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Ma was invited to serve as top United Nations officials, a salary of $ 1

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/22 16:02:20 Browse times: 154 Comment times: 0

Ma was invited to serve as top United Nations officials, a salary of $ 1(马云受邀出任联合国顶级官员,年薪为1美元)

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Ma was invited to serve as top United Nations official salary of $ 1 | | | Ma SME _ the United Nations news and information

Original title: Ma was invited for the first time in the history of the United Nations as the top United Nations official

On September 21, Jack Ma, Alibaba Group Chairman of the Board of Directors, invited by the United Nations, as the United Nations Conference on trade and development, Special Adviser on youth entrepreneurship and small business. The appointment by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon personally issued by the Ma. This is since the United Nations Conference on trade and development was established in 1964, first of such advisers. Within the United Nations system, the equivalent of the Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General's Assistant, to distinguish it from the United Nations and other sympathizers.

Became Special Adviser to the United Nations means that Ma as a formal United Nations officials and global citizenship. Meanwhile, for the convenience of Ma for the globalization of SMEs all over the world to run, Jack Ma, the United Nations will also specially for red special pass issued the United Nations, United Nations laissez-passer dividends in blue color, red pass is issued only to senior officials and others using the blue passes. This document is based on the United Nations, adopted in 1946, the United Nations privileges and Immunities Convention a special travel document issued by the 7th, only have jurisdiction to grant the United Nations and the International Labour Organization. The pass on International provides many facilities, the holder can have diplomatic immunity in the country of the nationality of the non-right to visa-free, fast and in customs clearance, inspection and care in the field.

"He is respected and influential in the era of the Internet pioneers, innovators, entrepreneurs, and community philanthropists," Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on trade and development Kitui (Mukhisa Kituyi). "He brings a visionary entrepreneurial way, desire to learn and a better world. These are he became Special Adviser to the Conference on trade and development's perfect interpretation. We will go to help the backward groups in the process of globalization, as they bring hope and self motivation. ”

In accepting the position, he immediately visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York, with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, Director-General of WTO Azevedo, United Nations Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Commission Executive Secretary Alicia Barcena undertook the development of SMEs in the globalization conversation.

In the dialogue, he said, over the next decade, they will spend more energy to help small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs. And laughs, after serving as Special Adviser to the United Nations, they will be busy, but this is what I want to do.

Ma said Alibaba has created 30 million jobs. This impossible before without the Internet, the Internet has created opportunities for the development of SMEs, creating opportunities for SMEs worldwide.

WTO Director-General, Azevedo is outspoken, government officials know very little, so needs such entrepreneurs to promote the globalization of SMEs of the Ma.

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, said Ma when operating company, with deep insight. Understanding how to help small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship. Especially in the poorest areas, MA in the field of creation and achievement should be the birthright of his DNA, his addition will bring a significant contribution.

The United Nations trade and Development Conference in Kitui in the dialog also praised Ma's contribution to the world, "Alibaba is the driving force of China's new economy, for farmers, women, as well as any desire to join the global economy brings opportunities. EWTP is a very important concept put forward by Jack Ma, MA is the most competent leaders. ”

Invited to serve as Special Advisor to the United Nations Conference on trade and development, MA will lead the innovation project, young entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises, particularly in developing countries, these groups, more convenient to participate in global trade. Ma also will provide the joint trade and Development Conference brings specialization, as well as long-term development planning.

He is also a supporter of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. In early 2016, Ma was invited to the United Nations "sustainable development" advocate, was the only one invited Chinese entrepreneurs.

Responsible editor: Wu Yan

Article keywords:
Jack Ma, the United Nations small and medium enterprises

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马云受邀出任联合国顶级官员 年薪为1美元|联合国|马云|中小企业_新闻资讯

  原标题:联合国史上第一次 马云受邀出任联合国顶级官员


  成为联合国特别顾问意味着马云成为正式的联合国官员和全球公民。 同时,为方便马云在全球各地为中小企业全球化奔走,联合国还将特意为马云颁发联合国红色特别通行证,联合国通行证分红蓝两色,红色通行证仅颁发给高层官员,其他人则使用蓝色通行证。该证件是联合国根据1946年通过的《联合国特权和豁免权公约》第7条所颁布的一种特殊旅行证件,仅联合国和国际劳工组织有权颁发。该通行证在国际通行上提供很多便利条件,持有人可以在非国籍所在国拥有外交豁免权及在免签证、快速通关、安检等方面享有照顾。

  “马云是互联网时代具有影响力和受尊重的先锋、创新者、企业家、和公益慈善家,”联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长基图伊(Mukhisa Kituyi)表示。“他带来了有远见的创业方式、对于学习的渴望以及一个更美好的世界。这些都是他成为贸易和发展会议特别顾问的完美诠释。我们将一起去帮助在全球化进程中落后的团体,为他们带来希望以及自强的动力。”

  在接受该职务后,马云随即到访联合国纽约总部,同世界银行行长金墉、WTO总干事阿泽维多、联合国拉丁美洲及加勒比海经济委员会执行秘书长Alicia Barcena展开了一场推动中小企业全球化的对话。





  联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长基图伊在对话中也高度赞扬了马云对世界的贡献,“阿里巴巴是中国新经济的驱动力,这为农民、女性,以及任何希望加入全球经济的带来机会。马云提出的eWTP 是非常重要的理念,马云是最出色的领导者。”




联合国 马云 中小企业


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