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1 company of Daqing lost radioactive container, call for 30,000 reward for clues

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/24 16:17:29 Browse times: 65 Comment times: 0

1 company of Daqing lost radioactive container, call for 30,000 reward for clues(大庆1公司放射性容器丢失,警方悬赏3万征集线索)

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Jubilee 1 radioactive container company lost $ 30,000 reward for collecting clues to Jilin, Daqing | | | isotope containers _ news

Original title: a reward of 30,000 yuan radioactive container

Container for radioactive isotopes

  Culture news (reporter Xing Yang) 23rd, a message widely in the songyuan community circle of friends, Daqing drilling and logging logging five-branch logging tools missing, reward collecting clues, provide valuable clues in the reward of 10,000 yuan, discovered and turned over to the public award of 30,000 yuan, what vessel loss makes you so nervous?

  A reward notice said Daqing drilling and logging companies logging in five branches in the construction process from September 19 to September 21, logging tools were lost, the item height 20 cm, with handle, top mark 2. Because the facilities are valuable, is now facing society collecting clues, found this article and provide valuable (clue), bonus cash 10000 Yuan, found objects and active hand in the public security organs, award of 30000 Yuan. Circular inscription in songyuan City Public Security Bureau Songjiang branch. New cultures contacted Songjiang branch, police said the notice was issued by the Council, the departments concerned in the full search.

  Reporters learned from the departments concerned, which is radioactive, devoted to exploration logging. After the incident, the provincial Department of environmental protection experts to assess songyuan the first time.

  The evening of 23rd, @ songyuan issued the latest development of the event was announce on September 19, 2016 to 21st, Daqing drilling and logging company container equipped with radioactive isotopes missing during the transportation process. Songyuan City Government and related departments to launch emergency response. Provincial and city leaders attach great importance to, and requested public security, environmental protection, health and other departments to take quick measures to find. Provincial environmental protection Office sent experts to songyuan investigation team.

  Currently, China police sector is full find, the about sector is for survey, according to province radiation experts and with source units confirmed, lost of container within with radioisotope Tin---Indium 113m, lost Shi live degrees equivalent to v class radiation source, is very low dangerous source, long time contact will on human caused injury, as has picked up to who, don't unauthorized processing, please timely contact environmental sector.

  Tel: environmental radiation monitoring station in songyuan city 13904383542

  Songyuan City Public Security Bureau Songjiang branch: police officer Pan 18043803109 18043803174, planning officer

Responsible editor: Wei chun

Article keywords:
Daqing, Jilin isotope containers of radioactive

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大庆1公司放射性容器丢失 警方悬赏3万征集线索|大庆|吉林|同位素容器_新闻资讯



  新文化讯(记者 邢阳) 23日,一条消息在松原市民的朋友圈里广泛传播,大庆钻探测井公司测井五分公司的测井专用工具丢失,警方悬赏征集线索,对于提供有价值线索的奖励1万元,对于发现并上交的市民奖励3万元,到底是什么容器丢失让大家如此紧张?








大庆 吉林 同位素容器 放射性


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