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Shenzhen announced last three increased public funding to study abroad expenses compared to 6 million

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Shenzhen announced last three increased public funding to study abroad expenses compared to 6 million(深圳公布去年三公经费 出国费用较前年增600万)

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Shenzhen released three public funding to study abroad expenses, compared to 6 million Shenzhen | | | public funds abroad _ three news

  Sun three municipal departments in Shenzhen last year to study abroad fee increase

Southern Sun Tianming Zhuang Shuxiong Zhu Ling Yang Tao

On Friday, Shenzhen municipal level authorities quietly open 2012 year 2013 and three public expenditure budget. As of last night, publishing three a total of 37 public and financial sector. According to Government insiders earlier told reporters in the South understood that number compared to departmental access to 39 last year, this year is expected to reach 45.

According to the 2012 financial statements of Shenzhen's three public expenditure, 2012 Shenzhen-stage three public spending totals 6.3.1 billion yuan in 2011, an increase of 0.0 Yuan. Main reasons a trip abroad (border) funding 34.5%. Explanation of the Shenzhen Municipal Government before mainly because of the Universiade, some go abroad on business matters canceled or postponed to 2012, in accordance with the Shenzhen construction of modern international advanced city for deployment, increase the intensity of international exchanges and cooperation. In the three departments of public data, this feature is also apparent.

WPPs overseas funds last year was four times times 2011

Tour sector, public expenditure, huge increases in funding abroad is common feature. Many units was the 2011 Universiade, "delayed" country (border) activities postponed by the year 2012, led to the significant rise in the cost of that year. But in 2013 public budgets, in addition to 6 units has increased, most of the remaining compressed, even cutting back the 40%.

Shenzhen WPPs 2011 study abroad (border) fee of 364,200 Yuan, to leap in 2012 to 1.4539 million Yuan. Per cent in 2011 is more than double that of. Explain abroad greatly increased costs due to work and study abroad during the 2011 Universiade indicator volume control, delayed until 2012. Training project and 2012 years than study project training expenses, "training for a longer time, food, accommodation and other costs the higher the price; the other is in Europe, America, Australia and visits to 29, over 87.88%, a bit of a hike, transport costs are higher. ”

Explore paying audit system

2012 Shenzhen level corporate hospitality 1.1.5 billion yuan in 2011 compared with 0.1.3 billion yuan, down 10.. WPPs in Shenzhen was also very clear that 2012 WPPs corporate hospitality spending has dropped from 1.078 million Yuan 767,000 dollars, which fell by nearly 30%.

South reporter compared the reception of each unit diameter, found. Such as the construction works, which was only 76,000 yuan, mainly uses for food and beverage expenses; housing and includes expenditures related to housing Security Conference; the FDA, including accommodation, catering and venue rental charges. Municipal supervision Bureau official reception area for municipalities, and regions, and corporate office guidance, business checking, learning exchange reception expenses.

In three public funding, corporate hospitality is one of the most easy to blur. Yesterday Shenzhen City audit Council one head revealed, 2013 first half of, city audit Council to city this level 9 a level budget units of sector budget implementation situation for has audit, focus audit has meeting fee, and training fee, corporate spending, found City prison Council, and live built Council, and legal do, 7 a units in project funding in the Super budget or no budget Liechtenstein meeting fee, and training fee total 12.0287 million Yuan. The Bureau analysis due to refining the existing departmental budget project funding has not been, for particular types of projects expenditure of my lack of effective budgetary control, budget meetings, training, frequency and size of the units beyond one's control, resulting in project financing general budget or no-budget expenditures in meeting fee, training fee.

Audit Bureau of Shenzhen, said Shenzhen is currently exploring "with Shenzhen characteristics of corporate spending, public consumption audit system".

(Original title: Sun Excellencies Shenzhen Municipal departments abroad last year cost increase)

(Edit: SN094)November 13, 2013 Southern Metropolis daily(深圳公布去年三公经费 出国费用较前年增600万|深圳市|三公经费|出国_新闻资讯

  晒三公 去年深圳市级部门出国费用大增

  南都讯 孙天明 庄树雄 朱凌 杨涛


  根据深圳市2012年财政决算给出的三公支出总额,2012年深圳市本级三公支出合计6 .31亿元,比2011年增加0 .0 6亿元。其中主要原因是出国(境)经费增长34 .5%所致。深圳市政府之前解释主要因大运会所致,部分因公出国事项取消或推迟到2012年进行,同时按照深圳市建设现代化国际化先进城市有关部署,加大了国际交流与国际合作力度。在各部门的三公数据中,这一特征也很明显。





  2012年深圳市本级部门公务接待费1 .15亿元,比2011年减少0 .13亿元,下降10 .2%。这在深圳市人保局身上也体现得很明显,2012年人保局公务接待支出从107.8万元下降至76.7万元,降幅近三成。




(原标题:晒三公 去年深圳市级部门出国费用大增)


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