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China hotly debated whether to cancel Housing Fund: cancel the Provident Fund is not a good idea

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/3 19:43:52 Browse times: 101 Comment times: 0

China hotly debated whether to cancel Housing Fund: cancel the Provident Fund is not a good idea(中国学术界热烈讨论是否取消住房公积金:取消公积金不是好办法)

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China hotly debated whether to cancel Housing Fund: cancel the Provident Fund is not a good way to | | | canceled _ the Government of housing accumulation Fund news

CNS, Beijing, October 4 (reporters and)-recently, a report put the housing accumulation fund system on the cusp, about "cancel Housing Fund" is feasible argument. Experts believe that the housing fund system has not adapted to the new situation, but "one" is not the best way, how to protect workers ' interests? In house security link, there is no substitute for financial support? In what ways do current policies can also "fine tuning" issues to be further discussed.

  Provident Fund usage how?

With rising house prices, catch, "room" topics will touch the sensitive nerves of buyers.

Recently, the Vice President of the China labor society Su Hainan said in a media interview, "proposal to abolish the housing Provident Fund". Reason is straightforward, low rates of housing Provident Fund is mainly high and middle income obtained, increase the income gap, has breached policy in mind.

2015 annual report of the housing Provident Fund in 2015, housing accumulation Fund paid 123.9331 million employees, and individual housing loans of 3.125 million for the year. Thus calculated, paid that year number number of Provident Fund only paid about 2.5%.

"The worker pays the housing Provident Fund is not only paid for one year extraction using, nor are all in the same year, the crowd is not a good measure. "Professor Li Shi told Xinhua Beijing, Beijing Normal University School of Economics and management (app public: cns2012) journalist, how this system service number, service also depends on the loan. In 2015, housing common reserve fund loan amount paid of 70%. "Even at 70% is not high, this means years of housing accumulation Fund paid the balance, not being fully used . ”

As a real estate salesman in Tongzhou, Fund Management Center management departments before queuing overnight. Photo: CFP vision China

  Provident Fund loan spell but why credits?

Fellow residents purchase forms of financial support, housing fund loans and commercial loans, home buyers are more likely to choose?

" Most of the buyers credit will be selected instead of Provident Fund loans ", 5 years HomeLink estate agent Wang Meng told reporters that the advantages of Provident Fund loans are low interest rates, but the current loan interest rate is not too high, the most important loans access to loans, is low down payments .

At present, the Provident Fund loans lending rate of more than 5 years to 3.25%, slightly lower compared to commercial loan interest rate; 20 loan interest rate is 4.9%. If the Provident Fund loan and commercial loan of 1 million Yuan, respectively, 20 years, constant principal and interest repayment, both the difference in monthly payments of less than 1000 Yuan.

No obvious interest, loans total was lost on many, become the main reason that buyers do not use provident fund housing loans.

According to the Housing Fund Management Center of Central Government public release of information, States the maximum limits for Provident Fund loans to buy first home 1.2 million Yuan, two sets of loan maximum amount to 800,000 yuan.

" Loans there is no maximum loan appraised value up to 70%. Materials in General is to submit the certificate of salary, if the loan amount is too much, depends on the Bank water. "Wang Meng said that loan lending high loan amount, loan period is short, many owners would like .

Provident Fund loan approvals cumbersome materials, procedures, is being arranged by Qi Xiaojie deep experience. Qi Xiaojie extraction application to the unit housing fund, extract information for synchronization was asked to provide her husband and marriage certificates, "wrote you as Fang Ben first husband's name."

"Now want to change the order to no avail, after all, her husband is the primary lender, his procedure would be more trouble. "Miss justified concern, before and after the order of names on the room will affect the handling of other affairs, the House is purchased together after marriage, but there are home buyers qualify.

Information diagram.

  If not a provident fund to supplement workers ' interests?

"The abolition of housing accumulation fund system" proposal, initially from the Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, China's income distribution in August this year, according to a report.

