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Bo Gu yan City prison to serve their sentences?

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Bo Gu yan City prison to serve their sentences?(薄谷开来在燕城监狱如何服刑?)

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Bo Gu yan City prison to serve their sentences?

On September 23, the media in the form of graphic detail the Yan City prison inside the Ministry of Justice, which is also located in Hebei Yanjiao G102 prison next to the national road unveiled for the first time.

On December 11 last year, Beijing High Court made thin Gu from the determination of suspended death sentence reduced to life, revealed for the first time on a thin Gu yan City prison.

Previously, convicted of manslaughter, Bo Gu was given a suspended death sentence in August 2012.

In addition to Bo gu, Yan City prison held a number of positions of concern criminal offenders. As the only one directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice prison, qincheng prison with the key held for provincial and ministerial level officials and known as the "Central" prison.

Official reports showed that Yan City prison building at the beginning, when he was Secretary of the central political and Legislative Affairs Committee, Luo Gan has requested: stick with first-class facilities, first-class management, first-class team. Bo Gu kailai such prisoners, serving here?

  Yan city secret prison

Yan City prison series of photos show, compared with the traditional prison cold and gloomy, Yan City prison offices, prison buildings, all exterior walls of the building were painted with warm colors of paint. According to disclosure, access inside the prison, first at the gate for visitor card, recording head, but also through like layers of airport security checks.

Prisoners ' bedroom as an eight-room, bed designs, for security reasons, bed is made of wood with no edges. A photo of a bedroom display, inmates bed mat, quilts were folded into "chunks" placed in the corner.

It was reported that the prison officers introduced the House refer to military standards to prisoners, this item has been included in the prisoners "points test" helps them to seek commutation of the opportunity.

In addition, it also has a reading room in the prison, inmates can read the latest journals, also through the prison on the computer network, learn, shop, some psychological counseling. Every night at 7 o'clock in the evening, inmates usually focus on watching the news broadcast.

Wu promulgated by the Beijing Normal University, Institute of Criminal Science Professor yan City prison, our teachers and students went to the Ministry of Justice to carry out teaching activities article, also confirmed that part of the Yan City prison in specific situations.

Said on March 24, 2014, which teachers and students came to swallow the city prison, when they visited the prison House, see common criminals is 8 a prison House. Four wooden bunk beds, a rectangular desk and two wooden chairs. Apple-Pie order. There is also a large storage cabinets, each prisoner has two small cabinet, you can put your clothes and other supplies. Bathroom sets in the right hand side of the door. Inside filled with shoes, shoes, although many, but very neat.

In addition, Yan City prison at each prison House door head placed on a TV set, and installed electronic surveillance monitoring for probe. Reading room is also provided with counseling throughout the Interior of box and prisoners ' mail box.

According to reports, during the day, Yan City prison inmates will be sent to the unified management of factories engaged in production activities.

Display a picture taken inside the factory, many prisoners are sitting in a Chair for sewing work, each of them was assigned to work in a rectangular front stage with a sewing machine, not far from being monitored by the police.

Beijing Normal University, Institute of criminal science article also confirmed: in the second layer of labor continued, many prisoners ' labor in sewing.

There is a picture in the photo, Yan City prison on September 22 this year's recipes: day of steamed and fried pickles and black rice porridge for breakfast, lunch for two dishes and one soup, soup is a dish one night.

It was reported that the prison police, said prisoners ' diets, in strict accordance with national dietary standards. Though is not necessarily rich, but to ensure that nutrition. In addition, the prison opened has its own vegetable garden and Orchard, "direct" prisoners ' canteen.

Same with other prisons, serving sentences in prisons in Yan City staff may also meet regularly with the relatives, but "in General, only the immediate family have visitation rights. ”

Yan City prison to meet the main colors are orange, separated by a transparent glass, glass on either side of the Orange counter stocked with multiple phones and a bouquet of flowers. Each of the prisoners at the meeting, there will be one one-to-one supervision and administration of civilian police, civilian police through headphones, talk to a real-time understanding of their content.

Prisoners ' psychological problems that may arise, are provided in the prison education centre, including emotional, music channel, value measurement, sandbox therapy room and other facilities, many have national secondary, three-level counselors certified police can provide counseling to inmates.

In addition, Yan city prisons each month also has a "warden open houses." Warden will be receiving prisoners in the clothes for the day, understand their concerns.

Is worthy of attention, Yan City prison, through graphic detailed disclosure forms the internal media, micro-signal to the public, "Chang-sword."

"Changan" background has become the focus of attention. Statements, instructions for national leaders, "Chang" several bold and lively "their own cooking", making interpretation and writing playful even interspersed with original comics, still use "' sword ' sword of man" that statement, called Meng jianzhu, Politburo member, Secretary of the central political and Legislative Affairs Committee.

  Bo Gu "finish the work tasks"

In April this year, Yan City prison was through the Ministry of Justice is a member of the legal daily rumor mill.

In April this year, media reports said football players released from prison late last year Jiang Jin said in the interview, when he was serving prison terms in Yan Cheng, prisoners also played sometimes let him guide guide, Bo Gu yan city, go to prison, in the big playground (play) activities were cancelled.

Subsequently, the legal network published on April 27, reported, "Yan city, some criminals go to prison after cancel playground activities" rumors, Yan City prison officials say: the relevant reports were not true, playground is an important place for prisoners ' activities, prisoners are used every day. During the October 2013 to June 2014, prison had temporarily deactivate playgrounds due to reconstruction, the rest of the time has been the playground in normal use. Prisons have never stopped because of the individual prisoners prisoners ' legitimate activities on the playground. In the playground renovation was also arranged for prisoners during other activities.

In addition, on a thin Valley drew the commutation proposal, Yan City prison, the prisoner (bogu) in prison, observes discipline, according to the prison code of conduct calls for their participation in ideological, cultural, technological learning with good grades; in labour, subject to allocation, finish work tasks.

Bo Gu during the service were also involved in the re-education through labour, and performed well.

  Who are serving sentences in Yan Cheng?

At present, Yan city there are three main classes of prisoners detained in prisons: crime criminals, foreign prisoners and common criminals of great research value.

Combs yan Cheng submitted to the attention of the prison commutation proposal found that crime officers detained by Heilongjiang suihua prefectural former Secretary of Battambang, the State food and Drug Administration Director of the drug registration Si Yuan he and others.

In addition, football bet in 2009 sentenced to sweep the storm's football officials and referees, players also nest in the city jail.

After media disclosed the Chinese Football Association Vice President Nan Yong of prison life. He at the Yan City prison five prison sentences, the prison's duties to make prison where most of the prisoners had held Director level positions, so Nan Yong, former colleagues, former Vice President of the China Football Association Xie Yalong, Yang yimin was held in this prison.

According to media reports, in prison, Nan Yong, life more abundant, in addition to active participation in the work, and also wrote a few books, a book has been published. Writing a book while he also invented, won 4 invention patents. Xie Yalong was assigned to gardening groups, daily job is to plant trees, flowers, grass-cutting. In addition, he taught himself a lot of medical knowledge in prison.

Written by reporter Wang Shu/Beijing News intern Zhou Wentao proofreading: Guo Liqin

(Editors: Liu Longlong UN827)
2016-09-23 22:18:53
The Beijing News





































  撰稿/新京报记者王姝 实习生周闻韬 校对:郭利琴

(责任编辑:柳龙龙 UN827)
2016-09-23 22:18:53

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