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A 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Qinghai province crack serious people into the tent for the night

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/17 12:17:10 Browse times: 74 Comment times: 0

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Qinghai province crack serious people into the tent for the night(青海6.2级地震房屋裂缝严重,民众进入帐篷过夜)

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A 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Qinghai province serious people crack into the tent for the night _ | | |6.2 earthquake epicenter news

Original title: Heteropoly 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Qinghai Province: epicenter crack severely affected people moved into the tent for the night

Plans for joint working group arrived at the epicenter of more village know what is happening after Qing Gong Xuan camera

CNS, Xining, October 17 (reporter Hu Guilong)-late 17th from the Qinghai provincial public security Department, jointly with the Public Security Bureau of yushu Prefecture, the Working Group was informed that, as of now, Heteropoly 6.2-magnitude quake village has been found more casualties, serious cracks in some houses, and local people have all moved out of the House to live in makeshift tents.

Figure for the joint working group, arrived at the epicenter of more villages and live in tents of herdsmen to know what the green vision

15:14 October 17, Zaduo County, Qinghai province's yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (latitude 32.81 ° n 94.93 °) a 6.2-magnitude earthquake, a depth of 9 km. Epicentre zadoi County 57 km, nearest town 20 kilometers. After the earthquake, Public Security Bureau and the Public Security Bureau of yushu Prefecture, Qinghai province, the joint working group on snow Trek more than more than 260 km, and 20:25 more village arrived at the quake's epicenter.

Figure the epicenter of more cracks in houses in the village green vision

According to reports, the joint working group after arriving in more villages, with local officials and police, "village guards" rushed to settlements, group troubleshooting damaged.

Picture shows the wall was damaged by the earthquake green vision

"The epicenter of the Township Party Committee and Government staff and police have affected people to safe places. "Qinghai Province police office party members, and Director Assistant Li Guoru said, earthquake occurred Hou, Qinghai Province Police Office Secretary of the, and director Wang Zhengsheng first time on police organ should disposal earthquake may caused of disaster made emergency deployment, phone understand earthquake situation and police organ work progress situation, while requirements police organ organization power on earthquake and the around area carried out not continuous of carpet type touch row work, found disaster, timely rescue and reported situation," full upgrade social surface patrol control grade, Ensure Quake-smooth traffic order and people's life and property security of social security. ”

Figure the epicenter of more cracks in houses in the village green vision

At present, the yushu Prefecture Public Security Bureau has organized special police, fire service and police staging, Zaduo County Public Security Bureau organized mass evacuation of civilian police and evacuate 23 detention of detainees.

Figure the epicenter of more cracks in houses in the village green vision

"With the epicentre 20 km from Addo contact Township Police, the epicenter is a no man's land, has not received reports of casualties. "Li Guoru said, by contacting Zaduo County Public Security Bureau a distance of 57 km from the epicenter, zadoi County water supply, electricity, communication, transportation and normal, stable social order.

As a relief tent in Anza in Zaduo County City Zhong Xin photo

In addition, Governor of yushu cairangtai led the yushu Red Cross staff in the evening of the same day emergency to Zaduo County earthquake disaster, and Party Secretary of Heteropoly caidanzhou first nation, was escorted to the County high school to visit students and schools affected by impact, and details about, viewing, accommodation, living conditions of the people, as well as the placement of the night to ensure that minimize the seismic impact on the normal life of the people.

For highways staff to troubleshoot zadoi County Highway bridges around song zhajiangcuo photography

Qinghai road Corps of law enforcement sources said, to ensure that the earthquake did not cause disruption to zadoi County roads, nangqian Brigade total troubleshoot road of highways 22 bridges, found ancillary facilities of bridges and culverts were damaged, and road safety.

Responsible editor: Wei chun

Article keywords:
Epicenter of magnitude 6.2 earthquake housing

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China News Network
青海6.2级地震房屋裂缝严重 民众进入帐篷过夜|震中|6.2级|地震_新闻资讯


 图为联合工作组抵达震中多加村后了解相关情况 青公宣 摄

  中新网西宁10月17日电 (记者 胡贵龙)记者17日晚间从青海省公安厅与玉树州公安局联合工作组了解到,截至目前,杂多6.2级地震震中多加村尚未发现人员伤亡,部分房屋裂缝严重,当地民众已经全部搬出房屋住进救灾帐篷。

图为联合工作组抵达震中多加村后与住进帐篷的牧民了解相关情况 青公宣


  图为震中多加村房屋出现的裂缝 青公宣


 图为房屋墙体因地震被损毁 青公宣


  图为震中多加村房屋出现的裂缝 青公宣


图为震中多加村房屋出现的裂缝 青公宣


图为安扎在杂多县城内的救灾帐篷 钟欣 摄


图为路政人员排查杂多县城周边的公路桥梁 曲扎江措 摄



震中 6.2级 地震 房屋


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