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Hangzhou white-collar workers to give up buying: MOM and dad put hundreds of thousands of, less than a week evaporated

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/22 16:02:19 Browse times: 69 Comment times: 0

Hangzhou white-collar workers to give up buying: MOM and dad put hundreds of thousands of, less than a week evaporated(杭州白领放弃购房:爸妈存几十万,不够一周蒸发)

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Hangzhou white-collar workers to give up buying: MOM and dad put hundreds of thousands of less than a week evaporated | Hangzhou, Hangzhou | property | G20_ news
Hangzhou property market

  Die Zeit reporter Ke Liu from Hangzhou , September 18 (lunar calendar August 18) is the Qiantang River tide day every year, on this day of the year, like a rising tide of Hangzhou property to a slamming on the brakes.

Date night, Hangzhou, housing and the Housing Authority announced that effective September 19, suspended in the restriction of scope in the urban area has 1 non-Hukou households in this city and more than one home sale.

Hangzhou Government, by real estate circles as "outside the limited" objectives are very clear and ease the influx of overseas investment after the G20 leading to rob the House.

Outsiders, Hangzhou present buying team. Transparent sale network data show that this year, Hangzhou buying groups in the field of the property market share continues to rise, one week after the G20, foreigners buy up to 39.3%, 25.4% foreign buyers purchase two sets and two or more houses. It is worth mentioning that, in advance of the Hangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen, respectively, on August 12 and September 5, introduced the purchase policy.

Out of the front of the new deal, Hangzhou City Housing Authority official data show, on September 18, the Hangzhou new and second-hand house trading volume reached 5105, a record.

Media real estate Dean Ding Jiangang in the Zhejiang, Hangzhou present restriction policies, is a regulated market surge the disorderly situation. Second, restriction of policy are not, as 2011 ban on outsiders buy policies. But foreigners can purchase a limited investment of more than one set. This policy was launched, will have a moderate cooling effect on the market.

  Sold out two hours

Typhoon "Moranti" has landed, but every corner of the city center in Hangzhou, has become almost the only real estate company refused to Typhoon from the industry.

September 16, at 6 o'clock in the morning, 3,000 buyers appeared in Hangzhou Sales Office of the North-East of guangsha Tiandu, let developers 3300 square meters large showroom is particularly crowded. Seats, buyers face changes depending on sales office: suddenly exclaimed, suddenly excited.

Arrange for two hours, 376 suites sold out, many buyers are reluctant to leave, while complaining about the sales staff to inquire about the next opening. This project for more than 10 years project, the selling price of more than 10,000 yuan per square meter, a few months ago, its price is 6000 Yuan/square meter.

For nearly two months, as a national barometer of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen's real estate market, home prices in September this year has reached record levels. Bureau of statistics, compared with the end of 2014, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai's second-hand house prices rose, and 66% and 39%, respectively. In the property market in 2016 in popular second-tier cities, Xiamen, Hefei, Nanjing has issued restrictions, limiting the loan policies to try to cool.

Specifically in terms of Hangzhou, entered in August, all raise the price of new homes in the downtown of Hangzhou, including price rises had reached a maximum million, most of the new disc cover plate out.

In addition to the G20 effect, there are expectations for the Asian Games and the potential value to depression ... ... No matter how many people bad-mouthing, Hangzhou, housing prices are still rising.

On September 12, the Hangzhou property prices online, concentrated 58 House prices adjustment of property for a total of 74 records publicity (publication August applies in all prices), publicity contents are basically the same, that is raising prices.

On September 12, Cover Plate for two months of "melting Caudon sea" again opened the real estate is located in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, location, prices jumped to 16,000 from the 9500 Yuan/square meter/square meters, or 60%. The next day, the disk is transferred to the record price of 28,000 yuan/square meter. Green space in qianjiang century city Xu Hui, 2015 price at around 20,000 yuan per square meter, now sale price is around 40,000 yuan per square meter.

