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3 City States group in Gansu province to the United States Canada to promote tourism products

Writer: 归海一刀 Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/2/3 8:02:40 Browse times: 259 Comment times: 0

3 City States group in Gansu province to the United States Canada to promote tourism products(甘肃省3市州组团赴美国加拿大推介旅游产品)

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3 city tour of Gansu province in United States Canada promote tourism product tourism products | | | Yellow River culture Silk Road _ news

  Tour of Gansu province in United States Canada to promote tourism products

Network of Gansu-Lanzhou, Gansu daily daily news (reporters Qin Na) a few days ago, led by the Provincial Tourism Bureau, three joint linxia, Tianshui, Gannan city composed of the State Government and tourism-related tourism promotion mission, to the United States, and Canada for a period of 8 days of tourism promotion activities. Through promotion, overseas Chinese forums, the focus of the Silk Road in Gansu province, the Yellow River culture, looking for ancestral tourism products to enhance the "gorgeous boutique Silk Road in Gansu" brand visibility and influence in the overseas market, bigger markets in North America and expand overseas Chinese returning to tour play a positive role in promoting.

In this activity, Gansu province, was held in New York, San Francisco and Vancouver, respectively 3 promotion, describes in detail the tourism resources and tourism development in Gansu and incorporates English announcements, sweepstakes, award-winning variety of referral form, on the ground caused a warm response. At the same time, promotional mission to grasp in Gansu province has become the fifth opening provinces travel to the United States as a positive, positive exchange with the local travel, finding opportunities for cooperation, the United States and Canada travel said it would choose tour study tour to Gansu to promote.

On the tour, many overseas Chinese have expressed thoughts of home and looking forward to the new look of the home. Based on this, in Gansu province, and North American traveling salesman in the Gan tourism, overseas Chinese returning to tour reached a number of consensus on cooperation. Traveling salesman of Gansu province published overseas tourist groups welcomed the subsidy scheme, fourth in Dunhuang · Silk Road international tourism Festival and interesting section of Fuxi culture tourism Festival will show strong interest in linxia, Tianshui, Gannan reach, and with a delegation to participate in the Festival's initial intent.

According to reports, North America has always been important in Gansu province's inbound tourist market, United States travel sweet people have firmly held the top five to Hong Kong in Gansu province. In recent years, Gansu province through its participation in the Group recommended, inter alia, NTA tour promotion, self, a series of promotional activities aimed at the American market, and has established cooperative channels.

(Original title: tour of Gansu province in United States Canada to promote tourism products)

(Edit: SN094)February 02, 2014 Gansu daily network(甘肃省3市州组团赴美国加拿大推介旅游产品|旅游产品|黄河文化|丝绸之路_新闻资讯


  每日甘肃网-甘肃日报兰州讯 (记者秦娜) 日前,由省旅游局牵头,联合临夏、天水、甘南三市州政府及旅游局有关人员组成旅游推介团,赴美国、加拿大进行了为期8天的旅游产品推介活动。通过推介会、华侨座谈会等形式,重点推介了甘肃丝绸之路、黄河文化、寻根问祖旅游产品,对提升“精品丝路绚丽甘肃”品牌在境外市场的知名度和影响力,做大北美市场,拓展华人华侨回乡游起到了积极的推动作用。






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