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Beijing Badaling wild Zoo tiger maulings: injured regretted not immediately Sue, Sue

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/13 6:27:27 Browse times: 116 Comment times: 0

Beijing Badaling wild Zoo tiger maulings: injured regretted not immediately Sue, Sue(北京八达岭野生动物园老虎伤人事件:伤者后悔没立刻起诉,将提起诉讼)

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Beijing Badaling wild Zoo tiger maulings: injured regretted not immediately Sue Sue | | injured | voice _ the Tiger news

On July 23, the Beijing Badaling Safari Park, a tiger maulings occurred, a female tourists to get off at the Siberian tiger was bitten by a tiger, his mother got off the rescue, biting to death by tigers. Today (October 13) morning, the injured tourist Zhao accepted the face to face interview with the Beijing News reporter.

The Tiger bites the victim Ms Zhao.

On July 23, the Beijing Badaling Safari Park, a tiger maulings occurred, a female tourists to get off at the Siberian Tiger Park was bitten by a tiger, his mother got off the rescue, biting to death by tigers.

Today (October 13) morning, the injured tourist Zhao accepted the face to face interview with the Beijing News reporter.

  Talk about the incident

"Then get off because of motion sickness"

The Beijing News: on July 23 when the Badaling Wildlife Park?

Ms Zhao: that morning to go to truck, maintenance, take children to play, to eat a meal, two o'clock in the afternoon to the Zoo.

The Beijing News: Zoo is there to remind you to buy insurance?

Ms Zhao: didn't say to buy insurance. That probably more wicket at the Zoo also began to sell tickets, the tickets we bought from the conductor on the hand. 90 yuan per person, a car 60 Yuan, a total of 330 dollars. That insurance 5 bucks a piece, didn't buy it.

The Beijing News: what do you do in the car before the accident?

Ms Zhao: July 23, I sat in the co-pilot, love driving, child safety seats in the back row, my mother was in the back seat, sees warning signs where no get off.

The Beijing News: why did you get off?

Ms Zhao: for motion sickness. Already had motion sickness problem, not dizzy drive, ride the Halo. Usually I drive more, love the car, had never driven a car. Also wanted to allow a husband to practice your craft. But his drive hit the brakes, adding to my motion sickness.

The Beijing News: patrol car to remind you?

Ms Zhao: we did not hear the Horn on the patrol car. Only heard reminding the red car is back. After the incident, people inside the patrol car is heard me "Ah" sound (reminding).

The Tiger bites the victim Ms Zhao.

"Online video is not complete"

The Beijing News: why get off and then returned to your lover?

Ms Zhao: back door not closed, there were children. After turning off, get off. Online video is not complete, we've seen the full video, he also beat rescue vehicle doors, there are about five or six minutes, has been beating doors, but people have been down on the car. Later on are people who say, you get out five or six minutes is not carried off by tigers, was lucky.

The Beijing News: remember what happens when you bite?

Ms Zhao: memories can only be according to the investigation report details. Can remember now is bitten on the back, which is painful, then not remember, had already fainted.

The Beijing News: how to know what is bite?

Ms Zhao: nurse in the ICU and woke me and said I was bitten by a tiger. I recall, recalled from the passenger got off, went around to the front of the bus, was grabbed by something. There is a safety supervision Bureau of yanqing County looking for my records, said.

The Beijing News: someone said you had at the Taipei Medical College hospital medical alarm?

Ms Zhao: Taipei Medical College Hospital has clarified, I first came to Beijing, there cannot be a medical alarm.

The Beijing News: your dad in front of the ICU was going on?

Ms Zhao: he did not know that ICU is 3 o'clock in the afternoon site visits, he was in a hurry, nurse said no, not time. Father said I'll take a look at it. Post doctor later deleted.

Ms Zhao neck injuries.

  On public opinion

I myself certainly has a responsibility, but do not agree with "no dead won't die"

The Beijing News: why no sound?

Ms Zhao: when it happened, it should sound. But we have full confidence in local government. Lover unit has coordinated leadership and local government. They take the outflanking tactics, this may be the means of crisis management. Following the survey, Zoo is nothing. Said the Zoo still talk to us, that is a big lie.

The Beijing News: how PIN online to your discussion?

Ms Zhao: this is a set-up. Everyone has the wrong time, I certainly have the responsibility, but I do not agree with netizens "no dead don't die" this statement. The night of the incident, yanqing message spread in my circle of friends. See information being grilled, very silent.

The Beijing News: what do your friends think?

Ms Zhao: I live in yanqing, reluctant to go out, not to escape, but can't be bothered to listen. Doesn't make any sense. Usually close friends care about me, than to care about this thing. They believe that I am usually very naughty, I don't even ran red light, not to quarrel with lovers, news they knew was false. Members have Twitter and Internet post below help to respond, but often leads to condemning. And friends was specially written for this article, reproduced each other, there is no much difference, condemning the coverage.

