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Zhengzhou site hacked to death and 1 injured 3 people were killed, the victim claims 2 million

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/19 11:09:43 Browse times: 101 Comment times: 0

Zhengzhou site hacked to death and 1 injured 3 people were killed, the victim claims 2 million(郑州拆迁户砍死3人伤1人被击毙,伤者索赔200万)

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Zhengzhou site hacked to death and 1 injured 3 people were killed wounded claim 2 million | street murder | |200 _ news

On May 10, 2016, huiji district, Zhengzhou city village street Fan Hua Xue raised his sword, hacked cuts 3 passers-by and a street after the leaders, culminating in the country cut dozens of gun-toting police were killed. Causes of the tragedy caused by the demolition, had raised strong concerns.

In recent days, was informed that 10 knife injuries was cut by Fan Hua Wang Weiqiang has been out of danger, recently has Fan Huapei to court, claims the losses amounted to 2 million Yuan, which will be held on October 19 in huiji District Court. In addition, was stabbed to death and Wen Zhi and his son's family also filed a lawsuit to the Hui Ji District Court.

  Was stabbed 10 times in the treatment cost nearly 1.7 million

After public reports showed, huiji district, Zhengzhou city after the Spring Festival this year, Lao ya Chen Xue village, subdistrict office officially launched the demolition, removal progress soon, 95% street-sign removal agreement in a month. But some of the villagers such as Fan Huapei due to dissatisfaction with the relocation policy, has refused to sign the agreement.

Incident took place on May 10 at noon, Fan Huapei to have consumed alcohol. 4:30 P.M. day, Fan Huapei came home, discovered the blackout. At this time, he found a hook car parked near their home, are evacuated buildings, so he picked up the knife to hook the car, start of a bloodbath.

On May 10, Xue gang Street, huiji district, Zhengzhou, police near the street killing incident, unattended.

Fan Huapei poked the first man for hook driver Wang Weiqiang. As Wang Weiqiang had fallen into a coma for a long period of time, Fan Hua and Wang Weiqiang media rarely disclose the details of the dialogue.

Wang Weiqiang Wang Weihui, brother of dialogue between brothers and Fan Huapei details were relayed to reporters.

Introduce Wang Weihui, Wang Weiqiang prior to the incident with the company telephone, made its move hook position. He walked to the hook in front, is preparing to get on, the Fan Huapei came did not know. "Fan Huapei asked whether my brother broke his family's, my brother said he didn't do it, he did it not this section. Before finishing up, Fan Huapei stab up, suddenly, my brother didn't even noticed he was carrying a knife. "Wang Weihui says:" after being stabbed, his brother directly on the ground, but not in a coma, fighting back pain he made a phone call to colleagues, spoke only three words: something went wrong. ”

Wang Weihui says in his elder brother's call at the same time, Fan Huapei and knife kept poking in his possession, "Fan Huapei said the last three words are: go to hell."

Wang Weihui says at the time of the demolition of a Manager to see the whole story, but he does not stop the attack, just ran away.

After doctors found that Wang Weiqiang was stabbed her 10 times. Because the injury was too severe, Wang Weiqiang has died in hospital more than two months, is not completely out of danger. "The left kidney removed, armpit, multiple stab wounds on his leg, his left hand two fingers locked joint, unable to move. "Introduced Wang Weihui, after 5 months of treatment, Wang Weiqiang sanity has been restored now, but life still cannot take care of themselves, can we hold the wall walk slowly, often fall.

Wang Weihui told, as of October 16, brother's medical bills have been paid 1.67 million Yuan. "Lao ya Chen Jie DAO Office, medical expenses are paid, but we have their own attendant costs. "Wang Weihui says.

  Company bosses are not registered "disappear"

"The brother who is the pillar of the family, now he can't even eat rice", Wang Weihui told, after brother is out of danger, had gone to various related agencies claim.

"To find brother's demolition company founder--Henan construction limited, but says there is no company, no contract, hard to say. "Wang Weihui filled with doubts," the Government demolition projects, how to find unregistered company to do? ”

Since then, Wang Weihui found Lao ya Chen Jie DAO Office. "DAO ban let Sue Fan Huapei, judicial assistance are also specified. Comprehensive loss and subsequent disability care, costs, we claim for a total of $ 2 million. "Wang Weihui says.

