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Shijiazhuang mu of arable land was occupied by force and razed, villagers have been discarded after the residual waste

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/22 16:02:32 Browse times: 64 Comment times: 0

Shijiazhuang mu of arable land was occupied by force and razed, villagers have been discarded after the residual waste(石家庄百亩耕地被人强行占用、铲平,村民被打残后丢弃荒野)

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Shijiazhuang mu of arable land was occupied by force and levelled after villagers were of people abandoned cultivated land in wilderness | | | occupation of villagers _ news
Bei XI mominoki issued land expropriation notices. Wang translated photo

CNS, Shijiazhuang, September 21 (reporters and Wang Tian and)-live, hi-tech development zone, Shijiazhuang, Hebei province (hereinafter referred to as high-tech zone) Ma Zhen bei XI, XI village Ma Shi Hongyi, 5 months ago on a late-night home invasion after the attacks by a group of masked men threw two miles of River Wilderness, the operation 18 years 11 acres of greenhouses have been overnight razed. After 4 months, had shed has been overgrown with weeds, Shi Hongyi also sustained a permanent disability after that attack. Recently, this reporter learned from the high-tech zone, the police, local Shi Hongyi late at night have been attacked, greenhouse was demolished about the case. In the present case is still under investigation.

Bei XI mominoki contract options on this land. Wang translated photo

Ma Zhen bei XI Ma Cun village, XI said, and Shi Hongyi land usurped, XI village Ma there are a number of people in the North, covering more than 130 acres of cultivated land, is levied upon the use of cultivated land, they do not know.

8th, XI within the town, a store, 54 year old Shi Hongyi recalled the incident that night still trembling. Shi Hongyi front teeth were knocked out, said in a Lisp. After nearly an hour of communication, reporters understood only after the incident.

M House on the razed land could see the dead off the trunk. Wang translated photo

Shi Hongyi was built on 11 acres of land at home 6 greenhouses, and planting some fruit trees over the past 18 years, this is Shi Hongyi family of 5 people's main source of income. On March 26 this year, about 1:30 A.M., sleep in the shed side Shi Hongyi was awakened by a noise in the shack, and did not return to God, found eight or nine masked men armed with pickaxes, rubber batons rushed in.

Shi Hongyi was the Group of masked men dragging out a beat. "When I woke up, upper body bags. Finally struggled out only to find it was already on, while I was away from my house about two kilometers on the river of grass. "Shi Hongyi said that night, his family's land was all bulldozed. After he, his family sent him to the hospital, and lived there for more than two months. After discharge, strong Shi Hongyi was originally covered with disability.

Shi Hongyi told reporter, on in incident Qian day afternoon, XI town of mayor Wang Yijun led with Deputy Mayor, and package village Wei Guangyu and North XI macun Branch Secretary, and generation village Director Shi Jun also to had he home, "they asked I signed not signed land agreement, I said land agreement only agreed has arable land of compensation standard for 60,001 acres, is no on I of big shed and fruit made compensation, I cannot signed, said finished they on go has. ”

The villagers, who asked not to be named told reporters that the incident last night at 11 o'clock, he had seen four construction vehicles and unidentified people gathered at Shi Hong greenhouses around the spill. That night, these vehicles into the field within the greenhouses and fruit trees were damaged.

Filing information reporters Shi Hongyi was informed that Shi Hongyi was hit that day, XI-Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau police handled the case, on April 25, the local police on this matter, "Shi Hongyi was destroying production and operation case" case. Subsequent forensic Shi Hongyi personal medical injury as minor level, the case is a criminal case.

Shi Hongyi still can be seen in the grass behind him after he was shoveling broken roofs. Wang translated photo

Shi Hongyi provides a signature for "bei XI-Ma village party branch" reporters saw on the notice, "according to the high-tech zone Working Committee of District Government and the town of XI-town Party Committee instructions to speed up progress on a project by the Government, by the village party branch I decided, will be held from March 16, 2016 to March 26, 2016 for the landless families to sign an agreement. ”

Shi Hongyi said prior to that, he'd never seen anything posted in the village of expropriation notices, or look up specific policies and regulations relating to land acquisition.

According to Shi Hongyi's annotations in the certificate of the land, reporters came to the scene to see, here is a mess, on dirt and overgrown with weeds. In accordance with the certificate of right to land contractual management agreement, Shi Hongyi of the land contract period to 2029.

Shi Hongyi said after his greenhouses were razed several months being piled up construction waste is already beyond recognition. Only shed losses have exceeded the million Yuan, and more importantly, family income is gone, "until now, no one told me about any compensation. ”

XI Ma Cun village tragedy going on in the North. Just half a month ago, villagers m nearly 7 acres of farmland razed during the night, planted a walnut seedling tree did not have for nearly three years. M said that before the incident, there have been three or four "ruffian" who visited his house late at night, but because of his physical disability, unable to walk properly, those people went away only after a threat against him. To this day, he does not know who ruined the land, and no one to talk to him any compensation.

Number of landless villagers confirmed to reporters, in addition to a piece of paper in the village outside, they never saw any approvals and notices related to the land.

Confirmed that villagers say, the afternoon of 8th, reporter dialed the phone of XI-town mayor, Wang Yijun, Shi Hongyi was hit, house demolitions, Wang Yijun said "I know", and when a reporter asked about the land requisition approval, clearance, Wang Yijun said after a few seconds of silence: "you go back and talk about it, I have to do something, all right. "Then hang up calls from reporters.

Reporters later called XI-town Party Secretary Yasukiyo call always went unanswered, text messages and had no reply. 18th morning, journalists contact Wang Yijun and Yasukiyo again, has yet to get a reply.

Reporters learned from the Shijiazhuang high-tech Bureau of land resources, high-tech zone in accordance with the relevant provisions, all land matters are in high-tech zone website announcement public. However, journalists in high-tech zone website looked through the year 2016, high-tech district land acquisition notice was found with documents relating to the farmland here announced.

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Villagers ' dispossession of cultivated land in Shijiazhuang

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China News Network
石家庄百亩耕地被人强行占用、铲平 村民被打残后丢弃荒野|耕地|村民|强占_新闻资讯
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耕地 村民 强占 石家庄


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