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Appearance made her jealous of Chinese female General recently why the cross?

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/17 20:00:58 Browse times: 46 Comment times: 0

Appearance made her jealous of Chinese female General recently why the cross?(长相曾让江青嫉妒的中国女将军最近因何发怒?)

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Appearance made her jealous of Chinese female General recently why angry? | Wang Xiaotang | actor _ news

On that day, CCTV broadcast "actor price paid" report, naming two actors in a drama taking 150 million in salaries; since then, China's national people's Congress Standing Committee meeting on the draft law on promoting the film industry group deliberations, mentioned the actor price paid should be managed.

A few days ago, now 82 years old, famous movie artists Wang Xiaotang criticized actor price paid, she questioned: "Science and technology award for up to 5 million, stars wedding to spend 100 million?

Wang Xiaotang new China "22 movie star" BA Yi Film Studio, one of the original Director, national class one performer, representative of the Communist Party's 14th largest, the eighth and ninth national CPPCC member and Deputy Chairman of the China Film Association. She starred in the 60 's revolution films the wildfires of spring city wide acclaim.

With her the rank of major general, known as the people's Liberation Army "in the history of the most general beauty".

"Some actors to a wedding of a billion, and proportional to it? ”

In an interview a few days ago, Wang Xiaotang "shelling" movie stars of the present day price paid: China's top science prize of 5 million Yuan, Sun jiadong (Editor's Note: Chinese Academy of Sciences, lunar exploration project designer) in 2009 to get the scientific community's highest prize. "5 million and now hold tens of millions of paid actors than that? Some actors to a wedding of a billion, and proportional to it? ”

In this interview, Wang Xiaotang talked to the actor's own understanding of the value of.

"If you think RMB services, you're too low. "Wang Xiaotang said, money is important, no money to live," but if money was the only, you are subject ".

She said: "I think I should do this I can do without the money, I think the thing not to do, give me more money, I wouldn't have done, I have my bottom line. A work of art, or to convey a thought, a kind of gave up, positive, good things. ”

Wang Xiaotang, on various occasions, repeatedly referring to the understanding of the value of.

The Liberation Army daily reported, in 2011, Wang Xiaotang attended the China Federation of the Nineth Party Congress, as the representative of her, recalling his career, among them, her "people" term experience profound.

"People, for me, is a simple village people have nurtured grace to me. ' The cultural revolution ', my 6 years in farm workers, janitors and some local people often say to me, ' Wang Xiaotang, you used to love, give us movies in the future. At the time I decided, must be returned to film and television jobs, with best work to return people. ”

18 years old to join the army, 19, was awarded three order of merit

"Chief" Wang Xiaotang not film acting profession and was originally a Beijing opera actor.

In 1934, Wang Xiaotang was born in Kaifeng, the father was major-General of the Kuomintang. 1938 after the outbreak of war, Wang Xiaotang moved with his parents to Chongqing, and in 1948 he returned to Nanjing, and later moved to Hangzhou.

The fall of 1952, the people's Liberation Army former Peking opera troupe of the critically acclaimed ensemble was founded, Wang Xiaotang had joined the army at that time, after the older generation of artists Huang zongying, Zhao Dan and his wife Huang zongjiang's highly recommended, he entered PLA political ensemble's Peking opera troupe. 1954 into Repertory Theatre.

After joining the troupe, Wang Xiaotang hard training. In 1953, she along with the Peking opera troupe to perform in Northwest, acting in sympathy, from summer to winter, she as a announcer throughout the Northwest unit.

This year, Wang Xiaotang awarded three order of merit.

In 1954, the 21-year old Wang Xiaotang began her "screen" tour, as the heroine in the movie mysterious Companion. Spring Festival in 1955, the mysterious companion release, plays Yi Wang Xiaotang rave of teenage Xiao Ying Li, became the era's "national goddess".

In 1958, Wang Xiaotang into BA Yi Film Studio. In 1962, a corner who plays Wang Xiaotang, successfully created the spring wildfire fighting different personalities in the city's golden ring, yinhuan sisters, acting career reached its peak.

Worked with Zhou Enlai to dance, listen to Chen Yi's report

In Wang Xiaotang's young age, with the older generation of leaders met.

From 1953 to 1955, Spring Festival, Wang Xiaotang is spent in the original professional rehearsal. Wang Xiaotang recalls that years of new year's Eve, Premier Zhou Enlai will come to see you.

Wang Xiaotang Readme, Premier Zhou took the initiative to invite everyone to dance, "dance entertainment for others, and Premier Zhou, dancing is more closer to people's opportunities. Premier Zhou is generally jumping three-step (Waltz), the four-step dance (quick and slow). This kind of slow dance rhythm that allow him and make a speech, he can learn a lot of things in a night. ”

On new year's eve of 1955 and 1956, Wang Xiaotang also dances with Premier Zhou.

