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Pharmaceutical companies leak and explosion accident in Jinan, near the school year acid smell

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/11 1:58:21 Browse times: 239 Comment times: 0

Pharmaceutical companies leak and explosion accident in Jinan, near the school year acid smell(济南制药企业发生泄露爆炸事故,附近学校常年有酸臭味)

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Jinan pharmaceutical companies leak and explosion near school year acid smell | |, Jinan, Shandong drug companies _ news
Jinan qilu pharmaceutical company 10th night venting occurs, crowd figure for environment monitor were the scene of containment, in licheng II parents require monitoring to detect the air quality, provide specific data and evaluation. Liang 犇 photography
10th night venting Jinan qilu pharmaceutical enterprise, is located in the Dong Jia town, licheng district, Jinan qilu pharmaceutical subsidiary and a local pharmaceutical company, Hui Shi. Liang 犇 photography

Beijing, Jinan on October 11 (Li Xin Liang 犇sha Dragon) is located in the Dong Jia town, licheng district, Jinan qilu pharmaceutical subsidiary and pharmaceutical company, Hui Shi venting incidents occurring on October 10 at about 20:50, the local fire fighters rushed to the scene, confirmed by the site, no casualties.

Beijing, reporters rushed overnight drove 19 km to is located in Jinan urban-rural binding region of the scene of the accident. Reporters on the scene saw, pharmaceutical factory has been warning of the accident for failing to ask the guards for permission, journalists cannot enter the vent plant. Reporter saw large crowds gathered in front of the factory, in right next door to the school gate in Jinan licheng II, reporters smelled a pungent smell. Night to reporters gathered at the gate of the school's parents said, because the school next to the factory, students and teachers can all smell this smell.

According to Dong Jia town, licheng district, Jinan City Government informed, the venting of qilu pharmaceutical group is a subsidiary of pharmaceutical enterprises – and Hui Shi pharmaceutical co., Ltd. Explosion have occurred before August this year, conducted an inspection of the enterprise reform after the accident, safety supervision Bureau qualified acceptance, back after production.

Tianhe pharmaceutical company, Hui Shi Hao Chuangui, Director of the Office late at night to the media, said the enterprise since the last accident, the best ideas, troubleshooting, and security management, but this time the explosion not troubleshoot.

0 o'clock in the morning, 21 minutes, reporters in Jinan licheng pharmaceutical factory an accident right next door saw 3 environmental monitoring two-door car, but several vehicles were the crowd containment. The reporter, which gathered crowds for overlooking two parents, their emotional, urging environmental monitoring testing staff on the scene of the accident on air quality are given specific data and evaluation, and clearly tell parents, and pharmaceutical factories separated by middle school for kids to stay in school.

Local media earlier reported that this middle school parents struggle with the contradictions between the pharmaceutical company for nearly 10 years. Early in 2008, overlooking two schools because of smell, explosion and other environmental issues and security threats in many negotiations with the pharmaceutical factory, have not been resolved, so that the high school students wear masks class photo widely circulated on the Internet by doing exercises, wear a face mask. (End)

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Shandong Jinan pharmaceutical factory

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China News Network
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责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

山东济南 药厂


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