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“Chinese trainers fight 32 Japanese planes“ video red herring

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“Chinese trainers fight 32 Japanese planes“ video red herring(“中国教练机独战32架日机”视频真实性存疑)

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"Chinese trainers fight 32 Japanese planes" |-Japanese video red herring | warplanes _ news

"My students were killed, now it's my teacher. ”

This sentence ever touched you?

However experts access to relevant archives, many details in the story does not match historical

In recent days, a video of the air war of resistance against Japan, and max out your circle of friends. Video shows on May 28, 1940, an air force instructor driving trainer alone, Chengdu fleet of 32 aircraft, rushed into the bombing, finally safe to return home in machine gun fire ... ... Saw this was spoil by blood video, Internet users and all the "air Zhao zilong" case.

However, according to the Chengdu municipal archives to check on May 28, 1940, has no record of the bombing, while surviving 98 defense veterans also said that at that time not yet heard of something so exciting.


Japan writers found video

Instructor words touched many people

Famous war expert, travel writer Denis Sassou-Nguesso did not expect, Beijing Youth channels aired a video of the war last year, suddenly lit up the Internet in recent days. As a video Narrator of the story, he is pushed to the forefront.

In the video, Denis Sassou-Nguesso said his Japan visits the war information, accidentally received this video. Video by two Japan journalist koyanagi and Yagi shot, tells the story of May 28, 1940, the Japanese deployed 32 aircraft bombed in Chengdu. Because the Chinese air force's combat aircraft have all been (Nikki) knocked out, the Japanese thought that the bombing would not be any resistance. However, the machine flew over in Chengdu on the day, a Chinese plane suddenly rushed into the Japanese fleet, "the Chinese aircraft to Japan of aircraft parts, played the blown sky high, but I couldn't get down, because his plane was too small. ”

Screen, Denis Sassou-Nguesso continued to explain, saying the plane during the day under siege, and eventually killed. Meanwhile, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, also found the pilot was surnamed Li's instructors, and this aircraft in Chengdu China Central flight training aircraft of the air force.

But the most moving, is instructor in the diary of the day leaving Lee's words, "my students were killed, now it's my teacher. ”

With this year's "9·3" victory day comes, the video attracted the attention of many people. Touched the sky hero, writer Denis Sassou-Nguesso, praise, but there are experts and scholars on its authenticity in doubt.

  In doubt

Of doubt:

On May 28, 1940, the Japanese bombing of Chengdu?

Chengdu municipal archives: check on the day bombing records

"On May 28, 1940, no recorded Japanese bombs, Chengdu. "August 29, Ji Yong, a researcher at the Chengdu city archives tell this huaxi City newspaper reporter, he seen this video a long time ago," read, I wonder what his Denis Sassou-Nguesso. ”

Through the national Government statistics on air strikes, Ji Yong found on May 28 and 32 air raids over Chengdu. "During the war, statistics from Chengdu suffered air raid in May 1940, bombed twice. "Ji Yong said from Chengdu Chengdu air tables can be saved in the archives as you can see, on May 18, 19th aircraft hit records, but not in any records on May 28.

Ji Yong said that if an 32 aircraft strikes, will appear on the record, "so many days to bomb didn't record it was suspicious. ”

  Doubt II: air force fall

In May 1940, the Chinese air force has no air?

98 defense Veterans: Chengdu aircraft

Mentioned in the video, when the Chinese air force has no combat aircraft. This one, also gave rise to many familiar with the history of the war, in particular experts question the history of air war of resistance against Japan: 1940 China sky, how could not own aircraft?

In this regard, Ji Yong said, not to mention the 1940 until 1941, the Chinese air force in the war against Japan. And that period of time, there are a lot of Soviet aid to China air forces fighting the Japanese in Chengdu.

