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Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan arrested 5 suspects is the “East Turkistan Islamic movement“ members

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/7 8:30:40 Browse times: 117 Comment times: 0

Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan arrested 5 suspects is the “East Turkistan Islamic movement“ members(袭击中国驻吉使馆5嫌犯被捕,是“东伊运”成员)

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Bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan 5 suspects arrested were "East Turkistan Islamic movement" members of embassies in Kyrgyzstan, China | | attacks _ news

Embassy in Kyrgyzstan were attacked: the attackers were members of the East Turkistan Islamic games

On August 30, the Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Embassy attacks, three personnel of the Embassy were slightly injured, damage to premises. According to Xinhua, Kyrgyzstan's National Security Committee 6th informed the media that terrorist attackers as a terrorist organization "East Turkistan Islamic movement", the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" members. Now arrests 5 suspects, and another 4 are now Turkey, was a wanted man.

  Attackers were "East Turkistan Islamic movement" members 5 accomplice arrested

JI informed the National Security Committee said that suicide bombers as "holding passports of Uighurs in Tajikistan", is the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" in Syria members.

Kat wanted by the National Security Committee also announced that a people-person "pseudonym bought cars carried out the suicide bombing attack", and to assist in the manufacture of explosive devices, in addition, Kyrgyz national security authority also wanted two "now hiding in Turkey Istanbul cooperative organizers of terrorist attack", and have arrested five people involved in the terrorist attack of Kyrgyzstan origin accomplice.

Kyrgyzstan National Security Committee makes a request to the relevant countries, desiring to assist the arrest of wanted persons involved in the terrorist attack and the transfer of Kyrgyzstan.

  Press review: Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Embassy suicide terrorist attack


Local time in the morning of August 30, a car carrying bombs rushed into the Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan Embassy and exploded in the Museum area, the attackers died after the blast, another three Embassy staff members were injured. Kyrgyzstan Razzakov, Deputy Prime Minister confirmed that the three were for Kyrgyzstan citizens and concluded that this was a suicide attack. Kyrgyzstan security officers judge exploded vehicle containing at least 100 kilograms of TNT explosives. Due to the large explosion, tremors were felt in the region around significantly.

  News: "East Turkistan Islamic movement" aims to use terrorist means to split China

The "East Turkistan Islamic movement" is the "East Turkistan Islamic movement", and is the "East Turkistan" terrorist forces in one of the most dangerous terrorist organization. Their aim is to split China through terrorist means, in Xinjiang, the establishment of a theocratic "East Turkistan Islamic State".

The "East Turkistan Islamic movement" terrorist organization based in Pakistan, it is not only Pakistan's internal threat, also a threat to China's security. But in recent years, in order to realize the ambition of splitting China, the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" repeatedly sent personnel into the country, making terrorist activities. Not only that, but the Organization as the expansion team and also new members in China's development, cultivate successors of terror. A serious threat to China's security and stability.


  The United Nations finds the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" for terrorist organizations

In 1997, the AI Shan ditch ? maihe Su and abudukadeer·Ya fu Quan gathered a group of "Eastern Turkistan" elements, in the recovery set up outside the "East Turkistan Islamic movement". In September 2002, the Organization as a terrorist organization by the United Nations, is also China's Ministry of public security, December 2003 for the first batch of four identified "East Turkistan" terrorist organizations.

  The "East Turkistan Islamic movement" activities penetrate into Europe and Asia

In November 2003, the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" after the ex-leader of the AI Shan ditch ? maihesu wood was killed, maimaitiming·maimaiti has served as the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" leader, raise funding of terrorist activities, terrorist recruitment, and development of terrorist organizations, leading members of terrorist organizations continue to be engaged in violent terrorist activities. According to United States NBC reported that from 1990 to 2001, the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" terrorist forces conducted more than 200 terrorist activities, killing at least 162 people were killed and more than 440 injured.

In recent years, the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" terrorists not only in China were planning to carry out terrorist activities in the territory, while "East Turkistan Islamic movement" also penetrated into China's neighboring countries and Europe.

  China stepped up the fight "East Turkistan Islamic movement"

The "East Turkistan Islamic movement" series of terrorist activities in recent years the Chinese Government has strengthened the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" crackdown on terrorist organizations. China's Ministry of public security has announced three times in 2003, in 2008 and 2012 respectively, "terrorist list" and adopt a variety of measures to "East Turkistan Islamic movement" to combat. In addition, the counter-terrorism cooperation with the neighboring countries of China, Dong Yiyun activities at the international space State is shrinking.

  News read more

  United States has been "East Turkistan Islamic movement" listed as a terrorist organization

On September 3, 2016, President XI Jinping to attend the Group of 20 (G20) Leaders Summit in Hangzhou of United States President Barack Obama meets. Both China and the United States relations of common concern as well as major international and regional and global issues, conducted in-depth, Frank and constructive exchanges, reached a series of important consensus and results.

In terms of counter-terrorism cooperation, the United States under executive order 13,224th us "East Turkistan Islamic movement" as a terrorist organization, and supported the inclusion of the Organization to the United Nations 1267 Committee consolidated list of sanctions, the Chinese side expressed appreciation for this. Both sides decided to held in Washington in late 2016, China and the United States third round of Vice-ministerial counter-terrorism consultation and the second Chinese and United States seminar on combating improvised explosive devices.

Responsible editor: Gao Yuying

Article keywords:
The Chinese Embassy in Kyrgyzstan attacked

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袭击中国驻吉使馆5嫌犯被捕 是“东伊运”成员|中国驻吉使馆|袭击_新闻资讯



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