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Buried under mountain collapsed Fujian hotel, was dining in-store customers

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/28 13:06:34 Browse times: 101 Comment times: 0

Buried under mountain collapsed Fujian hotel, was dining in-store customers(福建饭店因山体垮塌被埋,当时店内有客人用餐)

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Buried under mountain collapsed Fujian hotel guests inside the store Fujian | | | catfish _ a landslide news

Original title: buried under mountain collapsed, Fujian hotel dining guests in-store at the time of the incident

Picture shows a landslide washed away houses. Li photo
Fire rescuers used life detectors detect the rubble for signs of life. Li photo
Fire rescue workers remove collapsed houses of stone, to rescue those trapped. Li photo

CNS, Sanming, September 28 (reporters Li Bin and Jiang Chao)-28th, by Typhoon "Catfish" effect, heavy rainfalls in sanming city of Fujian province continued. About 13:35, sanming meilie district 205 national highway 2209 km road, buried under mountain after mountain collapsed houses, there were trapped.

After receiving the alarm, fire has mobilized Meilie in sanming city, the secret 2 squadrons and detachment of a total 41 soldiers, composed of 8 fire engines and rescue team rushed to rescue. Went to the scene of the accident on the national highway, rolled along the way from time to time a number of sections of mud and rocks.

On arrival at the scene, firefighters braved heavy rain and landslide danger, life detectors detect the rubble for signs of life, with shovels and even hand-planing, dig those trapped. Medical, geological, traffic police and other departments on the scene to assist the rescue.

Eventually, firefighters from the rubble of the 3 is buried people, and assist in the transfer of 1 people. But unfortunately, two of the buried people were confirmed by on-site medical staff for signs of life, survivors were taken to hospital for treatment.

Confirm with no signs of life under the rubble, rescue workers mobilized excavator clearing houses in ruins.

Watch villagers, is buried the houses named Cheng TOU hotel, when disaster strikes, hotel guests are dining. (End)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Landslides in Fujian catfish

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China News Network
福建饭店因山体垮塌被埋 当时店内有客人用餐|福建|山体滑坡|鲇鱼_新闻资讯

  原标题:福建一饭店因山体垮塌被埋 事发时店内有客人用餐

图为被山体滑坡冲毁的房屋。 李彬 摄
消防救援人员利用生命探测仪探测废墟下面是否有生命迹象。 李彬 摄
消防救援人员搬移垮塌房屋上的巨石,以营救被困人员。 李彬 摄

  中新网三明9月28日电 (李彬 姜超)28日,受台风“鲇鱼”影响,福建三明城区暴雨不断。当日13时35分左右,三明梅列区205国道2209公里路段,一房屋因后山发生山体垮塌被埋,有人员被困其中。






责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

福建 山体滑坡 鲇鱼


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