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Wenzhou wading firefighters rescued 600 meters for parturient

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/30 8:54:43 Browse times: 80 Comment times: 0

Wenzhou wading firefighters rescued 600 meters for parturient(温州消防官兵涉水600米救出临产孕妇)

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Wenzhou wading firefighters rescued 600 meters for parturient | | pregnant women _ a typhoon news

Original title: Zhejiang Wenzhou wading firefighters rescued 600 meters for parturient

Photo: Wenzhou detachment of armed police officers and soldiers to rescue trapped by stagnant water more than 1000 students. Armed police detachment in Wenzhou for the photo
Photo: Jinhua detachment of armed police officers and soldiers using rubber boats transfer trapped man. Ying Xiaofeng photography

CNS, Hangzhou, September 29 (reporters and Wang Gang and and Chen Jie and Luo Chao)-17th Typhoon "Catfish" menacing, its 29th more Windy City, Zhejiang Province, heavy rains, such as injection. Spate of floods, mud-rock flows, landslides and other natural disasters, not only a serious threat to the troubled life and property security of the masses, more touches the hearts of countless people. Typhoon wind and rain mixed with cold, but in and against the warming that occurred in the heart of Typhoon rescue story is moving.

South of Wenzhou in Zhejiang, most obviously affected by the Typhoon. Up to now, the Wenzhou City a total of 587,200 people affected, 1.229 billion yuan of direct economic loss due to disaster. Wenzhou South hit, Wen cheng, and taishun, Ryan's site for a few days to reach 500 mm of rainfall.

29th, in these stormy times, Ryan gaolouzhen of amniotic fluid of pregnant women has been broken is about to give birth, but she is trapped by flood waters, family to the hospital. At this critical moment, mayu town fire fighting team quickly dispatched officers and soldiers rushed to the scene, because some sections of water depth varies, firefighters had to take boat wading. 16:30 P.M., after nearly two hours of tension after the rescue, parturient women finally was taken to an ambulance, complete the relay of life.

Meanwhile, the continuous rainfall led to Cangnan flooded many streets, has more than 1600 employees of a local high school students and teachers were trapped. Danger is order, receives the message Wenzhou detachment of armed police officers and soldiers rushed to the scene first, assault boat batch transfer troubled students, after 7 hours of continuous fighting, all the trapped students were successfully transferred.

In Pingyang, continuous heavy rainfall waterlogging on the ground water level was rising in the 29th, at 2 o'clock in the morning, armed police detachment in Jinhua rushed out more than more than 200 officers and men, 15 cars rushed to the disaster relief in Binh Duong.

16 o'clock in the afternoon, at an average depth of more than 1.4 m Yang Qiao Cun, two elderly people suffering from floods in jeopardy, after receiving SOS villagers, armed police officers and soldiers were quick to find the old man, and they were moved to safety.

Meanwhile, water town in Binh Duong, a pregnant woman give birth at home, the child was born the umbilical cord cannot be cut, for the safety of mother and child, local police Mr Albert CHAN and Zheng Zhengshuang and Scout boat headed to a local hospital after doctors and nurses in the rain. Later, the mother was taken to the hospital, are both well.

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Typhoon pregnant women

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图为:武警温州支队官兵解救被积水围困的1000余名学生。 武警温州支队供图 摄
图为:武警金华支队官兵利用橡皮艇转移被困老人。 应小峰 摄

  中新网杭州9月29日电 (见习记者 王刚 通讯员 陈杰 罗超)17号台风“鲇鱼”来势汹汹,受其影响,29日浙江省多地狂风肆虐,暴雨如注。洪涝、泥石流、山体滑坡等自然灾害接连发生,不仅严重威胁着受困群众生命财产安全,更牵动着无数人的心。台风带来的风雨夹杂着不少寒意,但在和台风对抗中发生的暖心救援故事却让人感动。







责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

台风 孕妇


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