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China Medical false papers, related hospitals is to verify

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China Medical false papers, related hospitals is to verify(中国国内多篇医学论文造假,相关医院正在核实)

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China medical papers is verifying | false papers in fraud-related hospital | _ medical papers news

The number of "GMR7730" papers are similar to paper forms. United States well-known plagiarism monitoring website PlagiarismWatch

The number of "GMR7730" papers are similar to paper forms. United States well-known plagiarism monitoring website PlagiarismWatch

Plagiarism monitoring site reported that cooperation in SCI-tech journals and essay-writing companies, through the publication of papers for profit; respond that being verified

Beijing News correspondent (journalist Dai Xuan) recently, a well-known foreign plagiarism monitoring site reported, Chinese medical papers plagiarized, and concluded that there were essay-writing companies and part of SCI (Science Citation Index) magazine collaboration, through the publication of papers for profit. Domestic hospitals concerned responded, had been informed of the matter being verified survey.

Report thesis text similarity up to 31%

Recently, the United States well-known plagiarism monitoring website PlagiarismWatch, released a report by network concern is raised. Report, published in a review on foreign SCI-tech journals of Chinese medical papers plagiarized, and many Chinese medical papers and previous papers text and graphic similarity. The plagiarism monitoring sites speculate English SCI magazine and essay-writing companies, collect money papers.

Reports, some readers to the website anonymously, published in Brazil SCI journals "Genetics and Molecular Research" (of the genetics and molecular research) of an article from the Chinese team's number is "GMR7730", paper, serious plagiarism. Upon receipt of the report, the website staff through English checking software system iPlagiarism (Ai Pulei) for this query papers, find text similarity of reporting papers as much as 31%.

Paper chart height of text similarity

High similarity of just text. Site staff and the paper and checking software retrieves its high similarity comparison of the papers carried out one by one and found the papers of a portion of the chart is also very similar. Accordingly, the site on the plagiarism considers GMR7730 allegations of plagiarism.

Subsequently, the site staff to follow will be similar to these before using the checking software one by one comparison test and found that there is similarity of the text on the chart paper and research themes with gene (microrNA), authors, all from China, some have even appeared in the same issue of the same magazine. The site suggested that the, essay-writing companies collaborating with the magazine, published papers for some Chinese doctors to profit.


  1 medicine why false papers often?

Reporters found that medical papers revealed allegations of plagiarism are not uncommon. School of public health, said Zhou Zijun, a professor at Peking University, doctor false papers belonging to the academic misconduct, but apart from the doctor for personal reasons, of which there are doctors professional evaluation criteria. At the national level, promotion General linked to the publication of the doctor, which indirectly lead to the part not interested in scientific research, and less to do its business and research doctors, would rather fake is to publish papers.

Many Beijing hospital doctor told reporters, although specific to each hospital doctors professional evaluation criteria differ, but generally have rigid requirements on the published. Anzhen hospital, a doctor told reporters, from mid-level to Senior Deputy, to the senior hospital doctors published 2 papers, as far as he knows, many hospitals in Beijing Doctor thesis is even more demanding, for example, requires 1 article for SCI, etc.

A doctor told reporters, by requiring from the attending physician promoted to Deputy Chief physician need to publish 3 journals papers, Deputy Director for advancement to chief physician, demand will be higher.

Since it is essential for doctors promoted titles have been published, it would like the University to write papers, medical papers there are "black"? A doctor told reporters that there was a black market in medical papers to write, sometimes do not even require a doctor to find, "Gunners" naturally door-to-door inquiries. He himself has received email from gunmen, inside the paper, "price", an essay and some asked for tens of thousands of Yuan.

In addition, doctors write the papers want to publish is not easy. He said he used to contribute to a medical journal, publications of the later contacted him, said the paper published, need another 2000 to 3000 blocks "page charges", freak.

  2 titles of and linked to "one size fits all" reasonable?

Papers as a doctor the rigid criteria of the assessment is reasonable, has repeatedly triggered heated discussion. Some netizens said, doctors ' clinical skills and research does not necessarily match the should not be asking too much in the titles of papers, it was also felt that many daily workload is already large, and no time to do research.

