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College students in China become cheap workers, working 12 hours a day, with no protective equipment

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/21 9:53:18 Browse times: 96 Comment times: 0

College students in China become cheap workers, working 12 hours a day, with no protective equipment(中国大学生实习变成廉价工人,每天工作12小时,无防护设备)

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College students in China become cheap workers to work 12 hours a day, without protective equipment Sichuan College | | | cheap _ news
Sichuan auto occupational technical college students of manufacturing, was placed in a television production plant in Hefei, Anhui training workshop.
Students need factory Zhejiang Xiaoshan Office car each day to work.
Student full of confusion.
Internship agreement.

 "Practice event" follow-up

On October 18, the West China city daily reported more than 300 students of the vocational college of Sichuan auto, suspects are treated as cheap labour, arranged by the school to the Zhejiang Xiaoshan logistics companies, because of high levels of repetitive work and low pay, a raised the concerns of the community.

On October 19, this huaxi City newspaper reporter was informed that some of the students were sitting last school bus. Meanwhile, a pass from calls made waves again in Hefei, Anhui Province, is also the school's sophomores Wang Yun (pseudonym), automobile manufacturing and other professional more than 400 students of the school with the batch was placed in a television production plant in Hefei, Anhui training workshop. "The two shifts, 12 hours a day of assembly line work, and nothing, we want to go back to school. "The phone, Wang Yun sobbed.

First sophomore students, was massively to internships, there is no "trick"? The morning of 20th, a former Labour agency contact press leaks, on behalf of the many vocational and technical schools by student, earning a "subsidies".


Back to school students from Xiaoshan

"Give up the practice to write a letter of apology"

The night of October 18, Feng Liu (not her real name) of the 57 students sat on a bus from Mianyang, Xiaoshan, and he and the other students, chose to stay in the express companies.

"Worry not get diplomas. "Liu Feng told reporters that except for a few students, most students and express companies signing the apprenticeship contract. For internship students, school 18th found the bus took them back to the school, "school is affected by what was said not to go back, will affect graduation, so we dare not go. ”

The other hand, the reporter was informed that from the other students in the school, for giving up the practice of students, the school also asked them to write a note and a letter of apology. "The letter of apology was to apologize to school, but what I don't know. "Liu Feng said.

 There are more than 400 students in Anhui Province

"No deal, signing safety responsibility"

We got another wrinkle. The morning of October 19, Sichuan vocational and technical college classmate Wang Yun 028-96111 of the vehicle broke the news on the hotline of the present report. She told reporters that the automobile manufacturing, machine-building, automobile, automobile beauty professional more than 400 students, is a TV set manufacturing enterprises of Anhui Hefei internship.

"My job is to assemble TV sets, but majored in automotive beauty. "Wang Yun misery road, before the national day, they received notice from counselor intern. On October 12, Wang Yun and his classmates arrived in Hefei, then arrangements focus on October 17 internship.

With regard to remuneration, Wang Yun 1500 bucks a month they were told, but did not sign internship contract and enterprise, "signed a security responsibility. "Wang Yun said, did not want to participate in the internship and their professional is not detached, but the" no practice no diplomas, so we have to stay here. ”

Wanting to end practice

"12 hours a day, working without protective equipment"

"Want to leave. "Classmates who have spoken earlier of Wang Yun (pseudonym) in the friends sighed. Who have spoken earlier told reporters that they were running on two shifts every day at eight in the morning to eight o'clock in the evening for a class, eight o'clock in the evening until eight the next morning for a class 4 days of rest each month, "my night shift, all clocks are now, Temple went sore. ”

This reporter has learned, these students are in production on the Assembly line of the television, do remove burrs, turning the screw, and so on. Photos from the scene, the students did not wear gloves and a face mask. Some classmates said: "poor quality gloves, blades broke on my hand. ”

Internship to Wang Yun and confused, "at the factory every day looking at the grey sky, doing more and more numb, I don't know what my future is. "Down the phone, the girl sobbed quietly.


A doubt many internship agreement

Over more than 50 students in Xiaoshan practice while sitting on the back of the bus, but the practice still left a lot of questions. Provide students with a copy of their and Xiaoshan, Zhejiang enterprises signed internship agreement to reporters, then, what is the specific content of the agreement? Students are most concerned questions have no answers at all?

 Salaries in the internship agreement

Inconsistent with the school promised

Sichuan auto in vocational and technical college students with internship agreement sets out assessment criteria and compensation standards, students completed their respective vested in the post production in basic salary per hour of 9, standards are calculated at 90 yuan a day, beyond the part of production, calculated in accordance with company standards in mind 11 Yuan per hour. One day off per week, 243 internship expenses return fare.

