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Away from the “village“, autumn health break

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/15 20:14:56 Browse times: 64 Comment times: 0

Away from the “village“, autumn health break(远离“寨卡”,中秋健康出游)

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Stay away from "walled" mid-autumn moon health holiday Zhai | | | vaccines _ news

Original title: far from the "village" mid-autumn health break

Mid-autumn day "double day" approaches, many families already have the intention of going abroad, but the recent Singapore broke Zhai card cases jumped to 242 cases of virus infections, said Zhai card virus variants may have been produced in South-East Asia. At present, Singapore, and Malaysia, and Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries frequently issued a travel warning for village card virus, village again, and how to prevent and treat during the holiday? New health for your interpretation.

  Zhai card what is virus?

Zhai card virus is mainly spread through mosquito bites, are common symptoms of infection include fever, rash, joint pain, muscle pain, headache and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The illness is usually milder, symptoms can last for a few days to a week. Serious illness requiring hospitalization is uncommon. On May 15, 2016, the first village card cases have been reported in Beijing.

  Zhai card what are the symptoms of the virus?

In rare cases, Zhai cards viruses also spread through sexual transmission or mother. Zhai card virus infection in pregnant women, of the babies born occur microcephaly. Zhai card fever symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain, muscle pain, as well as non-purulent conjunctivitis.

  Zhai card virus and how do we do it?

Zhai card virus, because there is currently no specific treatment and vaccines to prevent mosquito bites is particularly important. Zhai card virus transmitting mosquitoes Aedes largely, this is dengue fever, Chikungunya and yellow fever, the media, mainly in the South of Liaoning, China, Shaanxi Province to the East of the region.

In order to avoid mosquito-borne viral infection, should pay attention to when you go out wearing long-sleeved clothing (preferably light colored clothes), the use of insect repellents, bearing in mind the close doors and Windows, using window screens and mosquito nets to avoid mosquito bites; note buckets around the living room or home, flower pots, automobile tires and other possible emptying the water container, keep it clean or cover, to prevent mosquito breeding.

Meanwhile, although who that there is no need for village card virus outbreak of State travel or trade restrictions, but travelers should still be concerned about the destination village card virus epidemic, particularly pregnant women, should consider deferring travel to a village spread their card. If it proves necessary to advance consultation with local health, inspection and quarantine, or views in the tourism sector, in their strictly to take such measures to avoid mosquito bites.

Once in Zhai cards States local infections of the virus develop fever, headache, muscle and joint pain and skin rashes and other symptoms, at the time of entry to the entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities should take the initiative to an oral declaration. After entering the above symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately, and to the doctor that the recent travel history.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Zhai Moon vaccine

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远离“寨卡” 中秋健康出游|寨卡|中秋|疫苗_新闻资讯

  原标题:远离“寨卡” 中秋健康出游









  同时,虽然世卫组织认为目前毋须对爆发寨卡病毒的国家采取旅行或贸易限制措施,但旅行者仍应关注目的地寨卡病毒流行情况,尤其是孕妇,应考 虑推迟前往有寨卡病毒传播的地区旅行。如确需前往请提前征询当地卫生、检验检疫或旅游部门的意见,在旅行期间严格采取上述避免蚊虫叮咬的措施。


责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

寨卡 中秋 疫苗


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