  Nets sign systems

Zhang Ligang impression that this wave of Hangzhou's housing market was slow after the cow, and suddenly to.

Zhang Ligang is a development of commercial property for sale in Hangzhou City Sales Manager, after the Spring Festival, "haven't had time to plan a new round of ads how to fight, customers dial the door." Since then, the Hangzhou property market rising in August, began to line up.

This buying spree, each plate increases investors in Hangzhou. Qianjiang century city, East of Metro and is the most obvious of the two regions, investors more than 50%, foreign investors alone have more than 30%.

On September 17, Henderson in qianjiang century city Xu Hui Fu at their sale offices hung a huge banner, "Welcome to Shanghai, Nanjing, Wenzhou, showing". In addition to the Yangtze River Delta investment from investors in places like Beijing and Guangzhou are also joining the fray.

Transparent housing network statistics so far this year, Hangzhou foreign property buyers fast population growth in the property market, overall percentage continues to rise, August foreign buying has reached 33.8%. One week after the G20, overseas purchases reached 39.3%, of origin of foreign buyers has been further expanded.

Zhang Ligang said that foreign investors, the main force did not come from Wenzhou, Shanghai.

Zhang Ligang admits he prefers customers from Shanghai, "higher quality, more purposeful, some open car with friends to spree, others sat and Gao Tielai, morning to night, faster, faster shots, see an introduction. Basic first-time home buyers in Hangzhou, small units such as 90 square meters of more popular. ”

Although the number of scale than investors from Shanghai, Wenzhou House shadow did not disappear. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, a mission from Wenzhou, bought 100 suites in Riverside areas in one breath, brought huge shock to local market.

Late on September 18, in order to catch up on the eve of a restriction sign, developers overnight organized buyers sign, screen check system crashed. The qianjiang evening news reports, for foreign customers cannot get to Hangzhou or even a developer's sales staff with a POS machine, to Shanghai to customer's credit card.

Hangzhou property market is behind the continuing hot market across the region. In the land market, Hangzhou 2016 1 land transfer has as much as 105.71 billion yuan in August, up 210%. In the land deal, plots of land of more than 1 billion yuan up to 33, a country close to 10%, in which premium rates over 100% blocks 7, premium rate is over 50% of 21.

Save PIN than the falling trend is evident. In June 2014, the Hangzhou property sold than for 26 months, belongs to the adjustment in the property market cycle high. Then the curve has continued to decline. By July of this year, deposit sales fell to 6 months, in August fell to 5.2 months.

  Lost buyer

The night of September 17, Zhou June was lost, last time, he did not win a second-hand House. Zhou June 35 years old this year, is currently the Hangzhou financial institution executives, there are three suites at hand, is a recently purchased after the Spring Festival.

After work that day, Zhou Jun with his wife to Hangzhou jiubao of the offshore area. Intermediate band he had ever seen a landlord, 90 sqm House, the landlord asked for 2.18 million Yuan. That night, he decided to sign on to the site, the landlord direct fare increase of 300,000 yuan to 2.48 million Yuan, less is not checked.

Zhou June to the landlord charges ready, but his heart on the line is increased by 100,000. Even after smoking two cigarettes, he decided to give up this apartment.

Although not buy houses, but it's two months, he has persuaded 4 friends to buy a House, including hometown relatives of a child just graduated from college. Relatives finally jiubao area, bought a House, accompanied Zhou June. A month later, the suite price up 6000 Yuan. On September 18, he received a phone call from relatives from their hometown, Tongxiang, thanked "the day back home would like to invite you to dinner."

Zhou June regrets not being the fare increase, but "positions being vacant" sense of loss. He has cash on hand of more than 1.4 million Yuan, "money in hand, if not immediately into a House, is not practical."