According to the pay scale, reporter Bill, if a student one day off per week, working 26 days a month, if the student meets the standards, you will receive a monthly 2340. "This is my question. "Liu Feng told reporters, if we can only get 1500 Yuan a month, the remaining salary had gone?

It is worth mentioning that, reporters saw in the internship agreement, internship students during non-working hours and dangers on the way to and from work, all liability of individual students.

  Internship agreement is not standard

Relationship between students and enterprises are not labor

According to student internship agreement shows that party b (or student) must be internship before they can conclude labor contracts with the party. B must go through school and the party and the enterprise agree, before leaving.

So, provisions in the party who is it? 20th afternoon, this reporter once again directed to the vocational college of Sichuan auto enrollment and employment Department official, his students said they did not know the logistics company signed internship agreements, related issues. When a reporter asked who the party, the official smiled twice, and said "your question, I don't know how to answer."

The internship agreement specification? Tahota law firm partner Yang Jing of Chengdu lawyers told reporters that if students just cognitive training, the internship agreement is not standard, not labour relations between students and enterprises, and does not apply to students who come to practice, "is changed to contract workers of the enterprise reform, will take to come to class and sign".

She told reporters that the internship agreement should clearly indicate the student's term of practice, rules and regulations, to list students ' practice period, labor safety and protection of life. Students also have their own obligations, such as to comply with the rules and regulations, subject to management.

 Insider leaks

Companies delegate services "recruitment"

Vocational school or take internships received "subsidies"

First sophomore students, was massively to internships, there is no violation of the school?

20th, a labour agency urged journalists had claimed, on behalf of the many vocational and technical schools by student, earning a "subsidies". He said that students in college to corporate internship beyond reproach, to three years of College, for example, practice time is six months to a year, "but many irregular school for sophomore students to start out of the campus."

He told reporters that the companies at a time of mass employment, will reach to the school. At the current market in the industry, companies will "recruitment" to delegate tasks to third-party service companies, service companies and schools, according to employment requirements for vocational and technical schools in China hire.

"Such as a student's monthly salary of 3000, but service companies only 2000, the remaining 1000 Yuan settlement by service companies and schools. "He disclosed that demand different for each industry, demand for larger, service companies and schools to earn the" subsidies ". The Agency admits that he has in the past helped multiple businesses in College hiring, companies will be 200 yuan per person for the "subsidies" subsidies.

He said the "subsidies" algorithm has three. Some direct people, each student was 300-500 Yuan, settlement by service companies and schools. Some monthly salary paid by labor. There is a case for direct intervention by the human resource Ministry and school consultations, collect related costs.

"The water is too deep, while the State provides intermediaries and enterprises to participate in are not allowed, but the labor policies of the companies will drill holes. "The fact person.

School response

Denied without diplomas

Students pay is hard work

In Xiaoshan, Zhejiang express internship students are returning to school, which in the end have no effect on their graduation? In this regard, vocational college of Sichuan auto enrollment and employment Department officials repeatedly stressed that this practice and has never been linked to diploma students.

"This internship is not mandatory. "The police official said. 57 from Zhejiang Xiaoshan returning students back to school, the school will make further arrangements for them, "or continue studying or looking for internships, but does not affect graduation. ”

The other hand, the two internships of students that their internship salary for 1500 bucks said, the officials said, students no more than 8 hours a day, pay less than 90 yuan a day, centrally by the company directly to students, "the student's remuneration is hard work, in accordance with the contract, does not buy for 1500 dollars. ”

This huaxi City newspaper reporter Du Jiangqian Yin Hang pictures provided by respondents

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Sichuan University cheap

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中国大学生实习变成廉价工人 每天工作12小时,无防护设备|四川|高校|廉价工_新闻资讯



  10月19日,华西都市报记者获悉,目前部分学生已坐上回校的大巴车。与此同时,一通来自安徽合肥的求助电话令事件再起波澜,同样是该校大二学生的王芸 (化名)表示,学校汽车制造等专业的400多名学生,同批被安排到安徽合肥某电视生产厂车间实习。“两班倒,每天12个小时的流水线工作,和专业不沾边, 我们也想回学校。”电话那边,王芸哽咽道。






































  “比如一个学生的月薪为3000元,但劳务公司只发2000元,剩下1000元由劳务公司和学校结算。”他透露,每个行业的需求量不同,需求量较大的, 劳务公司和学校赚取的“人头费”就多。该中介坦承,过去他也曾帮多个企业在高校招人,公司会以每人200元的“人头费”进行补贴。









  华西都市报记者 杜江茜 殷航 图片由受访者提供


四川 高校 廉价工


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