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Qionghai, Hainan flood flooded village via cookies for a living

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Qionghai, Hainan flood flooded village via cookies for a living(海南琼海泄洪受淹村民靠饼干度日)

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Qionghai, Hainan flood flooded village via cookies day villagers Hainan Qionghai | | | cookies _ news

China News Agency, Haikou, November 12 questions: flood-relief flooded villages in Qionghai, Hainan is a mess of the villagers rely on biscuits mineral water a day

Press fumeibin

"We have no rice to eat for three days! "12th at noon, Cliff town, Qionghai, Hainan village Wu Qian Xin lang village in Nanchang, and lover is full of mud and water slurry cleaning the House, he told reporters that home flooded is off the roof, home-raised pigs, chickens, ducks and rice were swept away by the flood. Now relies on cookies and mineral water provided by the Government to make ends meet.

30th strongest Typhoon this year "petrel" effect, located in Qionghai city upstream cattle of wanquan River Road reservoir flood discharge from the 10th to 11th of uninterrupted, waste discharge on average about 3,200 cubic meters per second. Due to the flood of large and wanquan River downstream of the main rivers on the 11th to 2 o'clock between Super water level of 10.2 meters, located in wanquan River, the river cliff, longjiang town, Yangjiang, wanquan, four being flooded thousands of villages. As of 11th, Qionghai transferred a total staff of 36,000 people.

Reporters saw, was flooded village is a mess. Wu Qian Xin family's three-room brick building, mattresses, electric rice-cooker, stained with mud pieces such as bowls and stacked on the wet ground, the clothes drying on the ropes on the porch, out of muddy water drops. "The walls were soaked by the flood many cracks. "Wu Qianxin said.

Nanchang village 7th Ms Chen yan, told reporters at a packed clothing with mud, in this flood, her two sows, over more than 20 little piggy boy was washed away, television sets, refrigerators, mattresses and other items were damaged, more than 2000 kg of rice were washed away, "direct losses at more than 20,000 yuan in our House! "Her face looks dignified, just breeding more than two hectares of pepper seedlings were also flooding destroyed.

Enter the village full of mud on the road, a red plastic chair across the three meters high on the branches, village lined up betel nut trees, there are three or four feet high stains visible trunk be left after the flood, was covered with a layer of the weeds after the flooding of the white clay dust.

"At that time, maximum depth of 2.7 meters. "In the next village, long Hiro Wang Kezhen, courtyard noodle out freshly cleaned couch, table and bowls, he is taking water in clean plastic brooms, pointing to the three-meter-high building prints on the walls, he says, his house has a low-lying, often flooded, but this one is one of the most severely flooded.

The same day, Cliff town mayor, accompanied by Zhou Haitong press interview at the home of the victims. He said, the next village, Brown is the biggest village in Qionghai city, a total of 37 villages, more than 10,000 people, the affected villages up to 23, the affected population of 3,500 people. Now, the Government for the affected villagers prepared quilts, instant noodles, biscuits and mineral water, submerged home recharge 30 kg of rice per household, and summoned villagers regrouping, rush plant winter vegetables, the villagers ' losses are reduced to a minimum.

Xinhua learned from Qionghai city concerned, it was an unprecedented floods in 30 years. At present, the city organized a total of more than 3 million worth of blankets, mineral water, tents and other basic relief items have been distributed to the affected villagers. (End text)

(Original title: flood-relief flooded villages in Qionghai, Hainan is a mess of the villagers rely on cookies for a living)

(Edit: SN077)November 12, 2013 China News Network(海南琼海泄洪受淹村民靠饼干度日|海南琼海|村民|饼干_新闻资讯

  中新社琼海11月12日电 题:海南琼海泄洪受淹村庄一片狼藉 村民靠饼干矿泉水度日

  记者 付美斌









(原标题:海南琼海泄洪受淹村庄一片狼藉 村民靠饼干度日)


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