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Chongqing opened bigger than the plate of stone “flower“, about 500 million years ago

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/22 10:52:23 Browse times: 91 Comment times: 0

Chongqing opened bigger than the plate of stone “flower“, about 500 million years ago(重庆石头开出比盘子大的“花”,讲述5亿年前故事)

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Chongqing opened bigger than the plate of stone "flower" about 500 million years ago story | stromatolites _ news


Experts examine stone

Youyang, a Stockade, has opened bigger than the plate flowers on the stone. The stone flower, a round clusters, I do not know how many years. Said the old man, that flowers are auspicious signs, not destroy it. Children with doubts, blossom again asked why stone? Many years later, a coincidence, Bloom's secret was finally uncovered the stone ... ...

  How find out?

Recently, Chongqing 208 Research Institute of geological heritage protection Dr Zhang Feng urged the Chongqing evening news, said with delight: "Chongqing found about 500 million years ago the Cambrian stromatolites, which was first discovered in Chongqing in China are very rare in the South as a whole, is significant. ”

Say found stromatolites, also thanks to the Youyang County land Bureau President Wu Yan. Wu Yan is in the circle of friends after seeing the Youyang ping Xiang Xiang Chang Dong Zexing Sun stone photos. Wu Yan is a photography enthusiast, became interested in photo beautiful patterns on stone, the joint expedition team went to the village to study together.

"When I was working in the countryside to check found that the stone I was think stone flowers look very strange, so they use mobile phones to take pictures to send to friends. "Dong Zexing said.

  What is value?

The so-called stromatolites are low because of blue-green algae and other microorganisms life activity, caused by the periodic precipitation of minerals, and cementation of sediments to form the biological structure of laminated.

"This is the change of the Earth's evolutionary history a fossil, it is appearance of stromatolites, sharp increase in oxygen content of Earth's atmosphere, laying the Foundation for the evolution of life. "Zhang Feng said that stromatolites in the high salinity of seawater most easily developed, Precambrian development very well, but after entering the Cambrian, with the rise of metazoans and slowly decline. "In previous studies, stromatolites about the restoration of ancient geography, ancient environments and palaeo climate plays a role that cannot be replaced. Stromatolites are an important source of the biological clock, before there were calculated by stromatolites in the North in the ancient earth each year for 520 days, 45 days a month, 17 hours a day, in combination with other data from Earth changes slowly is moving away from the conclusion of the Earth and the moon. So its scientific value in addition to the revival of the ancient environment, but also of ancient time. ”

  Chongqing was like?

It was a sunny day, the sun rises early, then fell in a hurry. Though it stayed in the sky not a long time, but to bring a lingering warmth around. The shallow waters of the blue, there is little sign of life, almost a dead silence, only the blue-green algae and other microorganisms in constant growth and deposition. Slowly, the stromatolites began to form, they inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, atmospheric start oxygen, then breathe oxygen in marine animal emerging prosperity, when the Sea began when DIN, stromatolites are silently quit the stage of history, and their remains have been stored in the ocean of ... ...

Is Chongqing, Zhang Feng described above about 500 million years ago. 500 million years ago, Chongqing is a warm, heavy salinity in shallow water areas, like the dead sea, beautiful but lifeless. Until stromatolites appeared, there have been signs of life slowly.

Stromatolites formed a relationship with the oil and gas and minerals such as stromatolites and mineral formation in Yunnan. So, are worthy of further exploration of the area.

This manuscript to the Chongqing evening news Fan Shengqing

Picture provided by the Youyang County land Bureau President Wu Yan

  "The stone flower represents the symbol in our village"

Yesterday, the Chongqing evening news after 6 hours ' drive, came to the stromatolite site – after the Youyang County of ping Xiang, a little village called stone yard, hear villagers tell their story with the stone flower.

Stacked stone stone stands in the yard, and there were three people, with a population of about 20 people. On the slopes, roadsides, Woods, corn straw under ... ... Stromatolites are everywhere, in other villages did not. Stone the most concentrated area in front of the villagers min Tian Jia, clusters of about 100 square metres. Some of these stromatolites exposed at the surface, some is covered by MOSS and dirt.

"Our village has a history of over one hundred or two hundred years, long before we knew the stone flower, just draw everyone's attention. About 30 years ago, we turned up a hole in front of the House to store them gargantuan, found out a lot like plates on the wall the size of flowers. "Zheng Huiying, 73, said, everyone felt very strange at that time, also brings out of the old blue-and-white porcelain plates to compare the size of the stone flower. "Stone flower in our view represents the auspicious, and will not allow anybody to destroy it. "Zheng Huiying said that many elderly people in the village finds an Le Village, our village is a lucky.

"As a child I often told of students in the class, the stone flower in our village. "Zheng Huiying granddaughter min Tian, 23, said," I think the stone flower is amazing, always trying to figure out why the stone flower. I'm getting told about it, they just do not believe it, they followed me to my house to play. "Min Tian on the first two days of the year, bringing his very close friends, the two men walked 2 hours mountain roads do not feel tired, go to the Stockade went straight to store up the gargantuan hole in the stone flower. Two small children to brush, carefully brush the soil, when the flowers completely in front of friends, and friends kept hands with excitement.

"After watching the stone flowers, friends and wrote a article about stone flower. We then, as all the people in the village, stone flowers saved a lot of doubt, when the young lack knowledge, without devices such as mobile phones, cameras, networks, so have not been able to uncover the secret of the stone flower. "Min Tian said, until the expedition came, we are always next to listen to their explanation, I know this is a stromatolites, stone flower mystery is finally unveiled.

Ping Xiang found stromatolites after news spread like wildfire, working outside in the village of young people seen on the network news, call home and ask.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

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Chongqing evening news
重庆石头开出比盘子大的“花” 讲述5亿年前故事|叠层石_新闻资讯















  本组稿件重庆晚报记者 范圣卿









责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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