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“IPhone,7“ sales behind the scenes: incoming bets

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“IPhone,7“ sales behind the scenes: incoming bets(“iPhone,7”销售幕后:进货方的赌局)

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"IPhone 7" sale scenes: incoming bets

IPhone 7 went full term, and "peer", which went on sale in mainland China to attract people's eyeballs.

This month is the craziest, iPhone 7 winner's attitude on the trading table, so many "iPhone 7 followers" to its bow, empty pockets, and all this is no accident.

Fans of the iPhone 7 "crazy" with Apple's "hunger" sales also has a bunch of behind, they hide the dark, make use of its resources in the hands of hoarding entities, under the process of a private road, to be sold at official prices several times higher, and satisfies "iPhone 7 followers" were early adopters of desire.

Yellow cattle in secret for a long time, at this moment, they think they know the buyer's desires and vanities, chasing after money in the gambling and human nature. This years bet, they have never been defeated.

Behind the phone industry chain

"Man, entity, iPhone 7 in stock! ”

For cattle, since September 8, everyone from the Apple store is their potential customers, regardless of age and sex.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Apple held 2016 global product launches, iPhone 7 lift the veil of mystery. Meanwhile, most iPhone fans were told the official website of the entities 7 machine shortages, tremendous business opportunities appear in the naked "hunger" sales strategy.

The moment when you take an Apple store, they to you smiles on faces, a brisk pace to come your way skillfully sell their "spot", sold I look in your eyes full of desire and pride of the entity.

"Price is how much? ”

"Hold on, I call to ask. ”

When the iPhone 7 "black" when prices are already close to 30,000 yuan, Apple prices uncertain, wait 10 minutes, cattle standing in the street don't even know how much to sell this machine.

"' Black ' less goods, high prices and the rest I do not know how many, but I can take out as much as you want. "The absence of marginal cattle seem to be, but revealing iPhone 7 charm confident tone.

Buyers, cattle are not to leave any contact information, if you want to buy, they must first pay later will give you a solid machine.

Entities of the packaging is intact, after you removed the packaging, this machine is marked by traces of you, because only new is the most valuable, removed after the machine became the second phone, cattle will not foot the Bill for this great loss.

In the eyes of cattle, each new machine on sale Apple is an opportunity to make money, through its own means on its website, "agent" that got the spot, clutching in his hand, to prove Apple charm.

Cattle proved again successful, a constant stream of people there is always someone willing to be "scarce" pay a greater price.

"They don't care about the money, about face. And many bought their own people, more like buy to buy Twitter, circle of friends, and we are meeting the needs of their people. ”

 Stores struggle

In this month, iPhone 7 sales seemed to be a Carnival of mobile phone sales, especially in China, Big Apple iPhone 7 fan base to lay the sales index of Carnival madness, and Zhongguancun is a microcosm of the Carnival.

Kwang, 27, after graduating from college he started at Zhongguancun rush of Fame, less than 4 years, he has opened his own 4th phone in Beijing shop, iPhone on sale 7 day, a store he sold almost 20, every phone sold prices are different, longer, higher prices.

In the eyes of customers, the store is the largest beneficiary of the cattle industry chain, however this is not true. LU Ping's shop, and without an iPhone 7 physical machine.

"Each iPhone sell 7, we can only get 100-300, film sometimes will get on the phone or cell phone, as the benefits on the sale to the customer. "On the road, selling iPhone 7 and sell other phone makes no difference.

Since the Taobao and Jingdong Mall, led by the times, has brought changes in consumption era, Zhongguancun store facing the market crisis, especially in mobile retailer.

"Today, the online and cell phone prices, what price do we, we also have a lot of people will be ' two-way battle ', open store, open shop, sometimes shop to attract customers to the store experience, to promote sales. ”

That the party does not belong to physical stores, they are just struggling at the bottom in the sales chain.

Purchase game

The case revealed to the characters, as sellers, shops sell iPhone 7 are not his purchase, he will not be able to purchase, he sells the iPhone 7 are from the "boss".

"Boss" is the case of a title, it represents the purchase of distribution chains, "extraordinary ability".

As early as a month before Apple listed, the "boss" are ready to battle for sales, they are the backbone of the price war, they earn the highest profits on sales price, bear the highest risk in the sales field.

"Their supply channels, hands have a lot of money on their official website to order, buy cattle or even individual buyer in the unopened iPhone 7, there is the surviving entity in the hands of Treasury, my sources they can. ”

This sales model in the Zhongguancun has become commonplace.

