province plans. According to the word news.
Children go to school in ruins. Network in eastern Hubei, according to the word news.
Children go to school in ruins. Network in eastern Hubei, according to the word news.

"Children are the future of our country, be sure to let the children grow up safe and healthy. "On October 22, Jin Lei flute of kindergarten children in a dilapidated school, wuhou district, Chengdu City Education Bureau has undertaken the development of children streaming into the Park programme, to make more than more than 200 children within a week to shunt placement of kindergarten enrolment.

It is reported that the new road first shabby buildings (formerly power machinery factory workers ' dormitory area) renovation project was a major livelihood project, officially launched in October 2015, renovation, renovation demolition work has received active support from surrounding residents. Is removed within the scope of the Jin Lei flutes kindergarten is a private kindergarten, hire former electric machinery factory houses started, there are 238 children in the garden.

To guarantees children are in security of environment in learning life, wuhou district held topic Conference, research deployment Jin Lei flute kindergarten children shunt placed work: wuhou district Bureau will Yu October 23 afternoon held kindergarten parents met will, proposed shunt placed programme, to parents introduced shunt placed kindergarten of situation, and full sought parents views; October 24 announced children shunt placed programme, help children are as soon as possible to new kindergarten began learning life. In order to successfully adapt to the new environment for children, wuhou District Education Bureau will arrange accompanying parents and children study the situation of new kindergarten and to help parents and children adjust to the new environment as soon as possible. In addition, the wuhou District Housing Bureau will step up supervision and inspection efforts, ensure timely security cover demolition site and the slag cleaning, ensure that the demolition work norms, safeguards surrounding the safety of the public.

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Ruins of kindergartens in Chengdu

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网传四川成都市武侯区金蕾笛幼儿园200多名幼儿在废墟中上学。鄂东网 图。据澎湃新闻。
幼儿在废墟中上学。鄂东网 图,据澎湃新闻。
幼儿在废墟中上学。鄂东网 图,据澎湃新闻。



  为了保障孩子们在安全的环境里学习生活,武侯区召开专题会议,研究部署金蕾笛幼儿园幼儿分流安置工作:武侯区教育局将于10月23日下午召 开幼儿园家长见面会,提出分流安置方案,向家长介绍分流安置幼儿园的情况,并充分征求家长意见;10月24日公布幼儿分流安置方案,帮助孩子们尽快到新幼 儿园开始学习生活。为了让孩子们顺利适应新环境,武侯区教育局还将安排专人陪同家长和孩子考察新幼儿园的情况,并帮助家长和孩子尽快适应新环境。此外,武 侯区房管局将加大监督巡查力度,确保拆除工地及时进行安全覆盖和建渣清理,确保拆除工作规范,保障周边群众安全出行。


成都 幼儿园 废墟


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