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Beijing demolition and Heath captured birds are very serious, and low cost, does not prevent

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/20 10:50:26 Browse times: 115 Comment times: 0

Beijing demolition and Heath captured birds are very serious, and low cost, does not prevent(北京拆迁荒地捕捉鸟类非常严重,违法成本低,无法禁止)

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Beijing demolition and Heath captured birds are very serious, and low cost, cannot prohibit | | NET Fowler | Heath in Beijing _ news

On October 15, the reporters came to panggezhuang make unannounced visits to the free market. According to newspaper claims that the bird sellers usually NET catching birds in the surrounding woods in the free market, also sold at low prices to attract buyer bird nets. Beijing News reporter He Dun photography
Volunteers often found trapped in the net of the birds did not have the strength to struggle. Volunteer Photo

Recently, environmental organizations, volunteer to Beijing news reporters, Beijing NET to capture wild birds had occurred, such situations are not uncommon, especially in suburban areas.

Yesterday, reporters understand relevant information on forests in Daxing District Public Security Bureau, told Xinhua after forest police had numerous bird-catcher, Daxing District law enforcement, for offenders in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, standards of detention in criminal cases, not enough administrative punishment in accordance with law. The staff member admitted to reporters as long as volunteers to report, forest police will get involved, if bird was founded, first, Fowler instrumentalities to be confiscated, and criticism, other penalties under the circumstances may be. The staff said, members of the public found that trafficking of wild birds, can be called to report, punish vendors with illegal sale wild birds easier than catching bird because Fowler elusive, catch the current difficulty.

In addition, the forest police staff in an interview with reporters, Chaoyang District, said some birds one day before dawn to go out with bird catcher, had net home 8, 9 points. With Fowler is often "guerrilla" warfare, elusive, hard to gain firsthand experience of the catch, which brought some difficulties for law enforcement work.


Pulling the birds as "knows the secret of the week"

October 16 at seven in the morning, panggezhuang, Daxing District of Beijing on a wasteland near the town, two super three-metre long Rod pull up a net. NET made of fine nylon thread woven together, soft, fine, mesh is small, drew only about a square centimeter. This long and about 30 meters, a width of 3 meters of the networks, not extremely difficult to detect, only came, to see the air blown from the side of grey and Black circles.

This is not a flat, smooth network, but a lot of overlap from top to bottom, designed with a shape similar to the long, once living creatures have been entangled in a struggle, drop nets are wrapped before and after. In this online, there are 6 birds trapped by mesh, kept struggling and send tweets, others rarely move. Public organization "let birds fly" volunteers for Yang Han, the scene is very common. In fact, Yang Han the day before had found the bird nets, but differ slightly from the day before.

Volunteers rescued the birds from the net with a scissor in the process, a middle-aged man from far away with a shout: "you do! "And our stride, but volunteers" have a chat "requirement, the potential right away with as much rush, stopped at the edge of a bike ride quickly left. Man wearing a black down coat, stepping on a pair of dark gray rubber shoes on his feet, his bicycle basket with a stack of Red mesh bags, Yang Han introduction this is the Fowler used to bag bird.

Who grow vegetables near the edge of the uncle told reporters that the man is breeding a few Web hosts. "No village, is probably the town's every day. "And according to Yang Han introduced, there were local villagers told him, in acres of orchards in the vicinity, net bird phenomenon is common. In the view of some of the villagers, it is no secret, villagers said bird nets are located in Orchard Road, a middle-aged man to see Yang Han and journalists through the field probes when looking for, asked in a loud voice: "catch the bird today or not? Catch carduelis spinus yet? ”


Demolition wasteland into a bird hit

From September of this year, Yang Han began Scouting around, save birds, split net around Beijing. He impressed in a few places, in Tongzhou North dike near the village of SI is a small piece of Reed, he has found 15 NET, nearly hundreds of wild bird hanging above, most of the deaths and injuries. He arrived in the morning locally, just to save birds save until noon. There is also a metro station demolition of yizhuang line Canal Heath, some birds are hung upside down in the bird online too long, swollen paw congestive scarlet, some birds struggle because sharp is scratched by cable, covered in blood.

In late September, volunteers at the Sun he Xiang one demolition waste 3 Fowler, Chaoyang senjing to contact them at that time, in the process of catching the bird catcher, there is a free cage caught red-throated Robin all fly to destroy evidence, and their side's Red mesh bags with 25 dead wild birds. In October, Yang Han again went to the local, results in September, was arrested a bird catcher also appear in the Department. "Caught last time, he said he was the first ' play ', he said, was the first time after being caught out," Yang Han amused: "asked how he handled last time it was, he said it was confiscated, and studied at the senjing for three days. ”

For more than a month's time, Yang Han went to dozens of places, of Fowler's "routine" has almost touched. He told reporter, demolition Heath, various flat of, and plant lush of "natural green" is catching bird of hit, he often to Chaoyang, and Daxing and the Tongzhou, in these Heath Shang, ten has seven or eight will has "harvest", and catching bird people Zhijian also without taboo, often each other Exchange day of results, some also will told he which a is himself of site, mean is others cannot this at set network. And he contact of many catching bird people also is divided into three class, a only caught himself has interest of, and beautiful of birds, like red throat song Robin, and blue throat song Robin,, other of birds hanging network has, they will released; a is put like of birds take go Hou, other hanging network of birds also regardless of, let its fend; also has a is regardless of varieties, and regardless of anyway of birds are received go.


Bought wild birds, 20 3

Caught birds are what to do with it? At a press conference on his way to Daxing town, a taxi driver said, his every winter to Fangshan bird. Aware that hunting bird in conflict with the law, he said "Yes, don't worry, no one will catch you." He said catching birds, Nice we collected ourselves, someone will get the market and sell it, common birds such as the Sparrow, and often catching to eat. "Do not eviscerate, Mud wrap, set fire on a grill, taste, sweet! "He told reporters, he caught a lot of birds, used to catch an" old West "(Coccothraustes coccothraustes), but he had died three months. "Wild bird or wild, bad support. ”

Mart next to the enter panggezhuang Township government, has been walking, turn left in a public restroom, it's bought a small. The morning of October 15, sold a dozen birds appear in bought in, before the body was large and small cages. Red-throated Redstarts, blue throat Luscinia, carduelis spinus, Warbler ... ... Bird species have more than 10 kinds of human trafficking, sells for more than 100 more expensive, cheapest 8 yuan each, 20 3.

Sold more than birds, and bird nets. In a lot next to the cage, more than more than 10 gray-black bird nets is tied into a tie bar, according to owner introduced, bird nets sold 8 of 8 meters, 40 meters only 30 pieces. Yang Han told reporters that he had heard selling bird talking bird, there is forest police confiscated over bird nets, but did not. "They said they did, a bird NET is ten blocks, forfeiture of confiscated, bought new one still can catch. Costs are too small. ”

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Beijing News journalist Dai Xuan

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Beijing NET Fowler the Heath
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The Beijing News

  10月15日,记者来到庞各庄自由市场进行暗访。据报料人称,这些鸟贩平时在自由市场周边树林中拉网捕鸟,以低廉的价格吸引买主同时也售卖捕鸟网。新京报记者 贺顿 摄























  新京报记者 戴轩


北京 拉网捕鸟 荒地


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