Query founder engineering company limited in Henan province found that the company did not register information. Also not query to Xue village demolition project bidding information. Xue village demolition area of 700,000 square meters, is the largest project in the industry. Two weeks later the Fan Huapei, Zhengzhou officials again announced the remaining 250,000 square meter house demolition tender notice.

Wang Weihui told, brother and no labor contract with the demolition company, but with boss, surnamed Zhu at work. After the incident, the boss in the hospital a few times, then no longer showed up. Zhu owner ask a related question, was the other insults.

The morning of October 17, Lao ya Chen Street propaganda Office said propaganda department not to grasp the demolition company and other information, will ask the relevant departments back. But by press time, the other did not return.

Henan Hiromasa lawyer Wang, lawyers say, huiji district, Zhengzhou Wang Weiqiang versus Fan Huapei has been the people's Court, will be heard on October 19.

Understand that the other two Fan Huapei families and Wen Zhi and his son's case, legal aid officials are also accepted, Fan Huapei to huiji District Court.

Fan Hua homicides, there is one more victim was Chen Shan Street cadres. Was informed that Chen Shan is not married, no children. Its only old mother Sue Fan Huapei.

  Xue fetched village demolition moratorium period

Understand that Xue village relocation has not yet ended.

"Now people have all moved out, but there are a lot of houses were demolished, and don't know when the never-ending, demolition has been removed. "One villager described, now all closed all crossing the village, wants to go back and take a look at them.

Lao ya Chen DAO ban related to the Beijing time, said demolition of the village sit really stopped, "but this is because provinces and cities are strong regulation of air pollution, large-scale demolition works can cause dust pollution, so the project can only be stopped when start the dismantling of the remaining houses, there is no timeframe, fetched room construction and completion time are uncertain."

Some villagers and Lao ya Chen Jie DAO Office staff to confirm, Fan Huapei seven-story housing is still not removed. Meanwhile, Fan Huapei case, the streets do not issue compensation to fans. As regards the amount of compensation, the official did not disclose.

Informed villagers tell, Fan Huapei family moved to Fan Huapei sister now lived. "If compensation is implemented to the dead and the wounded, then Fan Huapei family livelihoods will also be problematic in the future. "One of the people familiar with the Fan Huapei said.

Source: Beijing time

Responsible editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Street killings claim 2 million

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  被捅10刀 治疗花费近170万






  王威晖介绍,王威强在案发前接到公司电话,让其挪一下钩车位置。他走到钩车前,正准备上车时,与其并不认识的范华培走了过来。“范华培问我哥是不是 弄坏了他家的电,我哥说不是他干的,他干的不是这个标段。没等把话说完,范华培就一刀捅了过来,事发突然,我哥根本就没注意到他拿着刀。” 王威晖说:“被捅后,哥哥直接倒在地上,但还没昏迷,他强忍疼痛给同事打了一个电话,只说了三个字:出事了。”



  事后医生发现,王威强被捅了10刀。由于伤情太严重,王威强在医院抢救了两个多月,都没完全脱离生命危险。“左肾摘除,腋下,腿上多处刀伤,左手两 个指头的关节坏死,不能活动。”王威晖介绍,经过5个多月的治疗,目前王威强神志已恢复大半,但是生活仍不能完全自理,扶着墙可以慢慢走几步,经常会跌 倒。


  所在公司未注册 老板“消失”


  “先找了哥哥所在的拆迁公司——河南方正建筑工程有限公司,但是对方称没有注册公司,没有签订劳动合同,不好说。” 王威晖心中充满疑惑,“政府拆迁项目,怎么会找没有注册的公司来干?”


  查询河南方正建筑工程有限公司发现,该公司没有工商注册信息。同时也未查询到此前薛岗村拆迁项目招投标信 息。薛岗村拆除面积达到70万平方米,在业内堪称大项目。在范华培案发生半个月后,郑州市官方再次对外发布了剩余25万平方米拆除房屋的招标公告。






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