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Sansha yongxing Island, China began growing vegetables: a million pounds per month fruit and vegetables

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/10/1 7:26:59 Browse times: 52 Comment times: 0

Sansha yongxing Island, China began growing vegetables: a million pounds per month fruit and vegetables(中国三沙市永兴岛开始蔬菜种植:月产万斤蔬果)

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Sansha yongxing Island, China began growing vegetables: a million pounds per month fruit and vegetables

Figure in the yongxing Island vegetable greenhouse hydroponic vegetable technology. Wang Ziqian photography

Away from the city, sansha, materials from Hainan Island by sea transport for a long time. Now the city has for four years, San Sha located Paracel yongxing island of the Municipal Government on how to eat vegetables, visiting journalists.

On September 30 at the yongxing Island, 4 vegetables and plants growing in the greenhouse, the vegetables using hydroponics and soilless cultivation methods can produce more than pounds of cabbage, spinach, Eggplant and other vegetables and fruits.

Vegetable greenhouse supervisor introduced Cai Damao, yongxing Island 1 hydroponic greenhouses and soilless culture in greenhouse of 3, with a total area of 9000 square meters.

Cai Damao introduction, hydroponic greenhouse vegetables grown mainly vegetable, Chinese cabbage, Shanghainese and other vegetables, cucumbers were planted, grow vegetables without soil, as long as the grass into a special plastic bubble, then in the nutrient solution to cultivate, after 5 days in the water, to be picked after 17 days. Outside, workers put a grain of grass into a special plastic bubble, ready to cultivate the next batch of vegetables.

Soilless culture in greenhouse vegetables, such as peppers, cucumbers are fruiting. Soilless greenhouse grated Coco peat and sand mix, coupled with fertilizer, fostering improved can grow vegetables and fruits, here grown pepper, cucumber, about 60 days to be picked.

"Now grow vegetables using water is desalination of water, fruits and vegetables growing well. "Cai Damao said three sand special geographical position, high temperature and temperature difference, 4 vegetable greenhouses has temperature control equipment, when the temperature is too high, lower temperature through sprays, fans or any other means. Currently vegetable greenhouse production of vegetables can meet required of the yongxing island.

It is understood that the Shanghai yongxing island now home-grown cabbage, green, pod pepper dishes such as mount is out of the fields, walked into the cafeteria, self-service supermarket. (Reporter Wang Ziqian)

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-10-01 09:44:05

图为永兴岛蔬菜大棚内的水培蔬菜技术。 王子谦 摄







  据了解,目前永兴岛自产的小白菜、上海青、朝天椒等种植菜品已走出田间地头,走进单位食堂、自选超市中。(记者 王子谦)

(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-10-01 09:44:05

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