In this regard, the anzhen hospital, a doctor said, work is not a reason to write papers. He said, especially for doctors working in the clinical, as long as proper scientific training, have a certain academic quality, are easy to find in the clinical scientific research and topic, write a dissertation is something relatively simple.

However, a doctor told reporters, to intensive pediatric medical resources, daily workload is great, does not have much time to write the paper, she recommended that hospitals provide doctors with research needs with a certain amount of time, so that doctors can feel at ease at home writing essays.

She also said doctors also are different types, clinical doctors, there are research-oriented doctors, doctors in large hospitals and doctors also have differences. "Especially for university hospital doctors, demand is important to do research and write papers, but some clinicians, community physicians, sometimes asking them to do research is not necessary, is also difficult. "She told a reporter, some doctors think of scientific research to improve the operational capacity is very limited, treatment of patients with more important than writing a paper, so just give up the promotion.

The doctor says: "writing for a large hospital research physician, study incurable diseases treatment path is important, but not across the Board, with a set of requirements to all the doctors. Doctors on professional evaluation, should be based on a different level, different types of doctors in hospitals, using more diverse standards. ”

  3 doctors "scientific misconduct" what to do with it?

Apart from the doctor repeated media exposure of plagiarism fraud, and fraud high school faculty was also "not uncommon". This year, Ministry of education specifically introduced College prevention and processing academic misconduct behavior approach, clear College and teaching research personnel, and management personnel and students, plagiarism, and plagiarism, and occupation others academic results, or sale papers, and by others generation wrote or for others generation wrote papers, behavior are belongs to academic misconduct behavior, according to specific situation, can on related personnel for revoked academic award or honors title, even dismissed or dismissed of punishment.

So, doctors plagiarism fraud and what to do? Industry insiders said, doctors published papers relating to General and professional evaluation, if found to have plagiarized fraud behavior, generally by the hospital personnel organizations to cancel it professional evaluation to be punishment. Hospital management expert Wang Jiankang said, according to the circumstances, the hospital will give notice of criticism, demotions, suspensions and other penalties, but it was suspended or expelled doctors are less common.

If similar incidents happen in foreign countries will happen? Peking University School of public health Professor Zhou Zijun told reporters that foreign doctors without complex professional evaluation system, not be forced to have to publish papers, scientific research is usually out of personal interest, if a similar situation is the domain of academic misconduct, the party's reputation in the industry will be severely affected and may even resign.

  In response to

  The hospital concerned: the verification survey

The plagiarism monitoring website provided screenshots of plagiarized papers show, the number of "GMR7730" authors come from Beijing China and Japan friendship hospital digestive surgery (expressed in the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery), author of T.Tang,G.C.Zhang,C.F.Li,Y.F.Liu and W.Y.Wang, corresponding author for the W.Y.Wang.

Press enquiries and China Japan friendship hospital official website found, which does not separate digestive surgery, but his general surgery has a doctor's name initials author names coincide with the paper Department, and the physicians attending orientation for gastrointestinal cancer disease, and the Department "digestive" are basically the same.

Yesterday, the reporter contacted China Japan friendship hospital, ask about it. General Committee Office staff at the Hospital told reporters that the hospitals have been informed of this matter, and have begun to check the message fidelity, to investigate.

In addition, according to "Xinhua international" report, run SCI databases of Thomson Reuters Group said it would look into the magazine, you may delete them from the SCI database.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
False papers in medical papers

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The Beijing News
中国国内多篇医学论文造假 相关医院正在核实|论文造假|医学论文_新闻资讯




  新京报讯 (记者戴轩)近日,国外一家知名论文抄袭监察网站发表报告称,中国多篇医学论文涉嫌抄袭,并推断有论文代写公司与部分SCI(科学引文索引)杂志勾结,通过发表造假论文牟利。国内一家涉事医院回应称,已获知此事,正在核实调查。


