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Why Nanjing was a Cobra? Sold to pharmaceutical companies for hotel profits

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/14 13:36:53 Browse times: 89 Comment times: 0

Why Nanjing was a Cobra? Sold to pharmaceutical companies for hotel profits(南京为何有人养眼镜蛇?卖给药厂饭店利润高)

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Why Nanjing was a Cobra? Sold to pharmaceutical companies for hotel profits | | Cobra in Nanjing _ news

Original title: Nanjing why Cobra? What's the use? Reporters visiting regular snake base

Outside the farm, several walls and iron gates, to prevent accidents.

Nanjing recently xiongzhou illegal farms Cobras escaped public attention. Many people wonder: why would anyone in Nanjing area of COBRA? Which of these Cobra uses? How do snake man snake? With these doubts this reporter visited a regular snake, Jiangning district base.

Yangtse evening post reporter Jiao Zhewen/photo


24 hour and the Snake "snake Lady"

The snake base is located in Jiangning moling, was the snake farming demonstration zone in Jiangsu. Director Chen more than 40 years old, 5 years ago, where she rented a 3000 square meters of venue farms began experimental culture. For some time she has had more than 1000 pieces of snake, King snake, Black Snake, red chain snake, enhydris chinensis and black eyebrow Viper, Cobra had.

Chen and her husband farm home, 24 hour and the snakes together, she jokingly referred to himself as "the snake Lady." She is afraid of snakes, but years ago, wine cured her of a snake foam a friend permanently rheumatism, Ms Chan had a keen interest in snakes. Do clothing wholesale business, she decided to change, had made a special trip to Shandong had a snake game.

Near the farm there is 100 acres of wetlands as breeding base of tenebrio Molitor, frogs, toads, and solve the problem of snake's food source. Chen and his wife live and eat at the farm. Get up at 5 o'clock in the morning every day, to feed the snake, go and clean up the room now and then, to help them "tableware" sterilising, generally 12 o'clock at night to sleep.


Farm "heavily guarded", comparable to the prison

Ms Chan said that snake farm built on high ground, dry, smooth, good drainage areas. Should not be built on the Hill and the Hill, not to mention the construction at low depression and all the year round is very damp places. Because of the site you want to open, fresh air circulation. If the air is dirty, ranging from snake farm productivity, leads to the onset of snake died.

The breeding base, reporters noted interior is divided into two regions: a snake-free zones, holding method is used in aquaculture, simulating the wild open-air farming, snake-free growth. Built with red bricks one by one in the yard "snake pit", and planted trees and grass.

"The two snakes in General, holding a few months here, to fall off when it is sold. "Ms Chan said that temporary protective measures are very important, they have three protective measures, including the doors, walls, etc. Purpose is to prevent the snake to escape. Reporters on the scene saw: in addition to the two-story tall walls snakes can't climb out, farms with every sewer clearance wire mesh is very small, let a snake cannot escape.

Another area is the serpent, zones, which is the area of the base most closely. After turning on the two large iron gate, reporter followed Chen into a bungalow in the room there is a thick layer of sandwich panel building Chamber, filled with air conditioner and heater. Ms Chan, Cobras and other poisonous snakes belong to tropical snakes, non-hibernating culture method must be used, with multiple security measures in "Chamber of secrets", which must maintain constant temperature and humidity. Cobras normally breed of snake bed, surrounded by white curtains over 1.5 m tall.

Chen said that Cobra is not very active animals, obstacles will not be able to climb over 1 m high. However, for insurance purposes, they will snake around the Bed hangings is set to 1.5 m tall, in addition there are five protective measures.


Handling difficult, but highly profitable

Was surprised by reporters in the entire culture, journalists have found a snake, in a rearing Cobra snake bed is empty. Regret, Ms Chan said: because of the related certificates difficult, starting from this year, she has been suspended culture of any snake.

