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United States Defense Minister: F35 fighter jet will be sent to the Asia-Pacific, the rise of China

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United States Defense Minister: F35 fighter jet will be sent to the Asia-Pacific, the rise of China(美国国防部长:将派F35战机等赴亚太,应对中国崛起)

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United States Defense Minister: F35 fighter jet will be sent to the Asia-Pacific to deal with the rise of China | Sea _ news

Local time on September 29, the United States Defense Minister Carter in "Carl Vinson" aircraft carrier speech to officers and soldiers said United States "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" policies will enter a new stage, United States military superiority in the region will be strengthened, so that in the case of China's rising military power to maintain dominance in the Asia-Pacific.

United States Defense Minister Carter

New stage focused on consolidating military advantage security architecture

Carter is docked in San Diego, "Carl Vinson" aircraft carrier speech to troops made the above statement.

According to the voice of America reported on September 30, Carter said after President Obama's 2011 launch of the Asian strategic rebalancing, the Americans in the first phase will focus on more personnel and equipment into the Asia-Pacific region in 2015, rebalancing after the second phase focused on improving the quality of weapons and equipment, and efforts to enhance and expand the United States relationship between allies and partners in the region.

He said, in the third stage, American troops will consolidate and develop the results of the second phase, more of the most advanced weapons and equipment sent to the Asia-Pacific region, including the F-35 fifth-generation fighter, P-8 anti-submarine reconnaissance aircraft and an upgraded version of the Virginia-class nuclear submarines, and develop next-generation strategic bomber, unmanned diving equipment and space, and network technologies.

Carter mentioned that still have some "people do not expect to" new weapons "(" a few surprises as well "), and will put the Asia-Pacific region.

Carter also said the United States "strategic rebalancing" will guarantee the United States in the region "to maintain the highest level of military and security cooperation between the Alliance partners". In addition, the "strategic rebalancing" will ensure peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, to create an inclusive and based on the principle of regional security architecture, so that all countries, including China, have the opportunity to prosper.

Carter said afterwards in the Facebook, the Asia-Pacific region "the United States is important for the future", and believed that United States military presence in the region the United States has an important military strategic significance.

Carter speaks

According to the associated press, Carter referred to Beijing on reclaimed Islands in a disputed South China Sea Island. Carter criticizes China in his speech "sometimes move provocative."

He said the Asia-Pacific region is undergoing historic change, at this stage, "China is on the rise, this is all well and good, but if it acted aggressive, it would be a big problem."

Carter said the "principle related to the issue of South China Sea, Beijing sometimes seems to want to pick to pick up: If the benefit selected it; do not benefit from trying to undermine it."

He explains, for example, enjoy the freedom of navigation and overflight in China, but other countries in the region to exercise the same rights. "But the principle is the principle. It applied equally to everyone and every country. "

Carter also mentioned that China is building its own network of spy agencies. He said that over the past two years, the United States Government as well as private company's data is under attack from Chinese hackers.

Previously, China has denied Government support hacking of this claim.

US soldiers listen to Carter's speech

Carter also noted that North Korea's nuclear issue will be another major threat in the region. Some military experts pointed out that more evidence has shown North Korea completed a fifth nuclear test, separation systems are periodically tested missiles.

Friday (September 30), Hawaii will be held in United States-ASEAN defense meeting. Carter Defense Minister's comments, seen as the tone of the meeting concerned.

Observers network previously reported, according to the United States the Navy Times reported on September 26, against United States the Chinese Defense Ministry and the military provocation to China's increasingly sharp rhetoric, the White House recently issued instructions that requires the Pentagon to make a more positive, less provocative stance.

Increasingly complicated us-Philippine relations

According to the BBC BBC, however, since last year after Carter met with ASEAN defense ministers, the Pentagon has faced new problems in Asia, United States and its key ally the sudden deterioration in relations in the Philippines.

Dang United States Defense Minister when Carter visited the Philippines last April, he expressed appreciation for the partnership between the United States and the Philippines, and said his visit opened the US-Philippine mutual defense cooperation of the "new era".

But after the duteerte was elected President in June this year, suddenly turn us-Philippine relations.

Duteerte in Laos in early September to attend the ASEAN Summit on United States President Barack Obama back, and the United States the White House announced the cancellation of Obama's meeting with duteerte. Duteerte published later said he regretted the comment.

On April 20, 2015, the US-Philippine military exercises in the

On Wednesday, the Viet Nam visit duteerte announced that will end in the Philippines and the United States held joint military exercises, the Philippine and United States us-Philippine joint military exercise scheduled for October will be the last time, although Philippine Foreign Secretary denied.

The President said it would expand alliances with other countries. He said: "I will be visiting China, I also will visit Russia, I will make door open to anyone. "But he also said the Philippines will maintain the early 50 signed Philippine-us joint military alliance under the Treaty.

United States Defense Minister Carter stressed that the United States Alliance with the Philippines "a rock". Reached with the Philippines through the recent "historic" agreements, United States will support the modernization of the armed forces of the Philippines.

(Wang Jialu compilation/observer network)

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
The South China Sea

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美国国防部长:将派F35战机等赴亚太 应对中国崛起|南海_新闻资讯



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  卡特提到,美军还掌握了一些“人们料想不到”的新武器( “a few surprises as well”),并会投放亚太地区使用。



















2015年4月20日, 美菲军事演习中





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