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China’s Ministry of Commerce to drop antitrust investigations merge

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/9/3 8:56:36 Browse times: 109 Comment times: 0

China’s Ministry of Commerce to drop antitrust investigations merge(中国商务部对滴滴优步合并进行反垄断调查)

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Combined area of China's Ministry of Commerce to drop anti-trust investigation drops | |-step _ news

▌ Source: surging news, Beijing,

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In China Commerce recently held of routine press conference Shang, spokesman Shen Danyang, said, drops drops excellent step merged not to China Commerce declared, China commerce is law on drops drops excellent step merged case carried out anti-monopoly survey, as currently, has two times interviews drops drops travel, requirements its description trading situation, and not declared of reasons, submitted about file, and information; and about sector and Enterprise discussion, understand network about car operation mode and related market competition status,.

Shen Danyang, introduced on August 1, 2016, the drops travel announced strategic agreements with the world, will acquire all of China's assets. On August 2, the trading parties to fulfil shareholding modification on registration procedures, complete the delivery. Case not previously declared to the China's Ministry of Commerce, caused widespread concern in the community, informants also report to China's Ministry of Commerce that the parties to the transaction have not been declared.

Shen Danyang, said the next step, China's Ministry of Commerce will continue to promote the work of the investigation of the case in accordance with law, to protect fair competition in the market, protecting consumer interests and public interests.

Consumers find the erosion of preferences

Beijing lawyer Zhang liwen believes that the core values of the anti-monopoly law is that enterprises seeking capital expansion and added value in the process when there is a monopoly or are about to occur, the Antimonopoly Act in time to prevent and suppress monopolistic behavior and protect fair competition in the market order, protecting consumer interests and public interests.

Zhang liwen pointed out that this drop and China shortly after the merger was announced, before the nets found consumers about concessions after the phasing out and resist calls for higher, but also had to continue to use the drops about car platform, "China's Ministry of Commerce has positive significance and function of ex officio investigations at this time. ”

Taxi software platform sales found that no final conclusion

Chinese State Council provisions on standards of concentration Declaration clearly, concentration Declaration a condition that must be met are: at least two operators in the last fiscal year the turnover of more than 400 million yuan in China.

Before the official response to the last drop: drop and China at present were not profitable and high turnover in China in the last fiscal year did not meet reporting standards. Not up to standard so you don't have to declare.

The industry generally believe that, good to the last drop-step merger would allow China, China 90% share of the software market by taxi into a subject.

"Loss-making monopoly monopoly. "Peking University law professors, and law and Economics Research Center of Peking University and Co-Director, Harper said, from the perspective of net income to determine if they need to declare is not accurate, from turnover to determine, although there is no exact earnings figures, China, but its turnover of more than 400 million yuan in 2015 in China is no doubt.

At present, that the Chinese Ministry of Commerce to drop antitrust investigation of the cognizance of the revenues--taxi software platform, one of the core issues, have not been given authority.

Leading IT think intellectual property lawyer Zhao occupation, drops and high turnover of China refers to the company's own revenue, rather than transactions on the platform because the order transaction amounts in most, if not all belong to the network about truck drivers, and not part of the platform cannot be calculated as revenue, the current access to information is not enough to judge drops bid and China's compliance with the reporting criteria.

When a monopoly set up goes back to its State prior to the merger

Center for studies of CUPL propagation method, Deputy Director of economic Working Committee, Internet Society of China share Expert Committee member Zhu Wei believes that investigation of China's Ministry of Commerce on the drops, drops faced the worst result is that China's Ministry of Commerce decision has become the monopoly market to the last drop. Zhu Wei believes that once the monopoly was established, drops will be hard hit. First, drop and China's merger will be returned to its State prior to the merger, is a concentrated, forced to stop processing divide, forced to dispose of property, such as a bunch of "bad".

Drops from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in the antitrust investigation of "safe landing", since this will be treading on thin ice. "At present, drops in market prices, there are still many problems, it should always pay attention to others to attack it abused its monopoly position. "Zhu Wei analysis," drops network about the car industry is a special car pointed out that car and taxi to differentiation of the new deal, drops must be set higher than the taxi prices. ”

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

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Good to the last drop

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