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The reality: tiangong second what will be done on the tall space experiment

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The reality: tiangong second what will be done on the tall space experiment(揭秘:天宫二号将做哪些高大上的太空实验)

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The reality: Temple on the second space experiment on what tall | Temple on the second _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 15-question: the vicissitudes of China's first space laboratory will do what "on the big" experiments in space?

Xinhua reporters Wu Jingjing Bai Guolong Cui Jing

Temple on the second is China's first real space laboratory will complete more than more than 10 high-end tasks, is manned all the tasks in the project up again.

Some of these experiments to probe the universe's deepest mysteries, some help people to better understand the oceans and the atmosphere, and some even wanted to solve the food problem of interstellar travel in the future ... ... Let us find out.

[51 payload: involve the use of items up to]

At present, China's manned space project has entered a new phase of application development. "We are studying the international space science and application technology developing trend on the basis of, and full use of temple on the second space laboratory platform support capabilities and advantages, environment conditions, arrangements of a number of scientific frontiers and strategic scientific and applied tasks of high-tech development. "Tiangong second, Chief Designer of the space application system Zhao Guangheng said these tasks involving microgravity fundamental physics, microgravity fluid physics, materials science, space life science detection, monitoring of the space environment, space astronomy, Earth observation and Earth science applications and application test of 8 areas.

Which space science experiment and detection project including space cold atomic clock experiment, and liquid bridge hot hair fine convection experiment, and integrated material preparation experiment, and plants training experiment, and gamma Ma storm polarization detection,; on to observation and the Earth science research project including wide band imaging spectrometer, and three dimensional imaging microwave height meter, and purple outside pro side Imaging Spectrometer; application technology test project including space quantum key key distribution test, and with satellite flight test,.

"These tasks over more than 10 items, direct insurance 28 research units, mounted payload is 51. "Zhao Guangheng said that through the implementation of these tasks, the expectation in the field of space science frontier exploration part into the advanced ranks in the world, making important discoveries that have international implications; in the fields of space technology, breakthroughs and some key technology, to address the urgent needs of major problems and validation of advanced methods and means.

[2 pilot astronauts directly involved]

Temple on the second scheduled for end of October 11th launch Shenzhou manned spacecraft docking. The astronauts will enter the temple on the second, involved in the operational culture of higher plants and synthesis experiment.

Human interstellar travel, immigration, alien planet in the future, the first task is to solve problems such as food self-sufficiency, oxygen and water. Culture of higher plants is the study of the Earth's plants can overcome extreme environmental impacts such as space micro-gravity, normal growth in the space environment.

Higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana and rice will go along with the temple on the second space, scientists will study seeds in space, germination, growth, flowering and seed of the whole process, so as to understand and master the future agricultural development possible in space. Astronauts will reclaim parts of plant samples for further analysis.

Comprehensive experiment for the preparation of a variety of new material structure and types of materials research, such as a new type of Nano-composite optical materials, high-performance thermoelectric conversion materials, multi compound consistency, and so on. Scientists will reveal these materials in a gravity environment it is difficult to know the physical and chemical laws and properties.

It is worth mentioning that, the researchers mixed media experimental unit made after more than three years, using only the kettle power 1/9 to 1/5, but to achieve vacuum furnace temperature up to 950 degrees Celsius. Astronauts will open the furnace for testing materials give us action, which would be China's first astronaut in orbit of space materials experiments operate.

["Pole" telescopes: the only international cooperation projects]

"Celestial" telescope "is the full name of" pole "GRBs polarized probe, led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of high energy physics, Switzerland University of Geneva, Switzerland baoluoxieer Institute, Poland participation such as Institute of nuclear physics, international cooperation is the only Temple on the second project.

Gamma-ray bursts is the abbreviation of cosmic gamma-ray bursts, its origin and the corresponding physical process is one of the most advanced astronomy. More than 10 years, the study of GRBs has made considerable progress, but the GRBs are some of the fundamental problems have not been solved.

As the most sensitive the GRBs polarization detector, "celestial" dozens of times higher than similar instruments of detection efficiency, it is expected to run for two years, can detect about 100 gamma-ray bursts, extreme Astrophysical environment in order to better understand the universe's most violent explosions producing mechanism of the phenomenon of making an important contribution.

[Space physics: expected major breakthroughs]

Temple on the second carry a number of space physics experiments, such as space and cold Atomic experiments, space quantum key distribution experiment, is an international scientific frontier in science is of great significance.