For white-collar workers in Hangzhou Wang Tao, this September is bound to be a difficult season for him. Wang Tao from July showing, more and more hair, on September 18, he chose to give up, "now rising trend simply out of breath, MOM and Dad a lifetime saving hundreds of thousands of Yuan, may have evaporated entirely within a week."

Who would have thought, for developers, well it's not really a good thing.

On September 14, the Hangzhou municipal housing Bureau decision Wharf Dragon seal warning notices require 7 business days once the opening of the project, 10 working days written corrective action report. Earlier in July, for sale there customers have contributed 100,000 recognition raised gold, since the rapid rise in house prices, the project has not opened, was reported to the authorities by buyers together.

Hangzhou, another developer in August this year, price, marketers increase in proactive selling, after developers laid off because the House go too fast.

This round of the property market goes up, and all funds raised to buy a House, finance, and financial levers such as down payment loans into the property market is also relevant.

Had a House and a tree in summer in Hangzhou has recently with a few friends to raise the way and bought a House.

Shares of 18 listed banks semi-annual report shows that 18 listed Bank of new mortgage loans in the first half of 2 trillion yuan, accounting for 45.46% of the amount of new lending in the same period.

On September 12, the people's daily article said in a long term, speculation about the "high fever" and unsustainable, return to the rational and healthy development of the property market is the probability of the event.

  (Respondents required, part interview in the paper for a pseudonym)

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Hangzhou market G20

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Die Zeit
杭州白领放弃购房:爸妈存几十万 不够一周蒸发|杭州|杭州楼市|G20_新闻资讯

  时代周报记者 刘科 发自杭州 9月18日(农历八月十八)是每年的钱塘江大潮日,今年的这一天,颇似潮水高涨的杭州楼市来了个紧急刹车。



  外地人是杭州当下购房主力。透明售房网的数据显示,今年以来,杭州楼市外地购房群体占比不断攀升,G20之后一周,外地人的购买比例达39.3%, 其中25.4%的外来购房者购买了两套及两套以上的商品房。值得一提的是,在杭州之前,苏州、厦门分别在8月12日和9月5日出台了相关限购政策。







  近两个月,作为全国风向标的京沪深房地产市场,今年9月的房价已创历史新高。国家统计局数据显示,与2014年末相比,目前深圳、北京和上海二手房 价涨幅分别为66%、48%和39%。在2016年楼市火爆的二线城市中,已有厦门、合肥、南京等先后出台限购、限贷政策,试图给楼市降温。




  同是9月12日,封盘两个月的“融科东南海”重新开盘,该楼盘位于杭州萧山区,地段很偏,成交均价从9500元/平方米跳到了1.6万元/平方米, 涨幅60%。第二天,该盘又把备案价格调到了2.8万元/平方米。位于钱江世纪城的绿地旭辉城,2015年的价格在2万元左右每平方米,现在的在售价格为 4万元左右每平方米。











  杭州楼市背后是整个地区持续火爆的市场。在土地市场上,杭州2016年1-8月的土地出让金已经高达1057.1亿元,同比上涨210%。在成交的 土地中,单宗土地超过10亿元的地块达33宗,占到全国的接近10%,其中溢价率超过100%的地块达7宗,溢价率超过50%的达21宗。






  尽管没有买成房,但这两个月来,他已经劝说身边的4位朋友买了房,其中包括一位孩子刚从大学毕业的老家亲戚。亲戚最后在九堡地区买了一套房,周军全 程陪同。一个月后,这套房的均价涨了6000元。9月18日晚上,他接到了亲戚从老家桐乡打来的电话,表示感谢,“哪天回老家要请你吃饭”。


  对于杭州白领王涛而言,这个九月对他注定是一个难熬的季节。王涛从7月开始看房,越看心里越发毛,9月18日,他最终选择了放弃,“现在上涨的趋势让人根本就喘不过气来,爸妈一辈子攒了几十万元,一个礼拜内就可能完全蒸发了” 。









责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

杭州 杭州楼市 G20


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