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China’s sudden death after three students were recently fraud or suicide: 28 people arrested

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/9 18:37:33 Browse times: 108 Comment times: 0

China’s sudden death after three students were recently fraud or suicide: 28 people arrested(中国最近发生三起学生遭诈骗后猝死或自杀:28人落网)

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China's sudden death after three students were recently fraud or suicide: 28 people arrested | | | fraud _ college students of telecommunications fraud news

Song Zhenning
Xu Yuyu living photos

Crime crackdown on telecommunications fraud in order to maintain safety of people and property

Three students of the society by the telecommunications network scam cracked

Recently, Shandong, Guangdong and other places 3 consecutive students was telecommunications network fraud, sudden death or suicide of the victim, causing widespread concern. After the incident, Chinese Ministry of public security attaches, namely, Shandong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangsu, Sichuan, the public security organs to carry out the investigation. At present, all 3 cases cracked 28 suspects were arrested and the case is under further investigation.

On August 19, the college entrance exam to enrol, linyi city, Shandong province, Xu Yuyu were criminals posing as education, Finance Department staff fraud 9900 Yuan. After the incident, police tried to identify Telecom fraud groups and information sources. The investigation, suspects du a using technical means to attack the "Shandong 2016 exam online registration information system" and sites embedded Trojan virus, acquired the site admin permissions, and stole a large number of candidates, including Xu Yuyu information. In early July, criminal suspect Chen set up scams in rental housing in Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province, dens, via QQ search "college entrance examination data base", "student data" such as chat groups, posting personal information in a group purchasing needs, from the hands of du to 0.5 Yuan each bought 1800 high school student information this year. Meanwhile, Chen hired Chung, Huang and others posing as education Bureau, the Finance Bureau staff call, on behalf of the grants for college admission student commit fraud. August 19 at 16 o'clock, the gang fraud Xu Yuyu 9900 Yuan, Xu Yuyu suspects fraudulently opened bank card-account remittance ID after 6 minutes, Chen is control of criminal suspects in Quanzhou, Fujian Zheng organizations bear, Chen and others in Quanzhou city, take the loot of a Bank ATM machine. The public security organ to further identify suspect Peng over the network many times to Chen Gang selling non-real name phone cards, for use by criminal gang crime. At present, more than 8 suspects had been captured.

On August 12, Shandong University student Song Zhenning withheld by unscrupulous elements to your bank card fees, identity is tricked by fraudulent use of false grounds, such as 1996. After the incident, investigation by the public security authorities, identified the groups principal officer Li, Liu, Katie, who used "false base station" sending fraud messages when the victim after receiving the SMS call, under various pretexts, lured the victim to a designated account transfer. At present, these 4 individuals and others in connection with the 10 suspects have been arrested.

On July 19, the college admission freshmen Cai Shuyan, huilai, Guangdong Province, received the criminals fake "run, brothers" false jackpot message issued by the team, Cai Shuyan dial-back phone number in the message, click on login by suspects lured a phishing site, and fill in the relevant personal information. Subsequently, the suspects and to pay a "deposit", "personal income tax," and lured the victim to provide-account remittance, three times into the 9800. After the incident, the public security organs immediately organized investigation, identifying the criminal suspect Chen organization Lin, bears a certain set up bulk SMS and phishing site in Haikou, Hainan dens, ordered Gao, set up fan in Danzhou, Hainan telephone fraud dens. Suspects mass false jackpot message on first use of computer software, dens and traffic officers induced the victim clicks a phishing site to get accurate personal information for various reasons lured the victim to provide-account remittance. The public security organ to further identify, Chen Gang for teller bank card fraud provided by Chen. At present, the above 6 suspects had been captured.

The Ministry of public security official said, Telecom fraud crimes serious infringement of property rights, seriously affect security of the masses, the broad masses of the abhorrence of such crimes. The public security organs will be highly responsible to the party and the people's spirit, in conjunction with the relevant departments to continue to increase efforts to crack down on governance, the full implementation of comprehensive prevention and control measures and firmly curb the high momentum Telecom fraud crimes. Meanwhile, new trends, new features for this kind of crime, further innovative working mechanism, strengthen intersectoral collaboration and cooperation, further improvement in key areas and strive to enhance the level of combat capability, continue to raise public awareness to safeguard the safety of people and property and legal rights.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
College of telecommunications fraud scams

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  严厉打击电信网络诈骗犯罪 切实维护人民群众财产安全





  7月19日, 广东省惠来县高考录取新生蔡淑妍接到不法分子假冒“奔跑吧,兄弟”栏目组发出的虚假中奖短信,蔡淑妍回拨短信中的电话号码,被嫌疑人诱骗点击登录钓鱼网 站,并填入相关个人信息。随后,嫌疑人又以缴纳“保证金”、“个人所得税”等理由诱骗受害人向嫌疑人提供的账户汇款,分三次共汇入9800元。 案发后,公安机关立即组织开展侦查,查明犯罪嫌疑人陈某组织林某、熊某在海南海口设立短信群发和钓鱼网站窝点,指使高某、范某在海南儋州设立话务诈骗窝 点。犯罪嫌疑人首先使用电脑软件群发虚假中奖短信,然后由话务窝点人员诱导受害人点击钓鱼网站获取精确个人信息,再以各种理由诱骗受害人向嫌疑人提供的账 户汇款。公安机关进一步查明,陈某团伙用于诈骗取款的银行卡由陈某某提供。目前,以上6名犯罪嫌疑人均已被抓获。

  公 安部有关负责人表示,电信网络诈骗犯罪严重侵害群众财产权益,严重影响群众安全感,广大群众对此类犯罪深恶痛绝。公安机关将以对党和人民高度负责的精神, 会同相关部门持续加大依法打击治理力度,全面落实综合防控措施,坚决遏制电信网络诈骗犯罪高发势头。同时,针对此类犯罪新动向、新特点,进一步创新工作机 制,加强部门间协作配合,深入开展重点地区整治,着力提升打击能力水平,不断提高群众防范意识,切实维护人民群众财产安全和合法权益。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

电信诈骗 大学生 诈骗


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