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To the classification of foreigners in China, China, foreigners worry: I’m the type of

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/25 19:41:05 Browse times: 85 Comment times: 0

To the classification of foreigners in China, China, foreigners worry: I’m the type of(中国将给在华外国人分级,老外担忧:我是哪一类)

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China expat classified foreigners worry: which category I'm | foreigners in China _ news
Information: on September 15, Beijing, one United States high school teacher (right) and foreign students to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival took a Chinese volunteer sending moon cakes. (The United States, the New York Times website)

Original title: China expat classified foreigners worry: will be categorized as which type of

Reference News September 25 US media says, if you want to know what class, come to China to look for answers.

According to the United States the New York Times, September 22, October 1, the Chinese Government will begin the foreigners in China are divided into a, b, and c classes. Chinese media reports, this is part of a national licensing system, is designed to "encourage high-end, general control, limiting the low-end" building an innovation-driven economy.

Will be responsible for the implementation of the system of China's State Bureau of foreign experts Affairs Bureau Director Zhang Jianguo said the move aims to "raise the level of foreign talent management services" to end of the nine provinces and municipalities, including Beijing and Shanghai after the pilot, the system will begin throughout the country on April 1 next year.

Reported that the planned reform caused a buzz of foreigners working in China, they urgently want to know: will define me as what kind of?

From the most recent official data showed, in the 2010 census, there are about 200,000 foreigners ' employment in China, and another 400,000 family members, that number doesn't look high. As an adviser at the human resources company based in Beijing, furuien ailike·Liu estimated in 2015, a total of about 2 million foreigners, in which up to 300,000 illegal workers, who are usually a tourist visa. He said that China needs more foreign workers, but they are often difficult to get a visa: "various economic development needs foreigners, whether it is a large State-owned enterprises or private companies. ”

Reports may be classified for some foreigners feel uneasy. James was a high school teacher in Wyoming, now teaches a kindergarten in Beijing, he wished to know how the Government defines the teacher. He asked only his name, to avoid the negative attention of the employer.

"They have not announced how the rating system would work," he said in an interview, "it makes me feel worried. I want to know how to be something of value to China's people, and my exact location. "After the study of only one piece of information, ailike·Liu said, the teacher may be classified as class b.

James agreed with his point of view. "In the beginning I am very disgusted is classified as a class b," he said. He likened the feeling of "I am a b foreign workers now! ”

Reports said, the new system may offer some advantages: "if we can bring more transparency and accountability, I think it would be a good thing," James said. The new system will be implemented through a computer, and every staff photo identity document to China and numbers bindings, the old system mainly based on printed materials.

Human resources and Social Security Ministry of China personnel newspaper gave more details. The reported said, a, class including high-end professional talent and innovation venture talent, b class including belongs to China economic social development needed shortage of foreign professional talent, and professional management personnel and professional technicians of foreign professional talent, international trade, and Sports Fitness, and culture entertainment, and education advisory, Enterprise hired foreign personnel will by limit; c class including meet domestic labor market needs, engaged in temporary, and seasonal, and non-technical or service sex work of foreigners. For such foreigners to strictly limit, and gradually improve the job quota management system.

Source: references

Responsible editor: Kang Yunkai

Article keywords:
Foreigners in China

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中国将给在华外国人分级 老外担忧:我是哪一类|在华外国人_新闻资讯

  原标题:中国将给在华外国人分级 老外担忧:会被归为哪一类

  参考消息网9月25日报道 美媒称,如果想知道自己属于什么阶层,来中国找答案吧。














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