She said that because of certification difficult, formal breeding of COBRA rarely in Nanjing. But because of high profits, there is still a lot of people in the private illegal farming Cobras and other snakes. According to reports, the Cobra in addition to sell pharmaceutical drugs, or by the hotel's favorite, there are a lot of people like to use Cobra wine. Cobra bubbles wines on the market can sell for thousands of pounds, and its wines are generally ordinary wine or even inferior wine, is worthless. "(Wine of COBRA bubbles) can fetch up to five thousand or six thousand Yuan a pound, probably more. ”

It is understood that to be legitimately operating Cobras and other snakes, farms must submit an application to the forestry sector, for the "national key protected wild animal domestication and breeding licenses." But the general attitude toward snake farms in the forestry sector is "discouraged". "Sales" farms for the purpose of general approval, unless the farm has some scientific value.

The saying goes, "Wu Yi XI Wei GUI", since the procedure difficult, so regular by Cobra in captivity rarely, can sell for high prices are not surprising. But before her feeding most of the snakes are not venomous snakes, and most of them are local species in Nanjing. In addition to the Cobra, she also had more than 150 pieces of pit vipers. According to Ms Chen, most of the snakes she had dominated by medical, only a snake, King Cobra and a few can be used as "meat and snakes."


Snakes do not panic if bitten should be place for help

Ms Chan said: based on her many years experience of snake, snakes generally do not attack humans, the snake in the community, must keep calm, slow to leave, or the snake left.

Chen said that often was bitten by the snake, but most of them are not snakes, can rub some disinfectant after bite. If people were bitten, don't try to forcibly dragged away the snake with his hands, this snake can bite hard, best snake himself let go. If you are unfortunate enough to be bitten, don't run, it will speed up the blood flow, poisoned more quickly, should be in place for help.


Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Nanjing Cobra

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The Yangtze evening news network

  原标题:南京为何有人养眼镜蛇?有什么用? 记者探访正规养蛇基地



  扬子晚报全媒体记者 焦哲 文/摄










  “一般几两重的蛇过来,在这里暂养几个月,到秋天时就把它卖掉。”陈女士介绍说,暂养区的防护措施很重要,他们有三道防护措施,包括大门、院墙 等。目的就是为了防止蛇逃跑。记者在现场看到:除了两层高大的院墙让蛇无法翻越外,养殖场每处下水道口都装有间隙很小的铁丝滤网,让蛇无法逃跑。

  另一块区域是毒蛇养殖区,这是整个基地防护最严密的区域。在打开两道大铁门后,记者跟着陈女士进到一间平房内,房间还有一层厚厚的夹芯板搭建的 密室,里面装了空调和取暖器。陈女士介绍,眼镜蛇等毒蛇属于热带蛇,必须采用无冬眠养殖法,养在这样有多道安保措施的“密室”里,里面必须保持恒温恒湿。 眼镜蛇平时都养殖在蛇床上,四周罩上1.5米高的白色帐子。





  她介绍说,正因为证照难办,在南京能正规养殖眼镜蛇的人很少。但因为有高利润,还是有不少人在私下违规养殖眼镜蛇等蛇类。据介绍,眼镜蛇除了卖 给药厂做药,还深受饭店的喜爱,还有不少人喜欢用眼镜蛇泡酒。用眼镜蛇泡的酒在市场上能卖到大几千元一斤,而其所用的白酒一般都是普通酒甚至是劣质酒,根 本不值钱。“(眼镜蛇泡的酒)能卖到五六千元一斤,可能都不止。”


  俗话说“物以稀为贵”,既然手续难办,所以正规由人工饲养的眼镜蛇就很少了,能卖到高价也就不奇怪了。不过她之前饲养的蛇大多数是无毒蛇,而且 大都是南京本地就有的种类。除了眼镜蛇,她还养过150多条蝮蛇。据陈女士介绍,她养过的蛇大都以药用为主,只有大王蛇、眼镜蛇等少数可以作为“肉蛇”。







南京 眼镜蛇


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