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Cyber security awareness week unabated across China, _ news

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/23 9:25:24 Browse times: 52 Comment times: 0

Cyber security awareness week unabated across China, _ news(中国各地网络安全宣传周热度不减,_新闻资讯)

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Cyber security awareness week alive _ across China News

  Original title: cyber security awareness week alive look around how to "zoom in"

  Youth network in China Beijing, September 22 (Xinhua Yang Qingshan) 19th, 2016 national cyber security awareness week held in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the network security week September 19-25th, on the theme "security for the people, network security by the people". Based on the network security week theme, related activities and exhibitions across organizations and "released" raise the level of public participation, cyber security awareness week the heat to a climax.

  Wuhan, Hubei Province: many activities go hand in hand, hosts "hard"

As the host of this Internet safety week, the industry personnel, activities of the Organization in Wuhan City, leading the first wave of the week.

On September 19, 2016 national cyber security awareness week highlights one of the Cyber Security Expo at the Wuhan International Expo Center A6-1 Museum. 95 exhibitors in the field of network security, both the number of exhibitors and the exhibition scale attracted the most. Expo reflects the public's sense of network security, everyone is the responsibility of network security, personal security and national security are closely related.

Network security Expo September 19-25th at the Wuhan International Expo Center. China Youth Network reporter Yang Qingshan photography

Meanwhile, many network security related forums with Wuhan, including Forum, network security training and Innovation Forum, data security technology and practice forums. Invites the world of network security technology experts, network security training good teachers, Internet café to discuss the present situation and prospect of network security.

On September 19, Kaspersky, CEO Eugene Kaspersky speaking at technology Summit. China Youth Network reporter Yang Qingshan photography

On September 20, 2016 national cyber security awareness week in "education day". Hubei provincial Department of education, Wuhan Education Bureau organization thousand students came to visit the international exhibition center network security exhibition, feel awareness week event, became a main venue perception and experience the second class of network security.

Students visit the Cyber Security Expo in Wuhan City. China Youth Network reporter Yang Qingshan photography

  Sichuan: Internet safety knowledge competition "into the heart"

Yibin city youth Internet safety knowledge competition. Photo: Sichuan news net

19th in Sichuan province and Chengdu city in 2016 official since the start of the national cyber security awareness week, Sichuan counties be held series of theme activities, operations around the highlights and exciting, fun, wide popularity and the large number of loved by the local people.

Held in Yibin city "youth Internet safety knowledge of TV competition finals, Yibin city", Luzhou Luzhou together broadcast network news broadcast for national cyber security awareness week audio features, Meishan city, walked into the campus network security knowledge and other activities.

  Henan: offensive and defensive drills + skill competitions and intuitive experience

Cyber security awareness week launch in Henan province. Photo: authorities wide nets

At present, Henan province has more than 70 million Internet users, site number almost 240,000, arduous task of maintaining network security. Start the "cyber security awareness week" activities, is to train the majority of Internet users network security awareness, enhance the ability to identify and prevent harmful information on the Internet to promote and build environment for network security defense to build a network to provide strong protection.

During the week, Henan organization to carry out publicity and education, lectures, online quiz, product display, offensive and defensive drills, skills competitions, through a variety of activities forms, vibrant and vivid display case, enhance the consciousness of the majority of Internet users to network security, and create a good atmosphere for the people involved in maintaining network security. Henan province will also increase the intensity of network security infrastructure, to enhance the level of network security management and protection.

  Shanxi: information security forum "build defence"

Shanxi network information security forum. Photo: Yellow River news

Shanxi Emergency Center monitoring data show that the Internet, in 2015, in Shanxi province, a total of 551 party website and important information system has been tampered with, an attacker or into the back door, by hosts infected with zombie Trojans and hackers control more than 450,000 units infected with malicious mobile Internet programs reached more than 10 million more than the number of mobile phone users, 3% Internet hosts infected with Trojans and viruses by controlling.

On September 20, held in Shanxi province to "build critical information infrastructures security defense" 2016 Shanxi with the theme of the network information security Summit and the first Summit Forum on industrial safety. Forum national network information security experts, excellent security manufacturers in China contributed to the exchange of security intelligence and the latest research results. Experts said that only do network security infrastructure protection work in order to boost economic and social development. Only protect the safety of every Internet user to make network security take root, with a solid brick, build a solid great wall network security.

  Chongqing: into the school community with the actual case interpretation side

Performances, Fengdu County network security piece of the bait. Photo: dragonsoft

With the 2016 opening of the cyber security awareness week in Chongqing, the County began to "zoom" in communities, enterprises, schools, railway stations and other crowded areas to launch a variety of popular science propaganda of network security events, people have built up security "firewall".

Among them, banan district, maintain network security information and services into the farm, into the community, into the schools, into the, into the business activities of enterprises, has a print run of 15,000 copies of network security literature, universal access to knowledge of network security. Into the farm, to provide villagers with a home computer security; in communities to provide residents with a home router security maintenance; school, one network security seminar for students entering enterprise, provides a system for the enterprise network security testing and maintenance district, a network security information for the public exhibition.

  Gansu: hold youth group

Gansu province at the third cyber security awareness week launch. Photo: Pingliang City Government website

On September 19, Gansu province, the third cyber security awareness week launch ceremony was held in Gansu College of medicine.