"The Prime Minister a week and ask me when I dance, what film BA Yi Film Studio intends to take next year? I said, including one called the robber's daughter. Zhou Enlai asked why so confusing names? I said, ' bandits ' are two words adding quotation marks. Premier Zhou said, adding quotation marks are also bandits. ”

After the party, Wang Xiaotang Premier Zhou's comments reported to Army Day plant Director Chen Bo, followed by movie name discussed was to get rid of this defect.

2010, according to the people's daily reported that Wang Xiaotang had seen field marshal Chen Yi.

She worked as representative of the bayichang, the youngest, in a wendaihui listening to Marshal's report. "The manager Chen speaks highly appealing, pretty awesome. "Wang Xiaotang recalled, when Chen Yi said," someone said that the Chinese people, like ants ... ... We climbed, and climbed out of a Socialist! ”

To her regret is that during this period, she had repeatedly asked the party, but due to family reasons, have been unable to do so.

Low point: beautiful Wang Xiaotang, Jiang Qing nu says is "female spy"

Just when career hit, 60, Wang Xiaotang met the low life.

In 1963, she wanted to make a "sample movie", and select the previously held by Wang Xiaotang film the Sea Hawk.

According to media reports, when the can was made by Wang Xiaotang when you play again, Jiang Qing Fury: "people say Wang Xiaotang is beautiful, I saw her angry. She is the black figures of literature and art! She is entering into the revolutionary ranks of agents! "Thereafter, Wang Xiaotang suffered years of bad luck.

The same year, the Chinese hundred flowers award, Wang Xiaotang won the "best actress award". However, this "hundred flowers" failed to award in Chinese film history of the defect.

In December 1969, Wang Xiaotang because of "intransigence" by "the special demobilization" to suburban Huairou County in Beijing, Xiao Peng and her husband both to Huairou farm labor, settled for as long as 6 years. In 1974, Wang Xiaotang son small group had hepatitis, but without prompt treatment, died at the age of 17.

Nearly 30 years later, in April 2003, Wang Xiaotang visit Zhu presided over the CCTV of the artistic life of the program, repeating the story: "I am a child, if alive today, he would have been 46 years old. Everything could start all over again, only not this. You have another and another nor him. So no, Premier Zhou. ”

In 1975, Wang Xiaotang return to bayi Film Studio, uniform, she showed a higher level of talent: wrote and directed the films of the Xiang, in 2000, she also wrote and directed the fragrant vows. The fragrant vows awarded the hundred flowers Award Best Film Prize and China film golden rooster Award for best screenplay, and huabiao Award and other awards.

Major General, Director and Committee Member

According to public information, Wang Xiaotang at the party in 1986, and in 1988 was awarded the rank of Senior Colonel in 1992, was appointed as Army Day factory Director and Party Secretary in July 1993, was promoted major general.

Wang Xiaotang said in an interview, "I'm not a good soldier, I didn't want to be a general. ”

"My 1984 turned Director, taken after the villagers, leader talked to me, said now rank system, wanted to keep some of the backbone can be commissioned, you if directors are civilian, and I say you might as well put my civilian. ”

Wang Xiaotang said when she became a "joke": "there's people like you, many people have said thanks to leadership training, you say, ' I turned civilian. ' On the third day, said the leadership considered, let me bayichang the Deputy Director. I think that on the first two years, two years later, I was the Director, but for 4 years, again in 1992 as Director and Party Secretary. ”

2010, according to the people's daily published the article, entitled the beautiful Wang Xiaotang, said Wang Xiaotang while serving as a Director is tough: "as head of the plant, will have its advantages, also has its disadvantages, and convince the public, and have made enemies, even very high levels of small attacks her," "serious people fault. ”

After served as the Director, Wang Xiaotang has taken command of the turn in March, the Tate and the liberation of the Western region and the Southwest fight, of the dabie mountains, into a series of filming the war film, before and after the shooting involving more than 1 million people.

"Governance" in addition to the two major-General Director, identity, Wang Xiaotang and representative of the party's 14, eighth to Nineth session of the CPPCC National Committee members.

In 2001, China's accession to the WTO the World Trade Organization. Before entering the WTO, domestic industry buzz impact or will face in the future. Similarly, Wang Xiaotang also were thinking about the film industry opportunities and challenges after entering the WTO. 2000 on the CPPCC, as a CPPCC member Wang Xiaotang, media interviews, said: "after China joins the WTO, more intense competition of Chinese and foreign movies, which we have prepared. ”

"We want to have a good movie, featured, don't do nothing. "At the age of 66 Wang Xiaotang said.

Responsible editor: Zhang Xiaoya

Article keywords:
Wang Xiaotang actor

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