In this month, LU Ping will observe Jingdong, Taobao's iPhone 7 price, estimated the current real price according to the price, but this is not accurate, because the price of each machine is from the "boss" are finalized, can only carry goods when Lu realized cost price.

Each iPhone 7 are a gamble.

According to case reports, "boss" will be nearly 20,000 yuan price of cattle to buy a "black", with 27000 sold "iPhone 7 followers". A month's time, "boss" are selling their stock, sell out, he will have higher profits, cannot sell out, will bear the loss of cell phone prices.

At present, with the cooling of the market, shipments increased brand official website and official stores and other formal channels to be able to make an appointment and even after the purchase directly to some models in stock, tight color iPhone 7 fare in shrinking, it was a huge gamble ends in silent.

And this gamble behind the pilot have not disappeared, they might be ready for the next one.

(Interviewers request, case is not his real name)

Author: Yang Lei Yun yan

(Editor: Yang Lei UN873)
2016-10-09 15:51:34
“iPhone 7”销售幕后:进货方的赌局

  iPhone 7上市刚好足月,与“同辈”一样,它的开售在中国大陆吸引着无数人的眼球。

  这个月是疯狂的,iPhone 7以胜者的姿态站在交易台上,让无数“iPhone 7的粉丝”为其折腰,掏空腰包,而这一切并非偶然。

  iPhone 7的粉丝们的“痴狂”与苹果公司的“饥饿”销售之外还有一群幕后推手,他们隐藏暗处,利用自己手中的资源,囤积实体机,在一道道隐秘的流程下,以高出官方定价数倍的价格出售,满足着“iPhone 7的粉丝”们尝鲜的欲望。




  “哥们,要实体机吗,iPhone 7现货!”


  当天凌晨1点,苹果召开2016年全球新品发布会,iPhone 7被揭开神秘的面纱。与此同时,大部分iPhone 7的粉丝们被告知官网的实体机短缺,巨大的商机出现在赤裸的“饥饿”销售策略中。




  当iPhone 7“亮黑”款的价格已经逼近3万元的时候,苹果的价格变得扑朔迷离,恨不得10分钟变一次,连站在街上的黄牛也不知道这台机器到底能卖出多少钱。

  “‘亮黑’的货少,价格自然高,其余的款我也不知道有多少货,但是你要多少我就能拿出多少。”黄牛的话似乎总是毫无边际,但是语气中流露着对iPhone 7魅力的自信。








  在这一个月里,iPhone 7的销售似乎是一场手机销售业的狂欢,尤其是在中国,庞大的苹iPhone 7的粉丝丝基数奠定了这场销售狂欢的疯狂指数,而中关村则是这场狂欢的一个缩影。

  路平今年27,大学毕业后他开始在中关村闯堂,不足4年,他已经在北京开设了自己的第4家手机实体店铺,iPhone 7开售当天,他的一家实体店卖出了近20台,每台手机的出售的价格都不相同,时间越晚,价钱越高。

  在顾客们看来,这些实体店是这条黄牛产业链最大的受益者,然而事实并非如此。在路平的店铺里,并没有任何一台iPhone 7实体机。

  “每卖出一台iPhone 7,我们只能拿到100-300的中间费,有的时候会搭上手机膜或手机壳,作为这次买卖的福利送给顾客。”在路平看来,卖iPhone 7和卖其他手机没有什么区别。






  路平向《聚焦人物》透露,作为销售方,店铺里卖出的iPhone 7并不是他的进货,他也没有能力去进货,他卖出的iPhone 7都是来自“老大”那。



  “他们的货源渠道广,手中有大量的资金,在官网上订购、收购黄牛甚至个体买家中未开封的iphone 7、手中还有存实体机的库房,我的货源就是他们。”


  在这个月里,路平会观察京东、淘宝上的iPhone 7价格,根据这个价格估测出目前的真实价钱,但这并不准确,因为每一台机器的价格都是从“老大”们最终确定,只能拿货的时候,路平才知道成本价。

  每一部iPhone 7都是一场赌局。

  据路平介绍,“老大”们会以近2万元的价格在黄牛手中收购一部“亮黑”,在以27000的价格卖给“iPhone 7的粉丝”。一个月的时间,“老大”们销售着自己手中的存货,卖出去,他会有高额的利润,卖不出去,就要承担手机价格下跌的损失。

  目前,随着市场的冷却,发货量的增加,品牌官网和官方实体店等正规渠道能够预约甚至直接购买到部分机型的现货后,紧俏颜色的iPhone 7加价在不断缩水,这场庞大的赌局也在悄无声息中结束。



作者:杨磊 宿云燕

(责任编辑:杨磊 UN873)
2016-10-09 15:51:34

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