Wang Guoqiang, Deputy Director of the Gansu Provincial Network Office stress, to mobilize the whole society, with a high sense of responsibility and urgency, invest in various publicity efforts to host a wonderful and practical awareness week activities. Well organized, improve the quality of activities around awareness week theme, combined with industry practice, individual specialities, carefully organize their activities. To highlight focus, firmly caught youth groups, grasp levels various school activities, guide youth enhanced network security consciousness, and habit good network behavior habits; to widely mobilization, to through website, and newspaper, and television, and Conference exhibition, variety channel full publicity, mobilization General netizens enthusiasm, real makes network security people, to expand extends, vigorously promoted network security publicity normal of, and mechanism of, and long-term of.

  Jilin: multiple forms of universal knowledge of network deception

Jilin province in 2016 cyber security awareness week activities. The event, staff from passing members of the public talk about how network security knowledge. Photo Source: Xinhua

On September 19, hosted by the Jilin provincial network of "cyber security awareness week in Jilin Province" activities held in Changchun. The event, "network attached to you and me, security depends on everybody", "more network protection skills, an information security guarantee" hundreds of images with network security information such as banners, hundreds of pieces of network security illustrated publicity boards, attracting Passersby stopped to watch. Meanwhile, volunteers distributed free publicity Handbook of knowledge on a variety of fraud cases and key points of prevention information are also particularly affected by the concerns of the elderly.

People say the campaign through a variety of forms of knowledge to the public, allows a more intuitive understanding relevant knowledge of network security and prevent fraud.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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中国各地网络安全宣传周热度不减 _新闻资讯

  原标题:网络安全宣传周热度不减 看看各地如何“放大招”

  中国青年网北京9月22日电(记者 杨青山)19日上午,2016年国家网络安全宣传周开幕式在湖北武汉举行,本次网络安全周时间为9月19日——25日,主题为“网络安全为人民,网络安全 靠人民”。围绕本次网络安全周主题,各地纷纷组织相关活动及展览并“放出大招”,提高民众参与度,将网络安全宣传周热度推向高潮。



  9月19日,作为2016年国家网络安全宣传周重点活动之一,网络安全博览会在武汉国际博览中心A6-1馆举行。有95家网络安全领域企业参 展,参展企业数量及展区规模均为历届之最。博览会体现了公众的网络安全主人翁意识,人人都是网络安全的责任主体,个人网络安全与国家网络安全息息相关。

网络安全博览会9月19日—25日在武汉国际博览中心举行。中国青年网记者 杨青山 摄


9月19日,卡巴斯基公司CEO尤金卡巴斯基在技术高峰论坛上演讲。中国青年网记者 杨青山 摄


武汉市大中小学生参观网络安全博览会。中国青年网记者 杨青山 摄








  宣传周期间,河南组织开展宣传教育、知识讲座、在线知识竞赛、产品展示、攻防演练、技能竞赛等活动,通过丰富多彩的活动形式、鲜活生动的案例展 示,提升了广大网民的网络安全意识,营造了全民参与维护网络安全的良好氛围。河南省还将加大网络安全基础设施建设力度,全面提升网络安全管理和防护水平。




  9月20日,山西举办以“共同构筑关键信息基础设施安全防线”为主题的2016山西网络信息安全高峰论坛暨首届工控安全高峰论坛。论坛上,国家 级网络信息安全专家、国内优秀安全厂商交流贡献了安全智慧和最新研究成果。参会专家表示,唯有做好网络安全基础保障工作,才能更好助力经济社会跨越发展。 只有保护好每一个网民的安全,才能让网络安全落地生根,用坚实的一砖一瓦,构筑起网络安全的坚固长城。

  重庆:走进学校社区 用实际案例演绎身边事



  其中,巴南区持续开展网络安全宣传和服务进农家、进社区、进学校、进企业、进商圈活动,共印制15000份网络安全宣传资料,全面普及网络安全 常识。进农家,为村民提供一次家用电脑安全维护;进社区,为居民提供一次家用路由器安全维护;进学校,为学生开设一堂网络安全专题讲座;进企业,为企业提 供一次系统网络安全检测和维护;进商圈,为市民开展一场网络安全宣传展示会。




  甘肃省委网信办副主任王国强强调,要调动全社会力量,以高度的责任感和紧迫感,投入到各项宣传中,努力举办一届精彩而务实的宣传周活动。要精心 组织,提升活动质量,围绕宣传周主题,结合行业实际,各展所长,精心组织好各自活动。要突出重点,牢牢抓住青少年群体,抓好各级各类学校活动,引导青少年 增强网络安全意识、养成良好网络行为习惯;要广泛动员,要通过网站、报纸、电视台、会议展览等多种渠道全方位宣传,调动广大网民积极性,真正使网络安全深 入人心,要拓展延伸,大力推动网络安全宣传常态化、机制化、长效化。



  9月19日,由吉林省委网信办主办的“吉林省网络安全宣传周”活动在长春举行。活动现场,“网络连着你我他,安全防范靠大家”“多一份网络防护 技能,多一份信息安全保证”等近百幅带有网络安全宣传字样的条幅,百余块图文并茂的网络安全宣传展板,吸引着过往行人驻足观看。同时,现场志愿者免费发放 宣传知识手册上的各种网络诈骗案例及防骗要点信息也尤其受到老年人的关注。


责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146


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