August 29, at 7 o'clock in the evening, a reporter in wenjiang, Sichuan province, to interview former aerospace defense command monitored deputy leader Liu Jingshi. Is 98 years old, he is still thinking clearly. Chinese Air Force fighter-free for that period, he said it is simply impossible.

"The end of 1940, before I leave, huangtianba, Taiping Temple airport has aircraft. "Said Liu Jingshi, but Chengdu aircraft has been very" valuable ", bombed by the Japanese, taking an evasive tactics," take several losses, saves power, aircraft are generally scattered hidden. ”

Meanwhile, instructor Lee alone into the Japanese fleet, and said he had never heard of, "then, to really have it, will certainly spread, this can greatly raise the morale of the troops. ”

  Doubt III: single-blade

Instructor Lee flew alone against the 32 Japanese planes?

Video sources found there were 13 aircraft acting

Micro letter public, "Mongo" also published an article questioning the authenticity of the video.

"Mongo" found video source--by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Association) shot play, Japan News record on July 24. News Notes: Chiang Kai-shek to escape Japanese bombing of Chongqing, fled to Chengdu, the Japanese then launched airstrikes on July 24 in Chengdu. Fly to Chengdu over the encounter against the Chinese air force.

"Mongo" says video not only tells the time problem, and through the investigation, probably is not a Chinese aircraft in the air combat "single party".

His book, check out the battle of the war, found the day General Manager Zou Gengxu led 13 aircraft engaged and finally 6 aircraft damaged, shot down a bomber by the Japanese.

Chengdu municipal archives, queries for "7·24 bomb" records, data, and 36 frames, bomb, 128 and 93 injured, death of 82 people, 628 housing losses.

  In response to

Writer Denis Sassou-Nguesso: restore or meet the historical fallacy

Earlier, the writer Denis Sassou-Nguesso said in an interview with journalists on the cover, after discovering the video, he was commissioned by Taiwan's friends find instructor Li's descendants, in the diary of instructor Lee July 24, 1940, found this sentence: my students are killed, now it's my teacher.

However, compared to the existing list of air combat pilot of the day July 24, combatants and non-instructor Li.

"In search of the war history on the road, often difficult, sometimes flawed and regret, but this indomitable spirit, make us unable to extricate themselves. "For the Chinese pilot who fought bravely, Sassou-Nguesso said:" whoever you are, we know that you are our father, give us your blood heritage, struggling to move forward. Thank you, forging a nation's body, leaving us with an unyielding spirit. "Huaxi City newspaper reporter Yang Li, Chengdu city archives images

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Fighter's anti-Japanese

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  视频中,萨苏称,他在日本访查抗战资料时,一次偶然机会收到这个视频。视频由两名日本记者小柳和八木拍摄,讲述的是1940年5月28日,日军派出32 架飞机轰炸成都。由于当时中国空军的作战飞机已经全部被(日机)打掉了,日军以为这次轰炸不会遭到任何抵抗。然而,当日机飞临成都上空时,一架中国飞机突然冲进日军机群,“这架中国飞机把日本飞机零件,都打得崩到天上去了,但是打不下来,原因是他的飞机太小。”









  通过翻阅国民政府当时关于空袭统计,姬勇没有发现5月28日有32架日机空袭过成都。“从抗战期间,成都遭遇的空袭统计来看,1940年5月确有两次轰 炸。”姬勇说,从成都市档案馆中保存的成都市空袭统计表可以看到,当年5月18日、19日有敌机来袭的记录,但在5月28日则没有任何记载。






















  “在寻找这场战争历史的道路上,经常会有坎坷,也时而会出现谬误和遗憾,但这种中国人坚忍不拔的精神,使我们不能自拔。”对于这名英勇作战的中国飞行 员,萨苏说:“不管你是谁,我们知道,你都是我们的父兄,把你的血脉传承给我们,奋力向前。感谢你,锻打了一个民族的躯体,留给我们一个不屈的灵魂。”华 西都市报记者杨力成都市档案馆供图

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

战机 抗日


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