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Student sentenced for the crime of rape committed in Guangxi, the victim is under 14 years old

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/13 6:27:56 Browse times: 84 Comment times: 0

Student sentenced for the crime of rape committed in Guangxi, the victim is under 14 years old(广西助学达人犯强奸罪获刑,受害人不满14岁)

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Student sentenced for the crime of rape committed in Guangxi | victims under 14 years old student Wang | | student talent _ news

Original title: "student's got talent," Wang committed rape and other crimes sentenced 16 of the victims under 14 years of age

Trial site

Beijing, October 13, according to the official website of the people's Court of Guangxi's longlin various nationalities autonomous news, October 13, 2016, Longlin County, Baise City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region people's Court publicly pronounced the original "Baise student network" director Wang case of rape, fraud, and sentenced the defendant Wang be sentenced to 15 years on charges of rape, and sentenced him to one year and six months ' imprisonment on charges of fraud, joinder of decisions the Executive sentenced to 16 years. Sentenced the defendant Wang be sentenced to five years on charges of rape.

Identified by the courts: from 2009 to 2015, Wang Jie to finance poor students in Baise in the name of the accused, successively raped students a month, Qin and Wang chunzheng of the defendant raped student helping in the joint criminal Huang Mei. Defendant Wang to need to subsidize schools in poor areas and chairs for taking method of hiding the truth, obtaining financing of RMB 15000 love team as their own.

Longlin Court held that defendant Wang against her will, using violent means, forced sexual relations with the woman, known to be with girls under 14 years of age and sex, rape help for others, his behavior had constituted the crime of rape; obtaining large amounts of public and private property, constitutes fraud should be punished. Defendant Wang knows to be with girls under 14 years of age and sex, constitute the crime of rape. Two defendants rape should be punished. In view of the defendant, Wang voluntarily surrender after committing any crime and truthfully described his crime, himself, may be given a lighter punishment. According to the relevant provisions of the criminal code, then the decision was made.

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Wang student student talent in Guangxi

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China News Network
广西助学达人犯强奸罪获刑 受害人不满14岁|王杰|助学|助学达人_新闻资讯

  原标题:“助学达人”王杰犯强奸等罪获刑16年 受害人不满14岁


  中新网10月13日电 据广西隆林各族自治县人民法院官方网站消息,2016年10月13日,广西壮族自治区百色市隆林各族自治县人民法院公开宣判原“百色助学网”负责人王杰强奸、诈骗一案,以强奸罪判处被告人王杰有期徒刑十五年,以诈骗罪判处其有期徒刑一年零六个月,数罪并罚决定执行有期徒刑十六年。以强奸罪判处被告人王春任有期徒刑五年。


  隆林法院认为, 被告人王杰违背妇女意志,使用暴力手段,强行与妇女发生性关系,明知是未满十四周岁的幼女而与其发生性关系,为他人强奸提供帮助,其行为已构成强奸罪;其骗取数额较大的公私财物行为构成诈骗罪,应实行数罪并罚。被告人王春任明知是未满十四周岁的幼女而与其发生性关系,构成强奸罪。两被告人强奸幼女,应从重处罚。鉴于被告人王春任犯罪后自动投案,如实供述自己的罪行,是自首,可以从轻处罚。根据刑法的有关规定,遂作出上述判决。


王杰 助学 助学达人 广西


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