In the view of Mr LI, housing accumulation fund system are not suitable for today's housing needs. Commercial loans on the one hand more perfect, can supplement the housing finance system, market-oriented operation is better, on the paid population, percentage of civil servants and employees of public institutions is too large, this mandatory subsidy model, will increase the inequality of income distribution, in addition, that most of people paid into the Fund, could not enjoy the well-being, resulting in dislocation.

But for ordinary workers, they failed to cancel is not the point, is there a better purchase financial solutions as an alternative, they are most concerned about.

Beijing girl Jiang Tong in support of abolishing the Housing Fund, "is that provident funds to payroll, monthly revenue, receiving together don't have to retire; second, even if the purchase, commercial loans can also be added. ”

"Staff is the basic principle of undiminished interest, if the removal of the Provident Fund system, link in loans and corporate subsidies should be complemented. "Mr Li explained that during the loan process, credits can be used as a valid alternative, in the form of subsidized loans to explore, management easier in corporate subsidies and link housing fund becomes part of her salary, pay employees .

"Effect of subsidized loans could reach the Fund subsidies" questioning, Mr Li said, subsidized loans the Government to solve, through low interest rates reduce loan costs for buyers as a whole in order to achieve the purpose of financial support to just need to purchase the crowd .

Information diagram. News Agency reporters in Dongming Wang photography

  "Cancel the Provident Fund" will give rise to what problem?

Oppose the abolition of Housing Fund in the telecommunications industry, housing accumulation fund system is defective, but not to "Cancel" this step.

E-House Research Institute think-tank, Center Director Yan Yuejin told reporters that "the removal of the Provident Fund system is unrealistic, not because of housing accumulation fund system defects simply denied its role. Moreover, the Provident Fund in support of the first suite of role are still large. ”

China policy Science Research Institute Director, Senior Economist Xu Xun had an interview also points out that housing provident fund involves the fundamental interests of the people and the people, can not be too rash. " Ordinary civil servants monthly at a higher proportion to be paid by the Provident Fund is money, if you cancel, already paid money to do? How to compensate?

"The Fund is like buying insurance, I do not know on which days will be used, helping you maintain a cash flow. "Using the housing accumulation Fund as early as 2012 in Beijing homebuyers how small has its own considerations, who can guarantee that not buying now, will not buy in the future, if not this demand, retirement taken out when pension money is good .

  "The big change," not yet how to "fine tune" renewing vitality?

Since the housing accumulation fund system "major changes" difficult local trimmer is to be an option, a number of experts and scholars issued "prescription".

Yan Yuejin said that housing accumulation fund system first "subtraction", simplified payment queries, extract, renewal procedures and process, gradually reducing barriers to extraction procedures easier, and to a certain extent, combat the phenomenon of illegal extraction of mediating institutions .

Housing Fund loans cannot be foot problems. Yan Yuejin proposed provident fund loans for second homes on the block channel which give first-time homebuyers Fund loan facilities to meet loan demand.

Provident Fund system with mandatory saving, both advantages and disadvantages. Mr Li believes that "mandatory" was occupied by some demand money, unable to benefit more people in need of housing accumulation Fund. " Should become mandatory as the autonomous choices, paid by the employee to choose whether to participate in the Provident Fund , and through information management center audits, to determine whether there is really a demand, for special needs populations to join system." (End)

Responsible editor: Wei chun

Article keywords:
Housing Fund the Government to cancel

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  中新网北京10月4日电 (种卿)近日,一则报道将住房公积金制度推上风口浪尖,引发有关“取消住房公积金”是否可行的争论。有专家认为,住房公积金制度已不适应新形势,然而“一消了之”绝非上策,如何保障职工利益?在住房保障环节,有无可替代的金融支持手段?现有政策还可以在哪些方面“微调”等课题有待进一步探讨。






图为房产业务员在公积金管理中心通州管理部门前通宵排队。 图片来源:CFP视觉中国











  如果没了公积金 要拿什么补充职工利益?







资料图。中新社记者 王东明 摄






  “大改”时机未到 如何“微调”焕活力?






住房公积金 政府 取消


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