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Nanjing breaking extra sales of fake drugs, injectable seized 12,000, sold in 20 provinces

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/15 20:15:26 Browse times: 134 Comment times: 0

Nanjing breaking extra sales of fake drugs, injectable seized 12,000, sold in 20 provinces(南京破特大销售假药案,查获1.2万针剂,销往20省)

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Nanjing breaking extra sales of fake drugs seized 12,000 injections, are sold to 20 | beauty _ counterfeit drugs news

Police confiscated a large amount of cosmetic injections

With 12,000 injection, has sold more than 20 provinces

Express News (correspondent Zhang Longjun Guo Ting reporter Gu Yuansen) recently, Nanjing liuhe police after 2 months investigation, detected with King production sales counterfeit case, captured suspects 5 name, site seized without drug prison sector approved, and illegal entry of glass uric acid, and dissolved fat needle, and meat toxins, and thin face needle, 47 species pharmacy up more than 12,000 more support, shipping records up more than 2000 over, involved national more than 20 multiple provinces. At present, 5 suspects on suspicion of producing and selling fake drugs has been arrested.

In June of this year, it was reported, Chinese Chen Lin Tay Street illegally engaged in by the plastic surgery business, and the acquisition of Restylane, BOTOX Cosmetic, such as pharmaceutical products. Police Chen Lin and Jiang Hongxia, Meng Juan, 3 were captured, a small search of Restylane, Botox and other cosmetic pharmacy.

Zhihou, after a two-month investigation by the police, to Changsha, Hunan province, captured by Chen Lin, who launched Tan Peng, and seized more than 12,000 more than cosmetic injections. Tan Peng said his cousin Zhang Chenghai is hired to deliver. On August 12, Zhang Chenghai justice. Zhang Chenghai account he uses another person's identity information rented a house in Changsha, when the warehouse and friends a phone card with the identity card, bank card, bundled with the app. He usually is in the circle of friends advertising and good price in the app, and then cousin to Tan Peng product, quantity.

(Client names in the text)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Beauty fakes

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南京破特大销售假药案 查获1.2万针剂,销往20省|美容假药_新闻资讯



  快报讯(通讯员 张龙俊 郭婷 记者 顾元森)近日,南京六合警方经过2个月侦查,侦破一起特大生产销售假药案,抓获嫌疑人5名,现场缴获未经药监部门批准、非法入境的玻尿酸、溶脂针、肉毒 素、瘦脸针等47种药剂达1.2万多支,发货记录达2000多份,涉及全国20多个省份。目前,5名嫌疑人因涉嫌生产销售假药已被批捕。


  之 后,警方经过两个月调查,赶赴湖南长沙,抓获陈林等人的上线谭鹏,现场缴获1.2万多支美容针剂。谭鹏表示他是表弟张成海雇佣来发货的。8月12日,张成 海归案。张成海交代,他用别人的身份信息在长沙租了一套房屋当仓库,并用好友的身份证办理一张电话卡、银行卡,与微信捆绑。他平时主要是在微信朋友圈发布 广告,在微信里谈好价格,然后把产品、数量发给表哥谭鹏。


责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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