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Former village Committee Director Lin Zulian wukan bribery in Guangdong sentenced to 3 years and 1 month

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/8 11:40:39 Browse times: 56 Comment times: 0

Former village Committee Director Lin Zulian wukan bribery in Guangdong sentenced to 3 years and 1 month(广东乌坎原村委主任林祖恋受贿获刑3年1个月)

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Guangdong wukan former village Committee Director Lin Zulian sentenced to 3 years and 1 month of accepting bribes _ | | wukan Lin Zu love news

Wukan former Secretary Lin Zu love confession
Informed the Procurator Yuan Huaiyu, Shanwei city in the Conference, and broadcast videos of Lin Zu love confessed to accepting a bribe. New Express Reporter Peng Cheng/photo

Jurisdiction of the network specified by the higher people's Court of Guangdong Province in the South, chancheng district, Foshan City people's Court on September 8, a public hearing the defendant Lin Zulian bribery case and publicly in court.

Prosecution organ allegations: accused Lin Zulian served as Guangdong Province lufeng East town wukan village Director during, using its assist government management black Kan Village series livelihood engineering of positions convenience, for contractors business provides help, directly or through others times received bribery total Yuan 443,000 yuan; in wukan economic joint social foreign purchase pumping sand, vessels of economic between in the, charged rebate Yuan 150,000 yuan; in wukan villagers health engineering enrollment bid process in the, violations set threshold, for specific bid people provides help, collusion bid And make it successful.

The trial started at 9 o'clock in the morning, published public prosecutor presenting evidence and prosecutors, Lin Zulian admitted taking bribes in court, but not collusion. Lin Zu love entrusted two defence counsel for the defence. Final stage of statements of the accused, Lin Zulian expressed deep repentance, thank the judiciary impartial handling of civilization. He said in court: "I want to confess to wukan folks, apologize to friends, relatives and care for me, I will learn, behave according to law, work according to law, court decisions. "Subsequently, the presiding judge called a recess, a collegial panel to review the case. 2:30 P.M., the presiding judge announced the trial, judgment is pronounced.

Chancheng district people's Court considers, Prosecutor accused Lin Zu love the defendant is guilty of bribery and non-State bribery facts are clear, the evidence fully enough to found; charged defendant Lin Zu love bid-rigging offence facts are not clear that the evidence is insufficient. Lin Zulian sentenced defendant to be sentenced to three years on charges of taking bribes and sentenced to a fine of 200,000 yuan; Lin Zulian sentenced defendant to be sentenced on charges of non-State agents taking bribes for ten months, decides that the Executive shall be sentenced to three years and one month and fined 200,000 yuan. After the verdict, said Lin Zulian respected the Court decision, no appeal. Part of the people's representatives and family members of the defendants participated in the trial.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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Wukanlinzu love

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Nanfang daily

  汕尾市人民检察院检察长袁怀宇在发布会上作出通报,并播放了林祖恋供认收受贿赂的视频。新快报记者 彭程/摄

  南方网讯 经广东省高级人民法院指定管辖,佛山市禅城区人民法院9月8日一审公开开庭审理了被告人林祖恋受贿案,并当庭公开宣判。

  公诉机关指控:被告人林祖恋担任广东省陆丰市 东海镇乌坎村委会主任期间,利用其协助政府管理乌坎村系列民生工程的职务便利,为承建商提供帮助,直接或通过他人多次收受贿赂共人民币44.3万元;在乌 坎经济联合社对外购买抽沙船等船只的经济往来中,收取回扣人民币15万元;在乌坎村民生工程招投标过程中,违规设置门槛,为特定投标人提供帮助,串通投标 并使其中标。

  庭审在上午9时开始,公诉人发表了公诉意见并 出示了相关证据,林祖恋当庭承认收取贿赂,但不承认串通投标。林祖恋委托的两名辩护律师为其作了辩护。被告人最后陈述阶段,林祖恋表示深感忏悔,感谢司法 人员文明公正办案。他在法庭上说:“我要向乌坎乡亲们忏悔,向朋友、亲人为我而牵挂道歉,我会吸取教训,依法做人,依法做事,相信法院判决。”随后,审判 长宣布休庭,合议庭对案件进行了评议。下午2时30分,审判长宣布恢复庭审,宣告判决。

  禅城区人民法院认为,公诉机关指控被告人林祖 恋犯受贿罪和非国家工作人员受贿罪事实清楚,证据确实充分,足以认定;指控被告人林祖恋犯串通投标罪事实不清,证据不足。以受贿罪判处被告人林祖恋有期徒 刑三年,并处罚金人民币20万元;以非国家工作人员受贿罪判处被告人林祖恋有期徒刑十个月,决定执行有期徒刑三年一个月,并处罚金人民币20万元。宣判 后,林祖恋表示尊重法院判决,不上诉。部分群众代表及被告人家属参加了旁听。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

乌坎 林祖恋


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