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Foreign Media: excessive coal mining in Shanxi province, a large number of village settlement “ghost town“

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Foreign Media: excessive coal mining in Shanxi province, a large number of village settlement “ghost town“(外媒:山西过度采煤,大批村庄下陷变“鬼村”)

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Foreign Media: too large of coal mining village in Shanxi province to subside, "ghost town" | | overexploitation of Shanxi _ news

File photo: cracks in geologic subsidence of the ground. Xinhua News Agency Zhou Ke photo

Reference news, September 7 West media said, many of the village, Shanxi province, China because of excessive mining and sinking, the scene as if an earthquake ravaging General. Mottled village roads, is full of potholes, cracks is found in many homes, including the school.

Spain the world newspaper reported on September 5, a 50-year old local villager said in an interview: "one day I watch house walls cracked in a large joint. "In 2013 and neighbors in this village received an emergency notice from the Government, have to pack valuables fled their ancestral villages. Almost all the villagers are aware: the village settlement is caused by excessive coal mining.

The villager said, coal mining enterprises have long known that land might collapse, and before they discussed compensation issues, ultimately paid 130,000 yuan (RMB, same below). When asked why she does not reject compensation claim when, villagers say is overwhelming, because it is the Government that they were powerless, and this money is enough for them to rebuild their homes in other places.

Reported that the large settlement is the village of Shanxi province in China at any cost in order to accelerate the development of an example. China's rapid economic development over the years has been inseparable from the coal. In the context of the world, China not only is coal country, was the first power consumption.

Shanxi in decades have always been key areas of China's coal industry. Experts point out that Shanxi coal mining industry's once thriving with nearly 10,000 mines, including the State-owned coal mines and private coal mine. Now in Shanxi province on the road from trucks full of coal. A haze in the sky here, the choking smell in the air, these are the consequences of excessive mining of coal.

Some Shanxi villages have become ghost towns, houses and school buildings in ruins. One expert estimates, about 1900, Shanxi affected villages, home to 2.2 million of the villagers. Village crumbling once dependent on coal eating scene, reflecting the decline in China's coal industry. Now that coal prices from highs of RMB 2000 per tonne fell 400 Yuan per ton.

Overexploitation and slowing overall economic growth in China's coal industry needs reform, reform may lead to a large number of miners out of work. Coal industry adjustment may affect up to 1.8 million workers in the coal and steel industries. According to official estimates, this figure could be two industries accounted for 15% of the total work force.

Reports that this year alone, the National Energy Council would shut down thousands of coal mines in the country, and this number will continue to grow in the coming years. According to statistics, China has more than 70% of coal enterprises have suffered losses. There are no payment of wages to employees in coal enterprises, but did not fire them because to do so would increase the unemployment rate. Now these workers lost their source of income and had to other industries such as the transportation industry. Some towns have mining among the hundred counties, but now it's all over.

The coal boom are gone, but left to the people is a lot of legacy. Abandoned tunnels criss-cross became the lead cause of the subsidence. Mining in the past, some walls of the building have become crooked, as if made of used plastic in General. Some area residents still hope for repairing their homes. People used large stakes prop up crumbling housing, but on the ground there's nothing sudden pothole.

A 65-year old local villager told the media that they often heard a loud noise, bricks fell from overhead from time to time. Starting from a few years ago, here lies the crater on the ground, villagers are worried about the village suddenly sank. Although some villagers still hold on to their homes, but more people are choosing to leave. In some areas, the Government did not explicitly tell the villagers must leave the village. The villagers said, the rich had left, only sick and still stay in the local area.

Reported that the rich mineral deposits in the past has now become the Government's fiscal problems. The Shanxi provincial Government had to face a hefty bill: pollution caused losses estimated as high as 77 billion yuan. The local Government was forced to make an emergency plan and speed up the withdrawal of some 655,000 people, this means that the expenditure of at least 15.8 billion yuan.

Experts estimate that approximately 500 people in the last 10 years because of subsidence and House collapse and maimed. Official data show that excessive mining about 26,000 cases of geological disasters caused by 2014, approximately 10,000 square kilometers of the area affected. Experts believe that the disaster in Shanxi province affected range and seriousness are unprecedented. Many villages have not been serious subsidence took place with empty.

In fact, the coal crisis have affected many mining areas of the country. Liaoning Fushun was China's "coal capital", most parts of the city have faced risks of geological disasters. Often appears in the Chinese social networking site news of the mine collapsed. Is the son of an old miner died in a cave-in accident a few years ago. When asked why he didn't leave when he sighs: "I'm old, where not to go. ”

Source: references

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Overexploitation of Shanxi

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外媒:山西过度采煤 大批村庄下陷变“鬼村”|山西|过度开采_新闻资讯

资料图片:因地质沉降出现裂缝的地面。 新华社记者 周科 摄

  参考消息网9月7日报道 西媒称,中国山西省的很多村庄因为过度采矿而出现下沉,那场面仿佛遭遇地震肆虐一般。村里的路面斑斑驳驳,满是坑洞,包括学校在内的很多房屋都出现了裂痕。














责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117

山西 过度开采


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