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This Hotel International earned money from China made the Chinese “taboo“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/15 20:16:01 Browse times: 71 Comment times: 0

This Hotel International earned money from China made the Chinese “taboo“(这家国际酒店赚中国的钱却犯中国人的“大忌”)

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This Hotel International earned money from China made the Chinese "taboo" | Hotel International Group | the Dalai Lama _ Hyatt news

This two-day, year-round business in China, profitable Hotel International Group Hyatt, was outside the social networking site Facebook posted the following on this attracted many Chinese anger and protest photos ....

This is a proprietary Zhang Kaiyue Hotel Group in Paris, France "Park Hyatt Paris Vendome" staff released a photo with Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama, even to the Cook. The hotel also said his coming to their hotel "appearance".

However, this is not the first time the Hyatt Hotel Group with the Dalai Lama "close interaction". For example, in 2007 and 2010, visit United States by the Dalai Lama at the hotel, as well as with United States leaders ' meeting place, the group operated the Park Hyatt Washington Hotel.

Just this a few times before, after all, is the United States Government's arrangement, somewhat lying gun stores. Paris dalailai at the invitation of the year, also claimed their hotel "appearance", commenters in China, it is purely a "no Zuo no die" ...

However, Frank noted that some netizens suggested that, today in the hotel with the Dalai Lama in Paris photo, I'm afraid a lot of people do not know he left Tibet's painful history.?Surrounded by Western media brainwashed them, maybe really treat the Dalai Lama as a "pure" religious figures, and even a persecution by the Chinese, but in exile's "poor people". This possibility cannot be ruled out. "Ideology" needs and "politically correct" persecutions, in half a century the Western media collective for the Dalai Lama's "God" movement, as well as their knowledge of China to discredit and demonize, Western public access to information, only "the Dalai Lama is a great religious leader, to be a Saint" such ridiculous content.

(United States Government mouthpiece "voice" and even opened a "voice of America's Tibetan-language channel", play a variety of content to support Tibet every day)

Addition, due to China previously long-term in international Shang soft strength of lack, China of media more is only in domestic "since said since words", cannot put voice effective to passed to "English world", more makes outside forces "wash white" Dalai of work to smooth to for--even China of students are has been efforts in overseas issued different of voice, also will was moments smear, and buckle Shang various political of big hat. However, compared to Western ignorance of the public under the term brainwashing, as a company with large operations in China and Chinese employees of the hotel group, its top is supposed to clear the Dalai Lama is a very negative image in the eyes of Chinese people.?In today's China's soft power has begun to slowly rise, especially overseas Chinese folk from the discredited and separatist forces extra sensitive today, if Hyatt wanted to make Chinese money, that should inform its worldwide Division of one of the most basic principles: not to take the initiative to contact the Dalai Lama this splitting China's sovereignty, territorial integrity, make Chinese angry "separatists". Among them, the family opened the hotel in Paris, should be emphatically reminded of the Hyatt group. Because 8 years ago, when the Beijing Olympics Torch Relay in Paris when, precisely in this city has been the most vicious siege and attacks, and cause the Chinese to France's strong boycotts and protests. Chinese people will never forget about it.

So, in this context, Paris Hotel dare photo of drying out in public with the Dalai Lama, it will by Chinese netizens as a "provocation." At present, there are already so many netizens began to spontaneously go to the Hyatt operates hotels under the page in protest, and asked the shop to remove this picture. But you can expect to be, between the cut and not be deleted, currently a Hyatt is certainly the "dilemma" because if it gets delete, may lead to dog excrement General hype of the Tibetan separatists, and also attract flies most of the Western media, put pressure on Hyatt reverse.

But this is exactly what the Dalai Lama – and other separatist forces of disgust-to the Chinese market the price of their brand.?A few months ago, France the cosmetics brand Lancome is also in this regard, dear.?Therefore, if those international companies in China to make Chinese money, don't pay attention to this issue, overseas now and then do things that are challenging the Chinese bottom line, then you must not think that you will not be the Chinese know the moves, but do not think that this will not affect your operations in China. At that time, outside of "ideology" and "politically correct" and Chinese people's wallets, and you can only make a choice.

Responsible editor: Gao Yuying

Article keywords:
Hotel International Group Hyatt Dalai

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  只不过之前这几次毕竟是应美国政府的安排,店家多少有点躺枪。可今年巴黎方面却主动邀请达赖来,还宣称什么这令他们的酒店“蓬荜生辉”,这在中国网友看来,就纯粹是“no zuo no die”了。。。

  不过,耿直哥注意到也有网友提示说,今天在巴黎的酒店与达赖合影的人中,恐怕有不少人并不知道他给西藏留下的痛苦历史。常年被西方媒体洗脑的他们,或许是真心把达赖当成了一个“纯洁”的宗教人士,乃至一个被中国迫害、无奈流亡的“可怜人”。 这种可能性确实不能排除。出于“意识形态”的需要和“政治正确”的逼迫,西方媒体在半个世纪以来集体对于达赖的“造神”运动,以及他们对于中国的抹黑和妖魔化,令西方大众能接触到的信息,也只有“达赖是个优秀的宗教领袖,是个圣人”这样的荒唐内容。


  另外,由于中国此前长期在国际上软实力的缺乏,中国的媒体更是只能在国内“自说自话”,无法把声音有效地传递到“英语世界”,更令境外势力“洗白”达赖的工作得以顺利地进行——即便中国的留学生们一直努力在海外发出不同的声音,也会被瞬间抹黑,并扣上各种政治的大帽子。 然而,比起西方公众在长期洗脑下的无知,作为一家在中国拥有大量业务和中国雇员的酒店集团,其高层理应清楚达赖在中国人眼中是一个多么负面的形象。而在如今中国的软实力已经开始慢慢崛起,特别是中国民间对于来自海外的抹黑和分裂势力格外敏感的今天,如果凯悦想赚中国人的钱,那就更应该告知其在全球的分部一个最起码的原则:不要去主动接触达赖这个分裂中国主权领土完整、让中国人愤怒的“分裂分子”。 其中,这家开设在巴黎的酒店,更应该被凯悦集团着重提醒。因为在8年前,当北京奥运会的圣火传递到巴黎时,恰恰在这个城市遭到了最恶毒的围堵和攻击,并引起了当时中国人对于法国的强烈抵制与抗议。这件事中国人不会轻易忘记。

  所以,在这样的背景下,巴黎的酒店方面还敢公开晒出与达赖的合影,这更会被中国网友视为一种“挑衅”。 目前,已经有不少网友开始自发地去这家凯悦集团经营的酒店的页面下表达抗议,要求店方删除这张照片了。但可以预料到的是,在删与不删之间,目前凯悦方面肯定也是“左右为难”,因为如果真删了,可能又会引起狗屎一般的藏独分子的炒作,进而还招来苍蝇一般的西方媒体,对凯悦逆向施压。

  但这恰恰就是用达赖——乃至其他令中国人厌恶的分裂势力——去营销自己品牌的代价。几个月前,法国的化妆品牌兰蔻就同样在这方面吃了大亏。 因此,如果那些在中国赚中国人钱的国际企业,还不重视这一问题,时不时地在海外做出一些挑战中国人底线的事情,那么你们千万不要以为你们的这些举动不会被中国人知道,更不要以为这不会影响到你们的在华业务。 到时,在国外的“意识形态”与“政治正确”和中国人的钱包之间,你们只能做出一个选择。


国际酒店集团凯悦 达赖


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