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God 11 space suit: not only fashion, also protects muscles regulate the mood

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/16 11:30:35 Browse times: 89 Comment times: 0

God 11 space suit: not only fashion, also protects muscles regulate the mood(神十一航天服:不仅时尚,还能保护肌肉调节心情)

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God 11 space suit: not only fashion but also can protect the muscles regulate the mood

October 16 astronauts, Jing haipeng, and Chen dong in an interview with Chinese and foreign reporters asked Tin House. Fuyifei photography

News Agency, Shanghai, October 16: "Shenzhou 11th" space suit to create Chinese astronauts "fashion," a new image

Author Duan ran Yu Chen Jie Xu Jing

16th "Shenzhou 11th" manned missions of astronauts on the press, Jing haipeng Chen Dong with two other astronauts in the new astronaut dressed in striking in autumn and winter.

, Including this service, Donghua University astronaut costume design team, design working life of the astronauts in orbit clothing, exercise clothing, casual wear, such as protective clothing, sleep, weight loss, and clothing, including a ground tasks dozens of types of clothing.

Instituted astronaut, first emerged in the people's minds is coated in a thick stiff spacesuit in the slow-moving images in the vast space, back to the ground, mighty Chinese astronaut always appears in a blue one-piece long sleeve dress in public.

The Dhu team relies on scientific and technological innovation, designed to tighten buckles "flying dreams" and "China dream" theme of the times, showed Chinese astronauts as "China dream" image of space dreams and guardian.

"Male paragraph clothing show China astronaut mighty solemn, female paragraph clothing show China Women bright and brave of while also highlight has East women of soft temperament", presided over fall/winter dressed in design of Donghua University Associate Professor Zhou Honglei introduced, clothing while breakthrough past single with color mode, in sky color blue based Shang joined symbol Earth skyline and outside space tones elements, shades shade of changes match, let clothing looks more stereo full, more has level sense.

The other hand, the stereo line-oriented process, front shoulder space flight path of metaphor "s" curves and chest symbol of victory "v" line spell echo, weight right and harmonious beauty.

Earlier, dressed in summer by the Executive "temple on the first" and "Shenzhou tenth" manned missions the female astronaut to Wang Yaping and debut wears television and widely acclaimed.

In addition to costume themselves, clothing worn by astronaut logo, neckties, scarves are included in the design. Among them, the astronaut honors logo line like in the Blue Cosmos spacecraft trajectory, give the wings upward movement, the number of stars indicates the wearer perform the number of manned missions.

The Chinese astronaut into space, in addition to the launch and return to the stage, in Skylab according to work at different stages of changing into different types of specialized and costumes, in-orbit work, life and sports. The Chinese astronaut exercise clothing, non-working days in orbit in casual clothes, as early as September 15, carrying "temple on the second" into space, waiting for the "Shenzhou 11th" carrying astronauts to take. These garments are also from design and development, Donghua University, and "space 180" applied science experiments.

On the ground research and development space suits, the team built specially designed "dress weightlessness Simulator", but on the ground under simulated measurements of astronauts in zero gravity operation clothing performance and physiological responses of the astronauts and the psychological feeling.

"Space of things can does are cannot sloppy", Donghua University astronaut clothing development design team head, and clothing College Dean Li professor said, in complex of space environment, astronaut clothing for function and quality of requirements will more high, into "Temple second," space laboratory for guarantees astronaut health of movement exercise clothing each pieces clothes weight errors over 1 grams on for not qualified, special parts of size errors over 2 mm will rework, Teams spend on testing and risk control far more time than normal tasks on time.

"Full series space clothing and the distribution ornaments of style, and color, and pattern, and texture, not only each other Zhijian to mutual match, also to and cabin environment phase thaw, in reflected China features culture elements and times features of while, reflected astronaut groups of career features and spirit style", Li said, the with function of different type clothing, some can help astronaut in long time space flight in the up to against weightlessness led to of muscle atrophy, some also can care astronaut regulation they of mood and mood, Environment while also taking into account the cabin light photography, video, and image appears after transfer, can be described as "cooking must satisfy the hundreds of stomach". (End)

(Editors: Biao Guo UN832)
2016-10-16 20:22:55
China News Network
神十一航天服:不仅时尚 还能保护肌肉调节心情

图为10月16日航天员景海鹏和陈冬在问天阁接受中外记者的采访。付毅飞 摄


  作者 段然 虞晨洁 许婧













(责任编辑:郭彪 UN832)
2016-10-16 20:22:55

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