  近日,美国知名论文抄袭监察网站PlagiarismWatch发布的一篇报告,引发网络关注。报告指出,发表在某外文SCI期刊上的一篇中国 医学论文涉嫌抄袭,且多篇来自中国的医学论文与前述论文存在文本及图表上的相似性。该抄袭监察网站据此推断,有英文论文代写公司和SCI杂志合作,收钱发 表论文。

  报告称,有读者向该网站匿名举报,发表于巴西SCI期刊“Genetics and Molecular Research”(《遗传学和分子研究》)的一篇来自中国研究组的编号为“GMR7730”的论文,存在严重抄袭。接到举报后,该网站工作人员通过英文 查重软件系统iPlagiarism(艾普蕾)对该论文进行查询,发现被举报论文的文本相似度高达31%。



  随后,网站工作人员顺藤摸瓜,将这几篇相似论文利用前述查重软件一一对比检测,发现这些论文均存在文本与图表上的相似性,且研究主题多与生物基 因(microrNA)相关、作者均来自中国、有的甚至发表在同一本杂志的同一期。该网站由此推测,有论文代写公司与杂志社勾结,为部分中国医生发表造假 论文以从中牟利。

  ■ 追问

  1 医学论文造假为何屡见不鲜?

  记者查询发现,医学论文被曝涉嫌抄袭并不鲜见。北京大学公共卫生学院教授周子君表示,医生论文造假属于学术不端行为,但除了医生个人原因,其中 还存在医生职称评定标准问题。在国内,医生的升职普遍与论文发表挂钩,这间接导致部分对科研不感兴趣、或者其业务与科研关系不大的医生,宁愿造假也要发表 论文。

  多位北京市三甲医院医生向记者表示,虽然每个医院对医生职称评定的具体标准存在不同,但是在论文发表上普遍都有硬性要求。安贞医院一位医生告诉 记者,从中级职称到副高级、再到高级职称,医院均要求医生发表2篇论文,而据他所知,北京市很多医院对医生论文的要求更高,譬如要求必须有1篇为SCI等 等。


  既然发表论文是医生晋升职称所必须,那么是否会像高校中代写论文一样,医学论文也存在“黑市”?一位医生告诉记者,医学论文代写黑市的确存在, 有时候甚至不需要医生自己去找,“枪手”自然会上门询问。他自己就曾收到枪手发来的邮件,里面对各等级论文“明码标价”,一篇论文有的要价上万元。


  2 职称与论文挂钩“一刀切”是否合理?




  同时她还表示,医生也分很多种,有临床型医生,还有研究型的医生,大医院医生与社区医生也存在区别。“对于大医院尤其是研究型医生来说,要求做 科研写论文是很重要的,但是对于一些临床医生、社区医生,有时候要求他们去做科研没有必要,也是强人所难。”她告诉记者,有些医生觉得科研对提高业务能力 作用不大,救治患者比写论文更加重要,因此干脆放弃了升职。


  3 医生“学术不端”如何处置?

  除医生论文抄袭造假多次被媒体曝光外,高校教职工论文造假一事也“屡见不鲜”。今年,教育部专门出台《高等学校预防与处理学术不端行为办法》, 明确高等学校及其教学科研人员、管理人员和学生,剽窃、抄袭、侵占他人学术成果,或者买卖论文、由他人代写或者为他人代写论文等行为均属于学术不端行为, 根据具体情况,可以对相关人员进行撤销学术奖励或者荣誉称号,甚至辞退或解聘的处罚。

  那么,医生论文抄袭作假又将怎样处理?业内人士表示,医生发表论文一般和职称评定有关,如果发现有抄袭作假的行为,一般由医院内部人事组织对其 进行取消职称评定资格等处罚。医院管理专家王健康说,根据情节轻重,医院会给予通报批评、降级、停职等不同的处罚,但是因此被停职或开除的医生较为少见。


  ■ 回应


  该抄袭监察网站提供的涉嫌抄袭的论文截图显示,编号“GMR7730”的论文作者来自北京中国和日本友好医院消化外科(文中表述为 Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery),作者为T.Tang,G.C.Zhang,C.F.Li,Y.F.Liu及W.Y.Wang,其中通讯作者为W.Y.Wang。





论文造假 医学论文


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