The Beijing News: will you still feel afraid?

Ms Zhao: I just lost his memory, was in a coma. But these are all the children to see. I can remember to go to the door, back biting, can't remember what he saw Tiger, don't remember what Tiger is. Now have nothing to fear, but I wouldn't want to see.

The Beijing News: impact of public opinion on you isn't it?

Ms Zhao: the effect is quite large, called my "unruly" and "capricious". And my face has changed, no matter how plastic is useless. Until now, children have to wear a face mask. Must be considering cosmetic surgery.

The Beijing News: now how much it cost?

Ms Zhao: operation early spent about 120,000, is the Zoo paid; subsequent spent 10,000 not to, is yourself.

The Beijing News: How did discuss with the Zoo?

Ms Zhao: the Zoo with my dad talked to the end of September once, only to comment on people's 15%, then heard. We had on September 27 for disclosure of Government information, submitted to the Government of yanqing district families question the views, the Government has not responded.

The Beijing News: going to do with it now?

Ms Zhao: before me in ICU unaware, yanqing County work safety supervision Bureau and Bureau leadership had led to my dad in person hotel, said the first agreement with him, don't go in legal proceedings. But now ready to go the legal way, immediately sued. There are many uncertainties about the case, after all, public opinion is very one sided, is not very good for us.

  Talk about family members

"Hospital family lied to conceal his mother death"

The Beijing News: When do you know when her mother died?

Ms Zhao: discharged on August 15, three or four days after the mother's death. Hospital would want to mother and child every day. They (the family) made a variety of lie, lie to me at that time, said the mother is the walking wounded, broken. Then captured by the claws of a tiger head, was in a coma. Also said mothers are sent home.

I told her husband that, wanted to call his mother, greets all friends and relatives but they want to hide it from me. On one occasion, love lying in bed asleep, I had been a little skeptical, secretly watch online news picked up the phone, he suddenly grabbed my phone, I still don't want to believe that. Taipei Medical College Hospital doctor also with them, said vulnerable period, can't touch the phone.

The Beijing News: why mothers come to Beijing?

Zhao Lady: because my husband was on a business trip, MOM came to help with the kids. If you do not call her over, what work, she wouldn't have been this way. Mother as family, as friends, only I, her only good. Things to talk about.

The Beijing News: mother feel?

Ms Zhao: think will cry. Early in September bought the cemetery back to Anhui hometown, cancelled accounts. Stayed at home for five or six days, not how to go out, finishing remains, primarily mother's clothes. I am very uncomfortable, unwilling to accept this fact, his father hired a psychiatrist. This family shadow is very big, I blamed myself. She was a thrifty man, and never spend a penny, my uncle said, you go through your mother's pockets. I turn to my grandmother to my mother's rings, mother of astrology and I working together, mother pigs, rats of the genus I.

Zhao showed wounds. The group photo: Beijing News reporter Xue 珺

Children more than once said "you were eaten by a tiger"

The Beijing News: children feel?

Zhao: it's guilt. I suddenly disappear for more than 10 days in hospital, he is very insecure. Her husband in the hospital taking care of me for a long time, child care by friends for a long time. After leaving hospital, children more than once said: "you were eaten by a tiger. ”

The Beijing News: this affects him big?

Ms Zhao: the things he must have hurt. During the treatment, where we live is a unit of family building, families would go to talk. There was a child my child stopped, saying your mother was eaten by a tiger, insiders see, that my children were very shocked. I have taste the taste of lost mothers, do not want their children to taste the taste of it.

The Beijing News: what does your husband do?

Ms Zhao: this is not convenient to disclose, and discipline. His work, meet four or five times a year, and after I came to Beijing, he was on a business trip is more than 10 days. But he had a family visit, I also have family visits, there are travel opportunities, two or three months. Taking into account the long-separated spouses are not common, and children had two or three years old, going to school. So I come in yanqing County. Now in yanqing, a kindergarten school.

The Beijing News: usually how to do with love?

Ms Zhao: very good. I kind of love him around the hospital. I see other children and parents to play together will cry, he sighed.

The Beijing News: what do you think about your partner's questions?

Ms Zhao: mother mother when he tried to stop, but she rushed out to have too much power, not stopped, flapping doors when saw four tigers on the slopes. If he were to make unnecessary sacrifices, then the child may be about to lose three of them, do I have to use two dead, one injured Tiger to save the cost of it?

Beijing News reporter had Golden

Responsible editor: Li Peng

Article keywords:
Tiger wounded voice

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