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Zhangbei, China “grassland days“ status: traffic jams, a large amount of legacy

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/8/31 12:20:58 Browse times: 104 Comment times: 0

Zhangbei, China “grassland days“ status: traffic jams, a large amount of legacy(中国张北县“草原天路”现状:交通拥堵,大量垃圾遗留)

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Zhangbei, China "grassland days" status: | Prairie remnants of a large amount of road traffic congestion _ news

In zhangbei ye Hu Ling expressway exit, "Prairie road" playing lining up in long queues of vehicles. Hanbing photography

CNS, Zhangjiakou, August 31 (reporters Cui Tao and Zhang Fan and Han Bing)-known as the "66th road in China" Zhangjiakou "Meadow road", was in "charges swirl of public opinion". Charges apply after the lifting, "Prairie road" situation? Visits Beijing, reporters found that although the area rebound sharply in popularity, but when it comes to traffic jams, environmental governance issues remain.

Days on the road, and tourists discarding rubbish. Hanbing photography

  Traffic congestion supporting facilities

In July or August to Pilgrim's progress is the most beautiful season of the year. Lush hills carpeted with roadside vegetation, the sky in the distance, white windmill rotating in the wind, roadside sunflowers in the Sun Golden a.

Reporters driving on the "Prairie road", the present quite different stories, and three months ago. Ye Hu Ling expressway exit, saw a vehicles from around the country lined up with a long team. Tourists from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu and other places, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei more vehicles.

The biggest change is the way of tourists and street vendors. Vehicles coming and going on the road, and tourists to take pictures with a camera probe into car Windows from time to time. Some vendors every few hundreds of meters, some barbecue, erected yurts, sold grilled kebabs, sweet potatoes and potatoes; some sell souvenirs and toys for the children; more is keeping more than 10 mountain bikes or horses, camels, attract tourists to ride and play.

"Prairie road" view. Hanbing photography

Reporters found "grassland days" on both sides of a large number of private campgrounds, visitors to tent camping. Farmhouse and hotels on both sides of the road more than ever before, and added the archery, white water rafting, skiing and other entertainment projects. Said one local tourists in Zhangjiakou, which according to visitors of entertainment executives accent "pricing", "I discuss in Mandarin, for instance, much more expensive than in the Zhangjiakou dialect. ”

In addition, while building a lot of free parking along public roads, however, due to many tourists, parking is unable to meet demand. Many tourists will be parked on the side of the road or the grounds of the hillside, after the wheels rolling and tourist trampling, vegetation of these areas have been completely destroyed, reveal Brown soil.

Tourist in Datong, Shanxi, Zhang led the family on the weekend to "Prairie road" to play. "In order to avoid the congestion we arrived yesterday evening, farmers living along the road, Hang Lok Lane. "Mr Zhang said.

Beijing, reporters saw in the "Prairie road," Chong Li district, East to exit vehicles plying between the road traffic, only the narrow two-lane exit, many tour buses in case of no command, eyeball size vehicles, traffic is slow.

Many visitors to "Prairie road" to play. Hanbing photography

  Along the remnants of a large amount of

Beijing Gao Chongfeng visitors, "Prairie days" he was "not enough". "The scenery here is beautiful, blue sky and white clouds, a very good environment, our summer to Pilgrim's progress over the last two days. Way too many tourists now, some visitors quality is not high, rubbish left on the road. ”

Reporters driving process, found a relatively flat on the grass by the roadside, many cars parked, some visitors sitting picnics. In this field, found discarded plastic bags, barrels of instant noodles, abandoned toys.

Now 66 years old, Guo Jinmei was "grassland days" a sanitation worker, responsible for "grassland days" er DAO Wan WA village to the water springs road in the village of scavenging. Guo Jinmei says in the tourist season she and 8 other colleagues responsible for the road work from 8 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, "visitors when I pick up 5 or 6 bags of rubbish every day. ”

Guo Jinmei indicated that in addition to litter, even some tourists anywhere on the road next to a toilet.

Often "Prairie road," said visitor Chen Zhengnan in Beijing, where the environment is completely natural scenery, there are many animals in the mountain, tourists who litter, the area does not need to protect the environment, the beauty will be destroyed.

  Foreign investors mostly local villagers hoping to get rich

With "Prairie road" hot, Beijing, reporters at the "Prairie road" villages along the visits found that although many villagers engaged in farm programs, but more investors from the County and in the field.

The son (interviewers request not her real name) "grassland days" on a farm operator, he a resident of zhangbei town, in 2015, "Prairie road" cost 600,000 to buy a plot of land, construction of the hotel.

"This year the village 6, 7 new farm house, near the hotel has also built many, not so good. Our hotel was built near a hotel, is a foreigner investment, investment of about 5 million Yuan. "The son said.

Down along the path of "Prairie road", the reporters came to "Prairie road" two sets of small town along black NAO Bao village. The village built a farmhouse, farm official said he was not in the village, and just help friends operate.

Zhangbei "grassland days" on the road. Hanbing photography

Outside the black brain village, reporters encountered a Beijing car van to the village to buy potatoes. The villagers said local villagers want to rely on "Prairie road" to get rich, but no funds. Growing potatoes, household income is only 300 yuan a year. Sometimes the potatoes are sold to tourists, 5 Yuan a bag.

"Prairie Pilgrim's progress" by the people of zhangbei in September 2012, the Government invested 325 million Yuan building, 132.7 km in length. Previously, zhangbei County Tourism Bureau said in Beijing, reporters yangliang, road charging was originally Prairie road traffic growth spurt in recent years beyond its range, eco-building, traffic, health management and quality brings a range of safety issues. (End)

Responsible editor: Kun Qu SN117

Article keywords:
Grasslands road

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China News Network
中国张北县“草原天路”现状:交通拥堵 大量垃圾遗留|草原天路_新闻资讯

在张北县高速公路野狐岭出口处,来“草原天路”游玩的车辆排起了长队。 韩冰 摄

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在天路上,游客随意丢弃的垃圾。 韩冰 摄

  交通拥堵 配套设施不够




“草原天路”美景。 韩冰 摄





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  外地投资者居多 当地村民盼致富





张北“草原天路”上的车流。 韩冰 摄



责任编辑:瞿崑 SN117



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