Cold atomic clock is a precision timepiece. Scientists will be laser cooling technology combines successfully with the space micro-gravity environment of space cold atomic clocks, will become the world's first space running cold atomic clock, which is autonomous timekeeping accuracy of two orders of magnitude. The experiments in atomic physics research is of great significance, in areas such as national security, Star high precision clocks have wide application.

Quantum key distribution experiment will be implemented based on the manned space platform-quantum key transmission tests, as well as business data universe laser communication. The experiment will take place for the future establishment of unbreakable information security systems, international lead in establishing the practical basis for the secure communications network.

[Earth observation instruments: a complete "experience" Earth]

Previous surveys of China's manned space mission from any orientation are indispensable in the vastness of the universe "feeling" of Earth. Temple on the second also carries a number of next-generation Earth observation remote sensing and geophysical research instruments.

Such as broad-band imaging spectrometer, imaging microwave altimeters, ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer, breaking a series of key technologies, resources and environment, the environment, agriculture and forestry, marine environment, air pollution and atmospheric composition monitoring and has wide applications in global change research.

[With satellites: the guardian of the temple on the second]

Temple during the second flight will also released an accompanying satellite in orbit. Concomitant satellite flight experiment will further verify the high function density small satellite technologies such as, presence in the rail release, along with flight and lay the Foundation for future new spacecraft formation flying technology.

The accompanying satellite equipped with a high resolution full frame visible light camera, flying around in space during the test to the temple on the second Shenzhou 11th combined with high resolution imaging, called Shenzhou spacecraft and temple on the second "self portrait artifact."

[Space environment monitoring: for temple on the second escort]

Astronauts and spacecraft into space facing the outer space environment effects. In space, high energy radiation of charged particles can cause spacecraft materials performance degradation or damage could destroy the astronaut's organs and tissues, serious or even life-threatening. Atmospheric environment will impact on the spacecraft.

Temple on the second space environment system is made up of charged particle radiation detector, track air quality detectors, and space environmental control unit is composed of 3 instruments. They will monitor Temple on the second orbit radiation environment and atmosphere to achieve extravehicular 16 directions of electrons, protons and other charged particles the intensity and energy spectrum monitoring, and tracks of atmospheric density, composition and temporal and space environmental effects monitoring. (End)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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Temple on the second

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Xinhua News Agency

  新华社北京9月15日电 题:揭秘:中国首个空间实验室将做哪些“高大上”的太空实验?

  新华社记者 吴晶晶 白国龙 崔静




  当前,中国载人航天工程已进入应用发展新阶段。“我们在深入研究国际空间科学和应用技术发展态势的基础上,充分利用天宫二号空间实验室平台支持 能力和优势环境条件,安排了一批体现科学前沿和战略高技术发展方向的科学与应用任务。”天宫二号空间应用系统总设计师赵光恒说,这些任务涉及微重力基础物 理、微重力流体物理、空间材料科学、空间生命科学、空间天文探测、空间环境监测、对地观测及地球科学研究应用以及应用新技术试验等8个领域。

  其中空间科学实验与探测项目包括空间冷原子钟实验、液桥热毛细对流实验、综合材料制备实验、高等植物培养实验、伽玛暴偏振探测等;对地观测及地 球科学研究项目包括宽波段成像光谱仪、三维成像微波高度计、紫外临边成像光谱仪;应用新技术试验项目包括空地量子密钥分配试验、伴随卫星飞行试验等。

  “这些应用任务共10余项,直接承研单位28家,装器有效载荷51件。”赵光恒表示,通过实施这些任务,期望在空间科学前沿探索部分重点领域方 向进入世界先进行列,作出具有国际影响的重要发现;在空间应用技术领域,突破并掌握一些核心关键技术,为解决国家迫切需求的重大应用问题提供和验证先进的 解决方法和手段。













  冷原子钟是一种高精度的计时装置。科学家们将激光冷却原子技术与空间微重力环境相结合研发成功的空间冷原子钟,将成为国际上第一台空间运行的冷 原子钟,可以使飞行器自主守时精度提高两个量级。该实验在原子物理研究方面具有重大意义,在国防安全、高精度星钟等方面具有广泛应用价值。










  天宫二号空间环境分系统由带电粒子辐射探测器、轨道大气环境探测器和空间环境控制单元3台仪器组成。它们将实时监测天宫二号轨道上的辐射环境和 大气环境,实现舱外16个方向的电子、质子等带电粒子的强度和能谱监测,以及轨道大气密度、成分及其时空变化与空间环境污染效应监测等。(完)

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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